Sun Mu's eyes were very cold, and his expression was quite indifferent.

A few juniors of the family still want to put on a show in front of him, an old man. How can a hero be like you?

The three masters and the several big families are on the verge of breaking out, and it is not a bad idea to put a group of disciples under house arrest now. When the family is uprooted, they will be slaughtered together with this group of geniuses.

"Master Li, are you satisfied with the old man's decision?"

Sun Mu looked at Li Xiaobai and asked.

"Elder Sun is a sensible person. Since this is the case, let's go and meet the manager."

Li Xiaobai was very relaxed, and this result was expected, but he didn't know if any of the elders in the Criminal Law Hall had been bribed by the Situ family.

If you encounter resistance, you may have to resort to some means.


After a few minutes.

Inside the hall.

All the elders of the Criminal Law Hall looked serious and frowned slightly as they looked at the group of people in front of the hall.

"Li Xiaobai, what is the purpose of coming here today? If the matter of the masked man cannot be resolved perfectly, I will have to ask you."

On the steps, the Great Elder asked in a deep voice, he also felt very troubled by Li Xiaobai's bewildering behavior, he was a little helpless when he led the whole village into the center of the city with a single word of disagreement.

"The true face of the masked man has been caught, and these are part of the culprit."

Li Xiaobai patted Mei Youdie beside him, and said slowly.

"Ahem, seniors, the little one, Mei Youdie, is a disciple of the Mei family!"

"The incident that the masked monk disturbed the Aolai country was all planned by the master of the Situ family, and I was forced to follow it. I also ask all the elders to hold your hands high and let me wait!"

Mei You knelt on the ground with a plop, tears streaming down his face.

With Li Xiaobai as a great master, he can't escape, he can only pray that he can be punished lightly.

"You said that this matter was all done by you, what evidence do you have?"

An elder frowned and asked.

"I caught them when they burned houses in the village. I brought all the villagers here. If the elders don't believe it, they can verify it at any time."

Li Xiaobai said lightly.

"Hmph, that's just your one-sided statement. Who knows if you bribed those villagers?"

"It's not uncommon to spend some spirit stones to get rid of your crimes."

The elder continued, his expression was full of suspicion and distrust, and the meaning was obvious, that he wanted to punish Li Xiaobai.

"According to what the elder said, what kind of evidence can prove that I am the mastermind behind this masked man incident?"

Li Xiaobai asked with a frown, silently remembering the elder's appearance in his heart.

"Hehe, with the testimony of the villagers, can you still lie?"

"The entire village of Aolai Country can prove that you are the chief culprit of this incident!"

"The way I see it, you give up resisting, hurry up, and don't mess around in this land. The big families used to live in peace, but because of your arrival, it's getting more and more uneven!"

The elder said lightly, condescending, with the appearance of a judge.

"It's nonsense, you are also an elder in the Criminal Law Hall. I have villagers here to testify. I also succeeded in arresting this guy when he was wearing a hood. The villagers in the elder's mouth are evidence. The villagers here are just spending money. Come on, how can there be such a thing!"

Su Yunbing was the first to get mad. The old man on the opposite side was full of nonsense, and his behavior was utterly illogical. They were found guilty without any basis. How did this criminal law hall start?

"That's right, how come you are in the Criminal Law Hall at this level, you don't have any sense of reconnaissance, maybe you came in through the back door?"

Liu Jinshui also said in a strange way, this old man is either pretending to be confused, or he is really stupid. Judging from the current situation, the former is more likely.

At this juncture, whoever is pretending to be stupid, who is protecting Situ's family, has a problem!

"No way, no way, no one really came in through the back door, right?"

Yang Chen was quite cooperative, and he was an old hermaphrodite when he opened his mouth.


"A group of juniors, dare to point fingers at the old man?"

"What's more, trespassing on the Criminal Law Hall and gathering crowds to make trouble is a crime in itself. Even if you don't pursue the masked man, it's enough to imprison you!"

The elder was furious, he was stabbed in the back, and he was still a group of juniors.

What Liu Jinshui said was right, he did come in through the back door, to be precise, he sneaked into the Criminal Law Hall by relying on the strength of his family.

On weekdays, he relied on his good cultivation and enforced the law outside, but he never thought that someone would tell him that he should be logical in handling cases today.

These days, whoever has the biggest fist is the logic. This is a family dispute, and it is also a dispute between the three masters. On the surface, the case is handled, but it is actually a team. Behind the masked man is the shadow of the family and the three masters. How can we really investigate the case seriously? .

"Old Wang, calm down, the old man thinks that what these juniors said is not wrong, and there is even some truth in it."

"Now it can be said that people took the stolen goods at the same time. It is obvious that the son of the Situ family led the team, and the rest of the family's sons took the burden. They ignored the laws of the Aolai country and forcibly planted the blame on Li Xiaobai and his party."

"The situation couldn't be clearer. I think the old man should take the initiative to arrest the criminal and bring him to justice?"

"After all, in the face of the truth, we can't wrong good people, can we?"

Before that, Old Sun had a smile on his face and said cheerfully, confronting Old Wang.

"These are just Li Xiaobai's one-sided remarks. These family disciples, as well as those ordinary people, are clearly entrusted by him. What else is there to investigate? Just deal with business and quell the turmoil as soon as possible. The top priority. "

"What's more, the major families are the economic lifeline of my country. How can this kid be arrested and detained with a single sentence?"

Elder Wang looked indifferently, staring at Li Xiaobai coldly.

"That's right, what Wang Lao said is right, first of all, the anger of the common people is the key."

"The people are the foundation of the country, and the foundation is the people of the country. Only when the people are stable can the proud country develop. Our foundation cannot be shaken."

Several elders agreed with Wang Lao's words.

On the high platform, the Great Elder watched with cold eyes, watched everything silently, and rubbed his temples with some headaches as he watched the elders of the two sects below quarreling endlessly.

"Since the two sides are still in dispute, why not let the old man report the situation here, and ask the three masters to make up their minds?"


"It's good to let the third master know!"

All the elders nodded in agreement, and a smile flashed in the eyes of Wang Lao and the others. The third family is on their side. If the other party knows the news, they will definitely inform the Situ family. When the time comes, the family will communicate. , Taking down Li Xiaobai is as easy as pie.

"Li Xiaoyou has been exhausted all the way, so let's take a rest in my Criminal Law Hall for the time being. Before tomorrow, the old man will definitely give an answer, how about it?"

Li Xiaobai understood instantly, and the other party specially emphasized the time, indicating that the elder was aware of the three-day agreement between himself and the third master, and it seemed that the old man was on his side.

He also nodded at the moment and said, "Everything is at the discretion of the Great Elder!"

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