Because I'm Afraid Of Pain, I Put All My Defenses On

Chapter Five Hundred And Seventy Sixth: Forced Palace Punishment Law Hall

"Are you all under the orders of Situ's family?"

Li Xiaobai asked lightly.

"That's right, Mr. Li, all of this was instigated by Situ Guixiong. We were also forced to act like this due to the power of the Situ family. After all, we are also victims!"

"I also ask Mr. Li to hold your hand high and let me wait. After we go back, our family will definitely draw a clear line with the Situ family!"

Frightened expressions flickered in the eyes of several monks, and they said tremblingly.

"But I think you'll enjoy it."

"Ignore the laws of Aolai country, act recklessly, and the wives and children of the common people who disturbed are scattered. Do you still have the king's law in your eyes, but there are still three masters?"

"If you do something wrong, you have to pay the price. Let the Criminal Law Hall decide your outcome."

Li Xiaobai flipped his wrist, took out a few small pills, and swallowed them involuntarily.

In just an instant, the complexions of several masked monks suddenly changed, cold sweat broke out layer by layer, and their eyes were full of disbelief.

"You actually abolished my cultivation!"

"Ten years of penance were ruined in one fell swoop, Li Xiaobai, my grandson family will not let you go!"

"Damn it, my cultivation in the stage of becoming a god turned into nothing, I'm the pride of the clan!"

"Li Xiaobai, I am at odds with you!"

The faces of several people were ferocious, and they fell into madness in an instant. They wanted to tear the person in front of them into pieces, but unfortunately their bodies were completely motionless, unable to move.

"Shut up, you have to admit that you have done something wrong. A real man dares to act bravely, and is able to bend and stretch. If you are like this, you will lose the face of the family!"

Mei You screamed in shock, pointing at the few people on the ground and swearing.

Li Xiaobai was speechless in his heart, this Mei Youdie's cheeks had reached a certain level, he was completely familiar with himself, and became his own person in seconds.

"Ahem, Mr. Li, do you think the little one is doing the right thing?"

Mei Youdie noticed Li Xiaobai's expression and asked flatteringly.

"Well, very good, it's a pity that you don't go to some errand in the palace."

Li Xiaobai nodded and said lightly.

"Thank you, Mr. Li, for your compliment. Now that this matter is over, I will immediately swing my knife and go to the mortal world to find a job in the palace. I will definitely live up to Mr. Li's entrustment!"

Mei Youdie said with a full face of excitement, that appearance is as attractive as it is.

"Okay, time is running out, you lead the team and follow me to the Criminal Law Hall. This matter of framing must be clearly explained!"

Li Xiaobai retracted his sword and spoke.


At this moment, all the villagers kneeling around also understood the whole story. Their feelings were not at all caused by benefactors doing evil in their village, but were all impersonated by the disciples of these big families.

The benefactor is still the same benefactor, and has not changed.

"Benefactor, I am old and incompetent, and I am willing to accompany my benefactor to the Criminal Law Hall to testify. These bastards must be brought to justice!"

The village head stood up, and said angrily, not only did they misunderstand their benefactor, but they were also deceived by these lunatics. They never expected that the biggest villains in the Aolai Kingdom were precisely the children of these families!

The rest of the villagers were also filled with righteous indignation, wishing they could rush up and cut these monks alive.

It turned out that their wives and daughters were kidnapped by these big families. Fortunately, they still believed that these families were merchants who benefited one side, so they were doing such dirty things in secret!

"That's right, these creatures that are not as good as beasts must die, young master, I am willing to go together!"

"Me too, my wife and children were all taken away, even the old mother was taken away, grandma, these guys are simply not human!"

"I'll go as well!"

"It is necessary. Let's go to the Criminal Law Hall together in the village. We must discuss it clearly. These guys are officials and officials who protect each other. They won't do anything if they don't have to. Mr. Li, please allow me to go together!"

Looking at the angry crowd, Li Xiaobai pondered for a moment, looked at the senior brothers and sisters at the side, and said in a low voice, "I have a bold idea in my heart."

Liu Jinshui also smiled maliciously at this moment, "Little brother, I also have a bold idea in my heart!"

in a minute.

Liu Jinshui gave Li Xiaobai a thumbs up, "Little brother, you are taller, your ideas are bolder than senior brother!"

"Blue comes out of blue and is better than blue. Before I know it, my junior brother's vision and pattern have surpassed mine!"

"Senior brother is absurd, it is all enlightened by senior brother, and junior brother is just standing on the shoulders of giants to move forward."

Li Xiaobai waved his hand and smiled very modestly.

Mei Youdie and the others were bewildered, watching the two people in front of them playing charades, they didn't understand what happened, but judging from the situation, it was obvious that the other party had made arrangements?

"It seems that everyone should have understood. Yes, it is me and others who are wearing masks and handing out Huazi. We have joined hands with the three ancient families to build Tangneng Yipin and Liangpin stores in the center of the city. In order to let more Many monks have enjoyed this benefit, and they have deliberately introduced it door to door and spread the word.”

"But I didn't expect that the traitor would seize the opportunity and take the opportunity to do such a mediocre thing and frame it on us."

"But now the mastermind behind the scenes has come to light. The mastermind is the Situ family, and many other families are vassals and accomplices. This is a war between ordinary people and wealthy families, but I believe that justice will never be absent, and the bad guys will definitely Be judged!"

"If you believe me, come with me. We will go to the Criminal Law Hall to sue Situ's family and seek justice for everyone!"

Li Xiaobai said loudly, the words were full of righteousness and awe, and the blood of all the villagers was boiling when they heard it.

Living in such an era, who doesn't have a little pride in his heart?

It's just that they have lived in the lower class for a long time, and their edges and corners have been smoothed by life. On weekdays, these disciples of aristocratic families have become domineering and domineering.

Now there is actually a big boss leading the team, leading them to fight against these behemoths, which aroused their enthusiasm when they were young.

"I'm willing to wait, I've seen these big families not pleasing to my eyes!"

"Finally a sensible person is willing to stand up for me, and join hands with the three ancient families. This background is not small, enough to compete with the Situ family!"

"Grandpa's youth is back!"

The villagers followed Li Xiaobai without even thinking about it, and set off immediately. Their wives and children were snatched away. Die, they want to catch it too!

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