Because I'm Afraid Of Pain, I Put All My Defenses On

Chapter 55: Nicholas And The Two Dogs

Situ Yanyu and Situ Kong left the room.

Li Xiaobai sat up from the bed, touched the human skin mask on his face, it felt very real.

The body has been able to move a little, but it is still very weak.

But there is no way, as long as the blood demon erosion in the body does not completely improve, he will always look sick.

Hurry up and find a way to quickly enhance the attribute points.

Getting beaten is the quickest way, but in my current state, the attributes that weak monks can get are just a drop in the bucket, and it is purely courting death to compete with strong ones. The blood demon erosion has not been completely resolved, Li Xiaobai does not want to regenerate culprit.

After much deliberation, only Tang Neng Yipin Bathhouse can solve his current urgent needs.

We need to get a bathhouse to soak in!

He rubbed the furry lump on his chest, "Brother Dog, do you have a name?"

"Wow woof!"

The little broken dog got out of the clothes on Li Xiaobai's chest, a little confused.

"Shall I get you one?"

"Wow woof!"

"After that, you'll be called, Nicholas, how about it, isn't it crazy and cool?"

"Wow woof!"

The little broken dog stood up, made a unique gesture with his fingers, and dismissed the name given by Li Xiaobai.

However, Li Xiaobai obviously did not understand this wave of operations.

"Very well, since you think so, this will be your name from now on, Er Gouzi!"

Li Xiaobai patted the little broken dog on the back, thinking that the little dog is quite sensible.

Ignoring the little broken dog's dissatisfied expression, Li Xiaobai got up and prepared to go out for a walk. He had to find a suitable place to build a bathhouse to take a bath.

But at this time, there was a fierce argument outside the house.

"Wang Ergou, you should give up on this idea. Even if I, Situ Yanyu, die here today and be buried alive, I won't marry the Xia family!"

"That's right, my granddaughter is talented and intelligent, and her cultivation speed is extremely fast. In time, she will definitely be a dragon and a phoenix among the people. How can she tolerate your harm!"

"Hehe, old man, how do you think your precious granddaughter's cultivation level came from?"

Outside the house, a strange man's frivolous voice came in, Li Xiaobai paused, wanting to check the situation first.

But the little broken dog couldn't bear it anymore, and without thinking about it, he stabbed and got out directly through the crack of the door.

Situ Yanyu's family was obviously bullied, and the person who bullied her was also called Ergou, this is unbearable.

Although it doesn't like the name, Li Xiaobai has forced it on.

Since you can't resist, you have to accept it.

In this world, there can only be one Ergouzi!

Outside, in the garden.

Several young people blocked Situ Yanyu and Situ Kong in a corner, their faces were a bit hideous.

The conversation just now was very unpleasant.

"What do you mean by what you said just now? My granddaughter's cultivation is naturally the result of her hard work!" Situ Kong looked a little angry.

"You guys overestimate yourselves too much. If it wasn't for my young master to manipulate it, how could a little girl in a slum get enough skills to cultivate to the golden core stage?"

"Don't blame me, Wang Ergou, for not reminding you, it's a shame for my young master to have a crush on Miss Yanyu, so don't toast and refuse to drink!"

The young man in the lead said sadly, not paying attention to the Situ family at all.

The people behind him also watched what happened in the courtyard with mockery in their eyes. In this city, only the powerful and powerful have the right to speak.

There is no doubt that they are the powerful party.

"You are a threat, shameless!"

Situ Yanyu's face was full of anger, and she was very upset.

"That's right, I'm just threatening you. What can you do to me? My young master has already given you time to think. Today, you must go back to the Xia family with me. You know, if you want to marry into the Xia family and reach the sky in one step, you can do it in this Gu Yue. In the city, there are eight hundred if not one thousand, but don't know how to praise them."

Wang Ergou's face was full of color, and he was very arrogant.

"Wow woof!"

When the dog barked, the little broken dog couldn't stand it any longer, and rushed out, biting Wang Ergou violently.

This person not only has the same name as it, but also dares to be so arrogant. The little Pogou has made up his mind. Today, between it and the Wang Ergou, one must die!

"Where did the wild dog come from, go away!"

Wang Ergou felt the pain and was furious, kicking the little broken dog away.

"Wow woof!"

The little broken dog was very angry, and suppressed the urge to rush up and bite the opponent, but kept barking into the room, wanting Li Xiaobai to avenge it.

"Huh? Is there anyone else in the house?"

Wang Ergou was startled, and the rest of the people also became vigilant.

This Situ family has always only had grandparents and grandchildren, and there have never been outsiders. Today, there is a person hiding in the house, and they haven't found it yet.

"Nobody, nobody!"

Situ Yanyu panicked and blocked Wang Ergou.

But at this moment, with a "squeak", the door opened.

"In broad daylight, the world is clear, you actually molested Miss Liangjia, and I really can't stand it as a righteous person."

Li Xiaobai said calmly with his hands behind his back.

"Man, there is actually a man hiding in your house!"

"No wonder you refused to agree to my young master's request, so you still have a little boy in your hiding place, anyway, let me, Er Gouzi, stop your thoughts today!"

Wang Ergou screamed in shock, drew the long sword at his waist, and showed a fierce look in his eyes, "What are you still doing in a daze, go to me and kill this little boy!"

"Boy, you are quite courageous, dare to rob a woman from my son!"

They laughed grimly and rushed towards Li Xiaobai.

"My lord, be careful!"

Situ Yanyu couldn't help reminding him aloud, but then he thought of something and closed his mouth again. These slaves are just Xia family's thugs in the foundation establishment period, and they cannot be the young master's opponents.

"Hehe, this is a nutritional product delivered to your door. I don't like to kill people, so let's suck half of it for each person. Blood Demon Yuanhua Tianzun!"

Li Xiaobai chuckled, and a blood-red phantom suddenly appeared behind him. Tentacles pierced into the bodies of the thugs, and began to crazily suck the energy in their bodies.

These energies are not only spiritual energy, but also physical strength and blood energy, which can add a lot of attribute points when drawn.

Attribute point +50...

Attribute point +50...

All on defense!

Defensive Power Nine Turns Indestructible Golden Body Fifth Turn (700050000).

However, because the cultivation base of these thugs was too low, and they could not add too many attribute points, after they were beaten half to death, the bloody phantom dissipated, and they fell to the ground, falling into a deep coma.

Li Xiaobai waved his hand, "Bear paw impact."

This is a skill I acquired in the Divine Beast Mountain Range. The effect is mediocre, but it is enough to deal with a few dog legs.

The invisible wave impacted, the ground was cracked inch by inch, and several troublemakers were blown away.

"My lord, it won't be a problem, will it?"

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