Because I'm Afraid Of Pain, I Put All My Defenses On

Chapter Five Hundred And Ninety First Three Masters Come Forward

Banyan Master was very indifferent, she just didn't expect Li Xiaobai to be so courageous, daring to make a fuss to this extent.

She didn't take the people's riots seriously. It can be said that this is what suits her heart. On the cusp of this kind of crisis, if she protects the Situ family a little bit, it is undoubtedly sending a message to all ethnic groups. On the side of the Situ family, on the opposite side of the big head.

This kind of behavior that almost rips the skin off, presumably will make all the big fish hidden in the dark take the bait.

"The people outside the Water Curtain Cave..."

Huahuo showed suspicion.

"Naturally, my younger sister will appease you. You don't need to suppress it for too long. You only need to wait until the big competition in the ring, and all the moths can be uprooted."

Master Banyan smiled lightly.

The ring competition is a day for geniuses of all races to compete. Only on this day, the top leaders of all races can gather together in a legitimate way, and no one will let it go easily.

"It's so good. The speculation about the upper realm brought back by the little six is ​​too scary. We must handle all the domestic affairs properly before those big shots take any action. I believe that this time, we will make the rotten proud The country is back on track!"

Huahuo nodded and said seriously.

Outside the Water Curtain Cave.

A group of people knelt down and bowed their heads, telling about the unfair treatment suffered by their respective villages, and weeping. In their hearts, the three heads of Aolai Country are real living gods, and they will definitely help them get justice.

"Third masters are strategizing, and they will definitely be able to catch those thugs and return my wives and daughters!"

"That's right, as long as a few masters come forward, no matter who they are, they can only bow their heads obediently and admit their mistakes!"

"I hope this farce can end quickly. The little girl still wants to participate in the ring competition. This is a good time for our village to make a name for itself. We can't just waste it like this!"

"That's right, one second later, my daughter will be frightened more, maybe at this moment, she is already in danger!"

"God knows what they will do with those bastards who are not as good as animals?"

Many monks glanced at me and said a word, from the initial pleading, gradually turned into a meeting of complaints, where all the hard-fated people connected with the same fate, weeping at the sad part, touching the heart.

Naturally, Master Banyan had a panoramic view of all this, and there was no trace of ink at the moment. He moved lightly with lotus steps, swaying the hem of his skirt, and walked out of the waterfall in an instant.

"Everyone, I have heard about your affairs."

"It's the top three!"

"The third master has come out!"

"Our petition has achieved results, and the third master is going to stand in for me!"

The faces of the people were full of joy, and their expressions became excited. It was a great blessing in their lives to see the third master who was regarded as a god in their hearts.

"Thieves are rampant in Aolai, the criminal law hall is inactive, and many families stay behind closed doors. Only we and the people are suffering. Please also ask the third master to be the master, so that we can give us peace!"

"Please let the third master be the master and save my wife, daughter and children!"

The village chiefs of all ethnic groups were filled with righteous indignation, and they all stepped forward and said sternly.

"Everyone, don't need to be like this. This matter is our negligence. If we don't investigate for a while, it will almost lead to a catastrophe!"

"I have a panoramic view of what happened in Aolai. Please rest assured, the village chiefs. The wives and daughters, old and weak women and children who were robbed in each village will be returned to each village unscathed tomorrow morning. All the losses, my Rongshi guarantees that I will return them twice!"

"As for thoroughly investigating and catching the real culprit behind the scenes, please give me some time. After all, I can't trust a side's one-sided words. I have to investigate in detail before taking action."

"My banyan master promises here today that I will never arrest a good person by mistake, and I will never let a bad person go. I will find out all the families who have committed crimes in Aolai country and give you an explanation. how?"

Master Banyan flicked his sleeves, and said in a serious tone, layers of light blue halos spread, and many monks felt light all over their bodies, and their kneeling figures were lifted up by an invisible force.

"This...will be able to bring back the abducted person tomorrow?"

"We understand that a thorough investigation will take time. As long as the family can return to the village safe and sound, we will be satisfied!"

"Yes, yes, the third master must do what he says, and I will believe you!"

All the monks were overjoyed, and the third master personally promised that their lost relatives would be sent back tomorrow morning, and they were willing to give double compensation. This is great news.

It is worthwhile for them to come here for a trip.

"Then please go back and wait, the truth will be revealed soon."

Master Banyan waved his hand and said with a faint smile.

"Thank you, Third Master!"

"I'll take my leave first and go back to the village to wait for the good news from the Third Master!"

"Yes, yes, the third family is going to get down to business, let's not disturb her."

The village chiefs of all ethnic groups hurriedly resigned, and the third leaders were going to rescue their families, and they dared not waste each other's time.

Seeing the monks fading away like a tide, Master Banyan's eyes flickered coldly. This time, there were too many things that were beyond her expectation. Not only Li Xiaobai was bold and bold, but even these big families began to ignore the laws and regulations.

The Situ family has gone too far this time. Even if they rely on the big tree and have their own backing, they shouldn't have acted like this. In order to eradicate Li Xiaobai, they did not hesitate to sacrifice their own people. It's on my mind.

"These families really need to be beaten up."

"Whether the fish hidden in the deep water can be lured out depends on this time."

Master Banyan muttered to himself, with his hands behind his back, and walked forward slowly. Dao rhymes flowed on the footprints, and the extremely complicated pattern manifested. He stepped a hundred feet away in one step, and disappeared outside the water curtain cave after a few steps.

After a few minutes.

In front of the gate of Situ's house, a beautiful woman in a royal blue dress came slowly.

The people had already received the news and quickly retreated, but at this time the gate was still tightly closed, and there were faint traces of aura flowing over it, obviously covered by a formation.

It seems that the Situ family has made up their minds to be a coward.

"Even I can't condone what happened this time, so let me teach you a lesson for now."

With an indifferent expression, Master Banyan raised his hand slightly, stretched out a jade finger, and tapped lightly on the gate of Situ's house. The powerful power of Yuanshen swept across, and silently, the ice and snow of the Situ family's clan melted and melted. For nothing.


Without the protection of the formation, the door opened slowly without wind.

"what happened?"

"The big formation in the clan lost its perception?"

"The gate is broken, someone is attacking my Situ family!"

"These thugs are actually so bold. Elders, follow me out, and you will meet these daring thugs!"

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