Because I'm Afraid Of Pain, I Put All My Defenses On

Chapter Five Hundred And Thirtieth Five Snap, Soon

next morning.

Li Xiaobai set off to go to Chunxiu Building.

All the disciples and elders of the Li family saw off together.

"Patriarch, you will definitely win the leader!"

"That's right, the Patriarch's cultivation is earth-shattering, it's nothing more than a gathering of geniuses, and he can stand out casually!"

"Accept the Holy Son, catch the Holy Maiden!"

The elders were very excited. The trip to Chunxiu Tower was the Tianjiao Conference, and it was also an open and secret struggle among the major families. If they could emerge in it, the Li Mansion would be officially entered into the ranks of the major families.

In a word, the better Li Xiaobai's performance, the higher their status in Aolai Country.

"Hehe, it's a trivial matter. When I'm not around, don't waste your practice, so that you can practice well. I'll keep an eye on those toilets!"

Li Xiaobai said lightly, flipped his wrist, and the Lamborghini landed on the ground with a bang. Under the astonished eyes of everyone, he rode away in a single stroke, leaving only the monks with bewildered faces.

"As expected of the head of the family, even the mount is extraordinary!"

"That's right, the roar and roar of that giant steel beast actually made the old man feel scared to pee. This kind of mount, even the beast taming family in Aolai country can't compare with it!"

"As expected of a boss, none of the things you take out casually are ordinary!"

Seeing the giant steel beast that turned into a flash of lightning and disappeared into the distance, the disciples and elders were full of excitement. With a boss of this level leading them, they can walk sideways in Aolai Country in the future.


In Aolai Kingdom, on the official road, a divine horse is galloping like lightning, and a total of three dragon horses are pulling the cart in front.

The energy and blood of Jiaolongma's whole body was shaking, exuding a powerful aura, which made the ground tremble continuously, and the carriage galloped wantonly on the official road like a strong wind.

Seeing this, all the monks on the roadside were shocked and hurriedly dodged to make way. The three dragon horses were rampaging, which they could not resist.

"Who is this, and is he also the Tianjiao who went to Chunxiu Tower?"

"This is the son of the Ao family from the East China Sea animal taming family. There are three dragon horses. Only the Ao family can produce such a big deal. It seems that this time the master of the Ao family came prepared."

"Hurry up and dodge, that dragon horse's cultivation is actually higher than mine, if it gets hit by that blood energy, I'm afraid it will be seriously injured!"

The monks on the side of the road were shocked. They were all geniuses who were invited to go to Chunxiu Tower. Their cultivation bases all started in the stage of transformation, and there are many high-level ones in the stage of transformation. At this age, they are definitely considered good. It's one of the best.

But at this moment, they are not even as good as a dragon horse under their seat. The astonishing blood and vigor overflowing from that ferocious dragon horse just now made everyone present feel their hearts tremble and it became difficult to breathe.

If they fight, they will definitely not be able to resist a move.

They are both geniuses, so is there such a big gap between people?

"Master, this time the master borrowed three high-level monsters with dragon blood, we will definitely be able to show off in front of Chunxiu Building!"

"Maybe that dragon girl will also favor the young master!"

An old servant in front of the carriage said with a smile.

"Hehe, this is natural. Once the BMW horse comes out, no one can compete with it. These three dragon horses all have the strength of the first level of the tribulation stage. If the power of the bloodline is activated, they can fight the second stage of the tribulation stage." Layer, those rich sons, what are you fighting against me with?"

"I'll be in front of the Chunxiu Tower in a while, don't rush in, and show off in the market, I want everyone to admire the demeanor of my family of animal tamers!"

The young man in the car was in a good mood and said with great air.

"Hey, this time, let the children of those big families learn a lot and broaden their horizons. This year's trip to Chunxiu Tower, the young master must be the most eye-catching existence!"

The old slave also laughed and said that the competition between the children of a family can also reflect the basic strength of a family. Today, with three dragons and horses in hand, his son will definitely be in the limelight, and there is nothing wrong with other families.

But at this moment, the young man suddenly heard successive roars coming from behind him, like thunder rolling in the sky, getting closer and closer.

"what is this?"

In a panic, he turned his head to look at a blue lightning that appeared behind him. It was a giant steel beast roaring crazily, catching up to his BMW horse at an extremely terrifying speed, dragging a series of light The blue phantom rushed past him directly.

"Ma De, dare to overtake my son's car?"

"Where does the soil turtle come out, catch up with me!"

When the two sides passed each other, the young man in the car clearly saw that there was also a young man sitting on the giant blue steel beast. Although he didn't know what kind of car his car was, he dared to use his mount to compete with him in the beast taming world , absolutely can't bear it!

"Boy, court death!"

The old slave in front of the car also had a flash of hostility on his face, and stretched out his hand to pat the three dragon horses. The powerful force stimulated the dragons, neighing continuously, rampaging, and turning into afterimages of giant steel beasts facing forward. chased after.

After chasing for a while, he was horrified to find that instead of getting closer, the figure of the giant steel beast in front was getting farther and farther away.

"What kind of mount is this, it's simply unheard of!"

"It's actually faster than the feet of a dragon and a horse!"

"Who is that person? It's incredible that he can drive a mount of this level!"

The old slave screamed in shock, his face was full of disbelief, the three dragon horses in the tribulation period pulled the cart together, but they couldn't catch up with each other, although the dragon horses are not good at speed, but not everyone can easily Simple and transcendent.

The origin of that young man is not simple!

"My lord, that person's mount is extraordinary, and the dragon horse's legs can't catch up with him. Shall we change mounts?"

The old slave's eyes were full of shock and anger, he turned his head and asked.

"No need, this person is also going to Chunxiu Tower, presumably he is an unknown person, first find out the details of the other party, and then make plans!"

"It's interesting to have a mount that is faster than a dragon horse. However, a mount of this level is not worthy of being owned by outsiders. It can only be kept in my animal taming family!"

The young man in the car calmed down, a cold light flashed in his eyes, and he said coldly.


Behind the official road.

All the monks were dumbfounded.

"What is that blue one, who of you can see clearly?"

"I didn't see anything, I just saw a blue phantom floating past, snapped, it was very fast, and when I realized it, it had disappeared."

There was a storm in everyone's hearts, and the appearance of the giant blue steel beast shocked them beyond measure. They thought that the three dragon horses were already invincible, but they didn't expect that an even fiercer mount would appear in the next second.

Are all the current geniuses in Aolai Country so powerful?

What else is this playing?

This year's Chunxiu Building tea party, it seems that they have no room for display!

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