It was Li Xiaobai on the ladder.

In order to prevent being discovered, the moment Li Xiaobai took Ye Mingzhu away, he quickly descended the stairs, went directly to the third floor with the largest number of people, and hibernated.

Seeing Long Xue raging in the seventh floor, Li Xiaobai smiled slightly, he was the one who won, the moment he took off the human skin mask, the opponent, the opponent would have no chance to catch him.

On the sixth floor, several figures stood up slowly, ignoring the strong pressure brought by Long Xue, they looked at each other, and they all saw the smiles in each other's eyes.

"Junior brother really has a way. The goal at the beginning was the Ye Ming pearl. It's really good."

"You will win if you fight hard, but I didn't expect that it would go so smoothly. If I knew it was like this, Fatty should go to battle in person!"

Liu Jinshui was a little aggrieved, how could he know that everything was going so smoothly for his junior brother.

If he had known this, he should have climbed directly to the top, and then took the Ye Ming Pearl, wouldn't it be great?

He might still be able to embrace a beauty, but this time, he suffered a blood loss.

"Hehe, Sixth Junior Brother, it's not that I'm a senior brother who will blame you. Your appearance is obviously not suitable for marrying. Moreover, Junior Junior Brother is much smarter than you."

Yang Chen lightly shook his feather fan and said with a faint smile.

On the seventh floor.

Long Xue's figure exploded, dragging out afterimages, frantically searching for traces of Li Xiaobai, but she was disappointed, there was not even a single figure on the top floor.

When he entered his boudoir, it was even more messy.

At this time, the room was empty, and the originally dirty and messy environment instantly became spotless, in various senses.

Except for a set of dresses, the rest of the things were all gone, and the whole room was empty, and the walls were bare.

Not to mention his own treasures, even the tea set for daily drinking, the bowls and chopsticks for eating, and even the bed for sleeping disappeared without a trace. Obviously, it was the masterpiece of the previous face.

At this moment, she finally knew why the monk had been smearing ink in her room for a long time, and her feelings were moving!

"Don't let me find you!"

Gritting her teeth, Long Xue felt a little ashamed and indignant when she thought of her shameful undergarments being taken away by men.

Turning around and preparing to leave to continue investigating the traces of the monk, out of the corner of his eye, he inadvertently saw a line of text carved in the corner.

"Fairy, after cleaning, the room is a lot cleaner and tidy. You don't need to thank me. These are what I should do."

In an instant, the sky-shattering fighting intent pierced the dome, and layers of terrifying spiritual fluctuations swept across the entire Linglong Pagoda.

Layers of azure blue scales manifested on the surface of Long Xue's body, and the binoculars turned into a dark purple color, emitting a strange light.

"Good fellow, I, Long Xue, are at odds with you!"

Flip the wrist and take out several small Ye Ming pearls to illuminate the exquisite pagoda.

On the seventh floor, the light was restored again. Looking at Long Xue's appearance at this moment, all the monks felt terrified from the bottom of their hearts. If Long Xue at the tea party was gentle and tender, then at this moment, Long Xue was alive and well. A sea goddess of war.

The sharp scales covering the whole body, not only did not cover up the face, but vividly set off the devil-like delicate body, outlining a soul-stirring and graceful curve.

The iron-blooded fighting spirit exuding from his whole body made him even more heroic, and the constant glare in his pupils was full of breathtaking coldness.

"This is the real Sea Clan, powerful yet elegant."

Many monks muttered to themselves, they were a little obsessed with this powerful beauty.

With a flash of Long Xue's figure, she appeared in front of Su Yunbing and his group in an instant like a gust of wind, and stared at them with two purple pupils, and asked word by word, "Just now, did you see that cultivator?" trail?"

The senior sister Su Yunbing shrugged, pointed down casually and said, "I see, he ran down."

Second senior sister Ye Wushuang "I testify, he ran down!"

Third senior brother Lin Yin: "Well, I ran down."

Fourth senior brother Yang Chen, "A black shadow, brush it once, and it will pass by in a flash."

Fifth Senior Brother Ling Feng: "Yes, it will be very fast."

Liu Jinshui, the sixth senior brother, "Slap it, it will be very fast. I said stop, the young man wants to use martial arts, but unfortunately he can't listen."

"Thank you for letting me know."

There was a bewitching look on Long Xue's face, the powerful power of primordial spirit covered the whole step, and he walked down slowly step by step, his eyes swept over the faces of every monk, trying to find out the fresh face just now.

The impact of the scales and the steps hit the hearts of every monk, slowly and forcefully, and every step exerted infinite pressure on people.

The monks swallowed nervously, for fear of being targeted by Long Xue who was in a state of rage.

The mermaid of the East China Sea contained the remains of the ancestors of the East China Sea. If the ancestor's body was stolen, anyone would be furious.

This is disrespect to the entire sea clan. If they are found out, they will be directly suppressed in the underwater world, and they will never be able to stand up again.

No one dared to say anything, they didn't dare to touch the slightest stake in it, it was about the face of the Hai Clan, not to mention them, even the families behind them could only retreat.

When passing by the fifth floor, Situ Guixiong's eyes flashed with ecstasy, that shameless and bold madman would use his brains to play the Ye Ming pearl on the top of the tower, and made a bad move.

The current Long Xue probably only has resentment and anger in his heart, as long as he grasps it well, he still has a chance!

"Ahem, Miss Long, just now I saw a black shadow running down below, presumably hiding in the crowd, I would like to help Miss Long find it together!"

Situ Guixiong said hurriedly, showing great hospitality.

It's just that Long Xue didn't have the heart to let go of his hypocrisy, turned his head to look at the other party, his two dark and deep pupils seemed to pierce the other party, and said in a cold voice

"Don't bother Mr. Situ to lose his mind. This person is extremely dangerous. You should take care of your own safety first."


Situ Guixiong was terrified, just looking at each other, he actually had a feeling that his soul was being burned. The strength of this little dragon girl is so terrifying?

The woman was completely in a state of rage, and his horse was slapped on the horse's leg.

Feeling the mighty primordial spirit power in the void, he didn't dare to speak anymore, now that Long Xue's six relatives don't recognize him, if his eyebrows were offended, his life might be lost.

Recalling the words he said earlier that he would compete with him in the ring, Situ Guixiong felt his face burn for a while. He just showed the power of the primordial spirit, and he was pressed down to kneel down. Are you qualified to stand in the same category as it?

I'm afraid people didn't take him seriously at all, did they?

It's all because of his self-indulgence!

the third floor!

All the monks trembled, the sense of oppression brought by Long Xue gave them a strong sense of crisis that they would be torn to pieces at any moment.


The footsteps stopped suddenly.

Everyone held their breath and concentrated, they didn't dare to breathe, their eyes widened in horror, they didn't understand why Long Xue stopped, was he going to take them under the knife?

Just as they were thinking wildly in their hearts, they heard an indifferent voice coming from their ears.

"Dare to ask Mr. Li, where did you go?"

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