Because I'm Afraid Of Pain, I Put All My Defenses On

Chapter 533: The Situ Family’S Plan

"Don't worry, my lord. Let me take care of the toilet. This is my trust in me. I will live up to my trust. I will lead the team to clean the toilet!"

Uncle Ying looked serious, and those who didn't know thought he was carrying out some great cause.

"Well, of course it won't make you tired in vain, but don't say you won't be given a chance. In the future, we will set up a point mechanism for cleaning the toilets. If you perform well, you can get extra points. If you accumulate 100 points, you can exchange for a free bathing service. .”

"Whether you want to live in a small corner or seize this opportunity, it's all up to you."

Li Xiaobai laughed.

"Young master, don't worry, the little one will do his best, and strive for everyone to take a bath!"

The surprise in Uncle Ying's eyes was fleeting, and he became even more servile.

"give it to you."

Li Xiaobai gave a few words of advice with a smile, turned around and left, there will be more people joining the team to clean up the toilets in the future, so they have to take care of it in advance.

Uncle Ying bowed deeply, and did not straighten his waist until Li Xiaobai's figure completely disappeared.

"I didn't expect you to be such an Uncle Ying, and my Situ family's face was completely lost by you!"

"I, a monk of the Situ family, should be brave enough to die. How can you bow down to Li Xiaobai like this!"

Situ Renjie's eyes were burning, and Uncle Ying's behavior made him even angrier. A generation of masters would actually go to lick Li Xiaobai, it's really embarrassing!

"What are you still doing here in a daze? From now on, I will take care of this place. Go and clean the toilet. Don't try to gain privileges!"

Uncle Ying's expression turned serious, he threw out a dirty rag, stared at Situ Renjie viciously and scolded.

"Uncle Ying, I remember you!"

A sparkle flashed in Situ Renjie's eyes, and he finally picked up the rag and walked towards the depths of the toilet.


On the other side, in the Situ family.

A disciple was tremblingly describing what happened in Li's mansion. He was the disciple Li Xiaobai deliberately sent back to report.

How to spread hatred and make troubles without letting people report the news?

In the main hall at this moment, the atmosphere was gloomy and depressing, no one dared to interrupt, and the murderous aura emanating from Patriarch Situ made them feel terrified from the bottom of their hearts, and they hadn't felt such a strong sense of oppression for many years.

On the site of the Situ family, the heirs of the Situ family were abolished, and they even tried to clean the toilet. Such behaviors were simply provoking them.

The face of his Situ family is still trampled on the ground. If some action is not taken, the family will be completely reduced to the laughing stock of others.

This Li Xiaobai has completely angered Patriarch Situ.

"You mean, Li Xiaobai is strong enough to compete with Mahayana monks?"

"Even the monks of the Mahayana period of the three major families can't block their sword?"

Patriarch Situ asked softly, he was suppressing the anger in his heart.

At the same time, he was also thinking about Li Xiaobai's cultivation. He did not expect that the three major families would appear in Li's residence, but it was even more unexpected that Li Xiaobai's sword could make the three major families kneel down.

What kind of cultivation is this?

It is definitely impossible to do this by relying on magic weapons alone. What kind of existence did the second leader invite back?

Is it really as simple as a Tianjiao monk who was hunted down by various ethnic groups in Zhongzhou?

"Exactly, including Uncle Ying, a total of four masters of the Mahayana period couldn't catch his sword and knelt down."

The disciple said.

"Everyone's cultivation has been abolished, so why are you able to come back?"

Patriarch Situ continued to ask.

"Reporting to the Patriarch, the disciple was sent back by Li Xiaobai, and they wanted the disciple to come back and report to the Patriarch."

The disciple prostrated himself on the ground, shaking like chaff.

"So you came back obediently. Do you know that you are slapping my Situ family in the face?"

Patriarch Situ got up and walked slowly in front of the disciple, before he could speak, he flicked his hand, and the disciple's entire figure burst open.

Turned into a puddle of minced meat.

"Throw his body parts in front of the gate of our family, let everyone see, this is the fate of daring to slap our Situ family in the face!"

Patriarch Situ said lightly.


Some disciples took the minced meat away in a panic, and left in a hurry, for fear that their Patriarch would be unhappy and slaughter them too.

"Patriarch, Li Xiaobai is not an ordinary person. He has the cultivation base to kill Uncle Ying in seconds. To say the least, he is also a high-level Mahayana. It is very likely that he is at the same level as you. The second master invited such a master at this juncture, there must be a purpose .”

"The old man thinks, let's wait and see this matter for a while, and let other Patriarchs take action to test the depth of that kid. Let's watch the fire from the other side and reap the benefits of the fisherman!"

An elder in the clan said that he was the great elder of Situ's family, and at such a time, he was the only one who could speak.

"Well, that's right. Usually, going to the Mahayana period means death. If you use the most elite power in the clan, I'm afraid the other families will take advantage of it and spread out the matter of Li Xiaobai's Tang Neng Yipin. I don't need to worry about it." No matter what you say, those families will consciously look for their bad luck."

Patriarch Situ looked gloomy, nodded, and agreed with the elder's words.

"In addition, pay more attention to the movements of the three major families recently. They must have their own purpose in contacting Li Xiaobai. Find out what consensus they have reached!"

"Understood, but recently the plan has entered a critical period, and everything is ready for the third master. At this time, a master suddenly broke in, shouldn't we also make more preparations?"

The elder continued to ask.

"what do you mean……"

A strange look flashed in Situ's eyes.

"As we all know, Li Xiaobai is the target of the ancestors of all ethnic groups in Zhongzhou. If we take this opportunity to invite that person over, no one will suspect our relationship with him."

"With the help of the half-step fairyland, our plan will be smoother."

The great elder said.

"It's just that the price is not cheap!"

Patriarch Situ pondered in his heart, he naturally said who the elder was talking about. Although the two parties had a lot of contacts, it was all a matter of interests.

It's the same this time, he's only at the Mahayana stage, and if he wants to invite a half-step human fairyland to come over, the price required is huge.

According to the ancestor's urinating nature, the price was definitely raised on the ground, and the lion opened his mouth.

"Hehe, has the Patriarch forgotten that this Li Xiaobai has a secret that the other party desires?"

"This secret alone must be enough to please the other party."

The great elder said.

"I'll contact Zhongzhou. Let the other companies get in touch with Li Xiaobai first. It's best if we can solve it ourselves. If we can't solve it, let that one come and solve it."

Patriarch Situ thought for a moment, then let out a breath of foul breath and said slowly.

If Li Xiaobai's strength is almost the same as his, or even higher than him, then the other party's secret will have nothing to do with him.


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