The abrupt arrival of the big families today, although they behaved very friendly, they still couldn't hide their strong purpose. At this moment, Li Xiaobai is definitely beating them. Senior, this is to warn everyone, don't use power to overwhelm others!

The rest of the kneeling monks didn't have that much psychological pressure. They had already kneeled twice, and some even kneeled three times in front of Li Xiaobai, and they were used to it.

Even the moment the opponent drew his sword, many monks consciously put two pieces of cotton cloth on their knees, just to make kneeling more comfortable.

Li Xiaobai is also very speechless about this. This group of people has already knelt down to show their experience, which is really dumbfounding.

" are not a monk in the Tribulation Stage, you are in the Mahayana Stage!"

"No, your cultivation level is far above mine. It is absolutely impossible to be a young genius. Who are you, and what are your intentions when you target my Situ family like this!"

Uncle Ying's face was horrified, and there was a storm in his heart. It was not until this moment that he understood how big the gap between the two sides was.

With a sword at hand, he didn't even have the slightest strength to resist, he could only kneel down. This kind of strength has far exceeded his imagination, and not only him, but also the Mahayana monks of the other three major families also knelt down. Well, to subdue four masters of the Mahayana period with one sword, even the head of the Situ family can't do this, right?

What is the origin of this Li Xiaobai?

"My servant, Li Xiaobai, came to Aolai country this time to meet the pride of the East China Sea."

"I'm not targeting anyone today. Could it be that Uncle Ying forgot that the dispute was initiated by the Situ family?"

Li Xiaobai chuckled, flipped his wrist, took out a small bottle, poured out two pills, and stuffed them into the opponent's mouth involuntarily.

After taking the elixir, Uncle Ying's aura dissipated quickly like an ebbing tide.

The second floor of the Mahayana period.

The ninth floor of the tribulation period.

The first floor of the tribulation period.


One level of Qi training period.

Ordinary people!

In just a few breaths, Uncle Ying changed from a top master in the Mahayana period to an ordinary person with no cultivation.

" ruined my cultivation!"

"How dare you do that!"

"I, the Situ family, will not let you go, I will definitely tear you to pieces!"

Uncle Ying's eyes turned red instantly, and the flames of anger rushed straight to the ceiling, wishing to tear the person in front of him alive.

He didn't know how long it took him to cultivate to the level of Mahayana, and it was honed through countless life and death fights. At this moment, all the hard work and hard work have disappeared so easily.

His breath is disordered, his mood is unstable, and he is in danger of falling into evil ways, but at this moment, Uncle Ying has no cultivation base, even if he wants to escape into evil ways, it is impossible.

At most, it's just a big change of mind, and it can't change the fact that I have become an ordinary person.

"Hehe, the Patriarch of the Zhang family also said the same thing, but so what, it's not half a step into the realm of human immortality, after all, it's just an ant."

"In my eyes, the Mahayana period is no different from the Qi training period, they are just small characters kneeling down with one sword."

Li Xiaobai looked indifferent, and walked slowly in front of Situ Renjie.

"Young Master Situ, after a few days, you knelt at my feet again, did you remember anything?"

"Mr. Li, it's my fault. I shouldn't come to the Zong family to make trouble, let alone have unreasonable thoughts about Miss Zong's family. Mr. Li has a lot of people, so please treat me like a fart."

"As long as Mr. Li is willing to let me go, I, Situ Renjie, will never be your enemy again in the future!"

Situ Renjie was so frightened that his heart was shattered. He had no time to think about why Li Xiaobai would be so tyrannical. What happened to Uncle Ying scared him out of his wits. Just a small pill is enough to make a Mahayana strong man lose his cultivation .

This method is simply appalling.

He still has a bright future, and the Situ family is still waiting for him to inherit it in the future, and he must not just fall down like this.

"If I and the seniors were not here today, who would let the Zong family go?"

"Good and evil will be rewarded, if repentance is useful, what do you need the Law Enforcement Hall for?"

Li Xiaobai said with a cold expression, pinched Situ Renjie's neck, and poured down the elixir involuntarily.

"Don't worry, this elixir will only dissolve your cultivation, and will not have any side effects. Take this opportunity to practice from scratch and understand life."

After a few breaths, heart-piercing howls spread throughout the arena.

"Li Xiaobai, I'm going to kill you!"

"How dare you treat me like this, my father will not let you go, even if you have the protection of the second head of the family, my Situ family is backed by the third head of the family, and behind it is the support of nearly half of the Aolai family. ,You are dead!"

"I want you to die without a burial place, and everyone in the Li family must be buried with me!"

Situ Renjie had a vicious expression on his face, roaring angrily.

All of his life is gone, and all his beautiful fantasies about the future have been reduced to nothing.

The culprit of everything is Li Xiaobai, this person must die!

If he can return to the family, he must ask his father to take action and wipe out the entire Li family!

"Hehe, do you think you can go back?"

With a calm expression, Li Xiaobai took the elixir one by one for the Situ family monks who came today, and all of them lost their cultivation and turned into mortals.

When passing in front of the monks of the three major families, Mr. Nangong couldn't hold his breath for the first time, and said with a forced smile, "Mr. Li, we have nothing to offend. I am here today to celebrate my birthday sincerely. We are talking about cooperation. It is also based on the purpose of mutual benefit and win-win, you can't kill good people indiscriminately."

"Old man, coveting the formula in the hands of the underling, is it a win-win situation?"

Li Xiaobai asked with interest.

"Coveting is coveting, but we want to use legitimate means to buy it, and we will never rob it like villains like the Situ family. We are decent people."

Mr. Nangong laughed.

"I know this, of course, otherwise, you wouldn't have the chance to speak at this moment."

Li Xiaobai nodded, turned his wrist, put the long sword in his bag, and said to the elders, "For the members of the Situ family who came here today, leave one of them to report back, and arrest the rest, and clean the latrines of my Li residence! "


"Come on!"

"Leave it to the old man, it's all right, you can rest assured!"

The elders couldn't be more excited, Li Xiaobai's strength once again refreshed their cognition, they no longer think about why the other party can have such a cultivation level at such a young age, now they only think about one thing in their hearts.

The new head of the family has the strength of a blood-torturing Mahayana monk, and with the protection of such a strong man, the rise of the family is just around the corner!

In the future, you don't have to worry about the threat of Situ's family, you can walk sideways in this area!

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