Because I'm Afraid Of Pain, I Put All My Defenses On

Five Hundred And Sixtieth Ix Collusion

"However, some families couldn't hold back and stole Tang Neng Yipin's water source to start research."

"And many families in Aolai have started to build Tangneng Yipin stores. Presumably they want to steal Tangneng Yipin's bath water and put them in their own shops for sale."

"This kind of behavior is really despicable. I never expected that such a famous family would do such a thing!"

Zong Dao looked angry, and felt very indignant about the actions of the major families.

Unexpectedly, the current big family has degenerated to this point, stealing bath water for private research is fine, but now it is shameless to directly transport their bath water to their own clan for use and sale.

Li Xiaobai is very calm, these are just small tricks, nothing to worry about at all, as much bath water as you want, just inject it back later.

After patiently listening to Zongdao's narration, Li Xiaobai smiled lightly and said, "It's all just small tricks that can't be put on the table, tell the three big families for me, don't worry about anything, if the other party wants to buy Huazi, let them buy it, if they want bath water , let them steal, don’t worry about anything.”

"I will make up for the lost resources in the store later."

"It's so good."

Zong Daochang breathed a sigh of relief, and Li Xiaobai was full of confidence. It seemed that the small actions of those families were destined to end in failure.

"How are my friends now?"

Li Xiaobai asked.

"They are distributing Huazi all over the Aolai country. Almost every household has stuffed one. Now the monks in the whole country know the existence of this thing. I believe they will flock to the central area of ​​Aolai country to buy it soon. .”

Mentioning several senior brothers and sisters, Zongdao is also very happy. He has never seen a monk with such high efficiency. It is just a day of terror. popularized its efficacy.

These few people are also extraordinary. To be friends with Li Xiaobai, they are all peerless geniuses.

"Well, that's very good. The storm is coming soon. In the past few days, please trouble the Patriarch to pay more attention to the changes in Aolai's country."

Li Xiaobai said slowly.

"Mr. Li is serious. They are all trivial matters. I will keep an eye on them."


At the same time, in the country of Aolai, more than a dozen heads of a certain ancient family gathered together to discuss important matters.

"Have you investigated the shops in the center of the city?"

"Why did the three major families suddenly build Tangneng Yipin and Liangpin stores in a big way? Behind this, who is supplying them with goods?"

In the upper seat of the center, a white-haired old man asked lightly, his face sinking like water.

The three major families actually came up with two major killers overnight, and dozens of them joined forces to solve the problem and still couldn't get the point. No matter how you look at it, the water source of Tangneng Yipin is just an ordinary water source, and the Huazi kernel in the Liangpin shop is just a roll Enlightenment is just tea.

But such an ordinary collocation can enhance the monk's spiritual power and comprehension, which is really inconceivable.

"Reporting to Mr. Su, it's a monk named Li Xiaobai. Tang Neng Yipin and Liangpin Store were created by him. In other words, this person should be behind this business war!"

Next to him, Patriarch Situ said lightly.

"Situ, your family has the most contact with that Li Xiaobai. Tell me, what is the situation with this person?"

A patriarch asked dissatisfiedly, Li Xiaobai seems to be getting too much limelight recently, not only the patriarchs know about it, but even among the juniors, it has spread that this person is related to the theft of the remains of the ancestors of the Hai clan. Very mysterious.

"This person is the young Tianjiao brought back by the second head of the family, but after contacting, our family found that this is not the case. Our Situ family once sent a second-level monk of the Mahayana period to contact him, and he was almost abolished by him with one move. Because, this person is by no means as simple as it appears."

"I suspect that this Li Xiaobai was transformed by an unborn senior, and he was brought into Aolai by the second master with ulterior motives."

Patriarch Situ said leisurely, and the moment he opened his mouth, everyone was shocked.


"Kill the monks on the second floor of the Mahayana stage with one move!"

"And also abolished the opponent's cultivation base?"

"Is there anyone in the world who can do this? What kind of cultivation is this?"

"Could it be that he is a half-step immortal like the masters?"

The pupils of many patriarchs shrank, and they killed the Mahayana monks with one move. There are too many things worth thinking about.

At least they think that they can't do this. They are both Mahayana monks. They are confident that they can easily defeat Uncle Naying, but they will definitely not be able to kill him in seconds. As for that.

This step can only be achieved by completely crushing the realm of cultivation.

Elder Su on the high seat also nodded slightly, with a hint of thought in his cloudy eyes.

"So that's the case. The old man was very strange at the time. It's just that the second master brought back a young genius. Why did the third master specially inform me to wait? It seems that she has already known the other party's true face, which is hinting to me to wait!"

"At this juncture, the Second Leader brought this person for self-evident purpose. He will be a stumbling block on our road to success and must be removed."

Su Lao said lightly, in an instant it was all about the analysis.

"That's true, but this person's strength is superb. Even if we join forces, we may not be sure that we can kill the other party without anyone noticing. It is difficult to clear this stumbling block!"

Patriarch Situ frowned slightly, and said, the other party's realm is at least a high-level Mahayana stage, which is on par with Patriarchs like them, or even much higher.

If the commotion gets louder, I'm afraid the three masters won't sit idly by.

"Hehe, who said that this person needs me to do it myself?"

"His enemies in the Fairy Continent are not in the minority."

There was a strange light in Su Lao's eyes, and he said lightly.

"What does Mr. Su mean?"

The housekeepers asked aloud.

"The third family is our backing. The big family has her to deal with it. A quick letter of rest, invite that one from Zhongzhou, and say that he will give him a big gift. Let's borrow a knife to kill!"

"By taking advantage of the trend, we can also attract a half-step immortal. For our plan, it will be beneficial and harmless. After it is completed, there will be three masters sitting in Aolai Kingdom. This person will not dare to do anything wrong!"

Su Lao said coldly.

"Understood, this plan is very good!"

Patriarch Situ was overjoyed, he had thought about this method earlier, if invited by the Situ family, he would not be able to afford the price, but now that Mr. Su proposed it, it would be different. With Mr. Su watching over everything, his Situ family did not need it Pay a heavy price.

"Remember, what to say and what not to say, it's hard to think about."

Elder Su gave a warning, turned around and disappeared into the hall.

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