Because I'm Afraid Of Pain, I Put All My Defenses On

Chapter Five Hundred And Eighty Ix Drag Word Formula

The elders didn't dare to say a word, they were silent like cicadas, silently retreated to the side, waiting for the Patriarch's next words.

After going through a series of targeted incidents, it is indeed a little breathless, but at this moment, Patriarch Situ calmed down instead.

Li Xiaobai's operation caught people off guard, but it is also an opportunity. The master of Zhongzhou is coming soon, and the Situ family's combat power will be raised to a considerable level. I believe that the third master will grasp this time well. The opportunity to overthrow the rule of the big head in one fell swoop, and set up a new family.

"Guixiong, it's said in the Xianling Daily, but you can see it clearly?"

Patriarch Situ sat on the high platform and asked indifferently.

"I understand, I understand, father, this time, it was the child who was careless and underestimated the energy of Li Xiaobai, bringing disaster to my Situ family."

Situ Guixiong's face was pale, and he was clutching the fairy daily newspaper tightly in his hand, his voice trembling.

From the beginning to the end, he was playing the role of a clown, thinking that everything was under control, but the other party just did the same thing, repaying the other with the same way, easily crushing his plot, and by the way Pushed Situ's family to the forefront.

"Is it just sloppy? Did you take people to attack various villages last night?"

"Do you know that Li Xiaobai stayed in the Criminal Law Hall last night?"

"Aren't you rushing to prove Li Xiaobai's innocence?"

Patriarch Situ snorted coldly, "It's an act of self-importance to lead someone to act without permission. How can you take responsibility for the mistakes and responsibilities involved?"

"I know I was wrong, there will be no next time!"

Situ Guixiong's heart trembled, he couldn't bear the anger of his own father, and this time it was indeed he who almost pushed the Situ family into the abyss of eternal doom.

"Indeed, there will be no next time. From today onwards, stop your plan of framing Li Xiaobai. I will take care of the future."

"Yes, my child understands!"

"Also, have you ever touched the underclothes of the granddaughter of the old Dragon King of the East China Sea? Why did this inner armor appear in front of my Situ's house?"

Patriarch Situ threw out a sapphire blue inner armor, which was crystal clear and exuded a faint fragrance, which was fascinating.

Even if he didn't look at its shape and color, but only smelled its fragrance, Situ Guixiong could tell in an instant that this thing was Long Xue's thing that he dreamed about day and night.

He will never forget the smell on it for the rest of his life, and as a frequent visitor to the tea party, he naturally knows this inner armor. This is Long Xue's favorite inner armor, but he never thought it would appear in his Patriarch's hands.

"This thing is also framed by Li Xiaobai. He is the one who stole the East China Sea Mermaid in Linglong Tower!"

Situ Guixiong blurted out, his eyes full of resentment.

The inner armor was thrown in front of Situ's house together with the mask. Except for Li Xiaobai, there was no other person to be found, and in the Linglong Tower, the other party was the most suspected person. Thinking about it this way, all the key points are all there. Easy to solve.

"Hmph, so what, they are meticulous in their work, unlike you who leave everything behind and fall into the trap of others. Now unless the third leader comes forward, you must not act rashly!"

Patriarch Situ said coldly, Li Xiaobai controls the direction of public opinion, and he is not his opponent at all when he uses tactics. If he wants to forcefully suppress him, he must first ask the third master before talking.

"Patriarch, what should we do with the common people? News has been sent from the eyeliners of the clan. Many common people have already entered the city. Their targets are directed at the Criminal Law Hall and Situ's family. I am afraid that we will be pushed to the stage to bear the anger .”

An elder said from the side that the current situation is not optimistic. His Situ family has always broken the situation violently, but in this situation, strong methods must not be used, which really made everyone anxious.

"How to deal with it?"

"It's just a group of troublemakers. If they want to come, let them come. Pass the order. The gate of the clan is closed. Without an order, it must not be opened!"

"Let those poor and unreasonable people go for it!"

The head of Patriarch Situ sneered, and said lightly, even if ordinary people have cultivation bases, they are only in the Qi training period and foundation building phase. As long as his Situ family closes the door tightly, it will be an immeasurable iron wall for the common people.

There is no need to care about anything at all. If the people want to make trouble, let them make trouble. If the momentum is big, the third master will come forward to solve it.

At that time, when the one from Zhongzhou joins him, his Situ family will have a bargaining chip to have a dialogue with all ethnic groups. Even those in power will not dare to deal with him at will.


"Old man and others, let's make arrangements now!"

"Opening a corner of the family formation is enough to resist the intrusion of the common people."

A group of elders responded immediately and immediately went down to assign tasks.

at the same time.

Inside the Penal Court.

In the wing room.

A group of elders hesitated in front of the door, anxious like ants on a hot pot, waiting for the next step of the negotiation between the great elder and the other party.

"Ahem, Mr. Li, did you rest well last night?"

The great elder squeezed out a slightly stiff smile on his face, looked at several people in the room and asked.

"I am very satisfied with the residence arranged by the Great Elder. Thanks to the Great Elder, I heard the magpie announce the dawn outside the window early this morning. It must have happened yesterday. Have you already concluded?"

Li Xiaobai said with a half-smile that the other party's every move is under his control, the situation has been so messed up, there is no way for the criminal court to stay out of it, let alone allow himself, the instigator, to stay out of it, so he can only come to the door to ask help.

"Hehe, Mr. Li, don't worry, the old man has reported the situation truthfully. I believe that the head of the family has already made a decision at this moment."

"There will be news soon, but the young master's publication in the Fairy Daily is too shocking. Now the people from all over the Aolai country are rising up and marching towards the center of the city. The scene is a little uncontrollable. Please also ask Li Young master, let’s appease the common people for the time being.”

The elder said sincerely.

"Grand Elder, you are not authentic. We agreed to give us an answer before today. This time has passed early in the morning. Are you trying to delay the war?"

Liu Jinshui was not happy, so he said straightforwardly, poking at the elder's spine.

"That's right, we're not afraid of procrastination. We're not monks from the Aolai country. It's a big deal to leave after the incident, but the Aolai country will suffer. Every second of delay, the situation may become more serious."

Yang Chen immediately chimed in, and said in a strange way.

"Yeah, you have to pay attention to the rules when you do things. If you are unkind, you can't blame me for being unrighteous."

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