Because I'm Afraid Of Pain, I Put All My Defenses On

Chapter 566 This Trip Is Very Successful

"I'm very relieved when the three major families are working. After the store stabilizes and its reputation is established, we will expand outward."

After Li Xiaobai exchanged a few words with the old men of the three major families, he left.

The trip to Chunxiu Tower was a successful conclusion. For other monks, there might be a lot of regrets, but for Li Xiaobai, it was definitely a successful trip.

This wave, can be said to earn a lot of money.

My store in the city also has the support of the big family, so I don't need to worry about anything, just wait for the impact of the incident to slowly ferment.

There was nothing to say on the road, and the Lamborghini galloped all the way to the gate of Li's mansion.

"The owner is back!"

"Congratulations to the triumphant return of the Patriarch!"

"The Patriarch has boundless mana!"

Seeing Li Xiaobai's smooth return, the disciple elders of the Fuzhong sect couldn't be more excited. He went to the Tianjiao party and came back unscathed, which is self-evident.

Their new Patriarchs are definitely going to be the Smiling Proud Tianjiao Conference.

The Li Mansion is finally about to rise, and they can walk sideways in this area in the future.

"I didn't expect the Patriarch to come back so quickly. It looks like the trip went very smoothly!"

"Hehe, it goes without saying that the Patriarch can even beat the existence of the Mahayana period. It's nothing more than a gathering of Tianjiao, so what's there to be afraid of?"

"I'm afraid that those Tianjiao will be frightened and stupid after seeing the Patriarch, right?"


The disciples seemed extremely excited as they spoke to each other.

When the head of the Zhang family led them, they bullied the weak and feared the strong. Most of the time, they still wanted to be grandchildren. They could only pretend to slap their faces in front of some juniors with low strength. After a long time, they didn't have any sense of accomplishment. way.

But when Li Xiaobai came to power, they were surprised to find that no matter who they were facing, they could pretend to slap in the face. In the dictionary of the Patriarch, there is no such word as pretending to be a grandson.

It can be said to be elated, just imagine how fulfilling it is to perform all kinds of show operations in front of those family disciples who looked down on them in the past.

Of course, with Tang Neng's help, their cultivation will surpass those disciples soon.

"Mr. Li, is your trip going well?"

Zongdao and his wife also came out to welcome them. These days they had a few days of comfort, and they were a little bit back to the time when they were rich. All of this is thanks to Li Xiaobai.

"It went quite smoothly. I became one with many young talents and successfully attracted the attention of the oiran. It was very satisfactory."

Li Xiaobai smiled lightly and nodded, telling the truth to himself, he has indeed become the most eye-catching boy in the crowd, but the reason for the eye-catching light is somewhat different from what everyone thinks.

"In the past few days, have any family monks come here to make trouble?"

Li Xiaobai asked.

"No, there has been no movement in the Situ family. It seems that Mr. Situ also attended the tea party, so he has no time to deal with me."

"And I heard that in the center of Aolai country, the three ancient families are preparing to start a trade war with many big families. Now all the clans are preparing for this, and they don't have time to talk to me."

Zong Dao said slowly, and unconsciously glanced at Li Xiaobai.

He has always paid attention to what he saw and heard in Aolai country, and he is naturally aware of major events such as the withdrawal of shops by the three major families.

A few days ago, Li Xiaobai reached a consensus with the three major families. Behind this trade war, there is also the shadow of the other party. It can be said that Li Xiaobai is the real behind-the-scenes.

"The Patriarch of the Patriarch is well-informed. That's right. I believe that all the tribes will make big moves in the next few days. If there is no countermeasure, the entire Aolai country will be taken away by my shop."

Li Xiaobai nodded and said.

"One more thing. Earlier today, a group of people claimed to be Mr. Li's friends. I have settled them in the mansion."

Zong Dao continued.

"Where are they?"

Li Xiaobai's expression changed, no need to ask, it must be his senior brothers and sisters, originally these people came here first to wait for him, the plan of the third master, it is necessary to communicate with them, so as not to be implicated.

"In the bamboo building over there."

Zongdao pointed to the steaming bamboo forest and said.


"Everything in the mansion is as usual, and the cultivation of the disciples must not be left behind."

Li Xiaobai strode away.

"Quick, continue to practice, don't be lazy!"

All the elders immediately turned serious, and began to beat the disciples very seriously, urging everyone to continue to devote themselves to the practice.


Inside the bamboo building.

In the bathhouse, several figures swayed, lying in the pool enjoying themselves, their faces full of refreshment.

"It's been a long time since I took a bath like this."

"Yeah, we haven't taken a bath since we parted ways with our junior brother. Don't look at the daughter country is full of women, all of them are shy, and they blush even if they hold hands. The traditional thinking is extremely old. No wonder they find Not a couple."

"Hehe, senior sister is not the same. Although she is powerful, she still lacks a trace of femininity. With this state, I am afraid that there will be no young talents falling in love with senior sister in the future."

"Junior Sister, there are a lot of words today!"

"Good medicine tastes bitter, it's all for the sake of senior sister."

In the bathhouse, two women, one red and one white, faced each other tit for tat, their words full of murderous intent.

Regarding this, Li Xiaobai was also quite helpless, and pushed the door open, "Brothers and sisters, I haven't seen you for a long time, I miss you very much, how are you doing recently?"

"Okay, great!"

"The period from Zhongzhou to Donghai was the most fulfilling period in Fatty's life, thanks to my junior brother!"

Liu Jinshui said with a smile.

"Hehe, those who achieve great things don't care about small details. Throughout the ages, which strong man has not been killed from the mountain of corpses and the sea of ​​blood?"

"Being hunted down is a necessary experience for the strong. Brother, you have already succeeded halfway, and the younger brother is also envious."

Li Xiaobai waved his hand and said with a smile.

I can't blame myself for this matter, it's all done by Liu Jinshui himself, if you didn't want to trick us, we wouldn't fight against you.

"Let the past be the past, that bead, let's divide it?"

Liu Jinshui rubbed his hands, his eyes were a little excited, he couldn't forget the beauty of the East China Sea.

"Let's go, the little junior brother is the fastest among us, the beads are of great use to him, don't use your brains."

Fourth senior brother Yang Chen patted Liu Jinshui's chubby head, and said a little ferociously.

"Little brother has gained a lot from this trip. Not only did he earn a lot of money, but he also got a wife. How do you feel?"

"The old Dragon King's granddaughter and younger brother can't bear it. This time I came to Aolai Country, but I came with a mission."

Li Xiaobai waved his hands again and again, the image of the goddess of war covered in scales is still vivid in his memory, the woman went crazy, it was really scary.

"What mission is it?"

Several people asked.

Li Xiaobai told the plan of the third head of the family intact.

After hearing this, the group of people all took a breath of cold air.

"The water in Aolai Country is actually so deep!"

"The third boss has such a vicious heart!"

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