Because I'm Afraid Of Pain, I Put All My Defenses On

Five Hundred And Ninetieth Chapters Stable

"The three major families have also fallen, and they actually speak for outsiders!"

"Turn your elbows outward, have you forgotten who trained you to be talented?"

"Do you need to ask? The three major families have reached some kind of ulterior secret with Li Xiaobai. Now they only want to earn spirit stones to open a store, and they have no morals at all."

"Hmph, let's go to the ring in a while and see how Brother Situ will teach you a lesson!"

"That is, Mr. Situ is invincible, he can be called the number one among the younger generation, not just anyone can match him!"

"It's your honor to get Mr. Situ's attention, boy, if your goal is to gain popularity, I have to say, you succeeded!"

All the Tianjiao looked at Li Xiaobai with contemptuous eyes.

These family disciples more or less knew some inside stories. Although they were not as thorough as Situ Guixiong knew, they could still feel that something big happened today.

It has not been a day or two since the third family and the big master have been hostile. Everyone has a premonition in their hearts. Today's competition in the arena is small, and the two masters will be the winner. The geniuses of their families are just introductions. It started.

As the supporters of the Three Masters, they are full of confidence in their hearts. The right time, place, people and Banyan Master are all occupied, and the Big Master has no chance to come back.

Now they are angry, fearless in their hearts, not to mention the direct descendants of the three major families, even if several heads of the family came, they would still be right.

"The words are beautiful, but what does brother Situ's greatness have to do with you?"

Li Xiaobai scratched his head, and asked with puzzled eyes, he had no interest in feeding hellfire to this group of people who were not even in Mahayana.

"Sharp-toothed boy, today's matter is not as simple as it appears on the surface."

"Hey, there will be a time when you will kneel down and beg for mercy!"

The anger on the faces of the monks was fleeting, and there was a playful look in their eyes. I am afraid that at this moment, the overseas monks are not aware of the seriousness of the matter, and they are still foolishly trying to compete in the ring.

When the third master takes action, no matter what kind of monsters and ghosts they are, they will only be suppressed. At that time, their supporters will be able to justifiably follow in the footsteps of the third master and reshuffle the cards to proudly come to the country.


It is not certain who kneels.

Li Xiaobai looked at these confident geniuses in front of him with a strange expression, and couldn't help but feel sorry for Fang Fang for a second, probably only at the moment of being slaughtered, these people would understand who was the one who was abandoned.

"Silence, the Patriarchs are here!"

A monk said.

On several high platforms, a stream of light flashed, and a group of figures emerged, the leader of which was Patriarch Situ, followed by a black-robed monk, whose face could not be seen clearly.

The rest of the Patriarchs lined up on both sides and took their seats slowly.

"Let's not get along with others, go and sit over there."

The high-ranking monks of the three major families looked at the crowd with disdain, and with a flicker of figure, they sat down on another high platform one after another.

"Hehe, a group of old stubborn people who can't see the situation clearly, today is your death day!"

Patriarch Situ's eyes flickered coldly, and in his heart he made a death list for the three major families. As long as the third master made a move in a while, they would immediately attack them in groups. No matter how long the history of the three major families is and how profound their background is, it is impossible to resist .

"Patriarch Situ, the old man and others have put treasure on you, don't let me down!"

"Yes, today we can say that we put all the treasures on you. Those of us who have been hiding in the depths have finally surfaced. We can only succeed and not fail!"

"If you lose, you will be forever lost; if you succeed, your name will last forever!"

An old man with gray hair said lightly, the faces of all the Patriarchs behind him were also sinking, staring at Patriarch Situ, feeling extremely upset. They brought a half-step immortal, but they dared not speak out.

The third family cut off the Situ family's retreat, and the Situ family also cut off their retreat. The method was really despicable.

"Don't worry, Mr. Su, there are three masters and senior Qi here, this time it is stable, and there will be no business trips. Even if the master has three heads and six arms, it is absolutely impossible to challenge two half-step immortals at the same time."

"Just wait for the time to come. We will be the largest family in Aolai. Under the leadership of the third family, we will be invincible. The territory of each family will be several times larger than it is now, and the wealth will be endless! "

Patriarch Situ said with a smile, his expression full of confidence.

The news about the half-step immortal beside him has been revealed to the third master, and it can be clearly felt that the third master's confidence has doubled.

In terms of family power, each family completely crushed the three major families, and there were two half-step people in the fairyland with top combat power, who would eat the head of the family to death.

"The third master is here!"

"The boss is here!"

"The Sea Clan is here!"

In the void, two figures, one red and one blue, approached hand in hand. After taking a few steps in the air, the dao rhyme pattern manifested, appearing in front of everyone in an instant.

There are also several dragons appearing together, carrying a woman in purple clothes on their backs.

"Dragon Fairy!"

"Dragon Fairy really came!"

"This meeting is so lively that even the Sea Clan has come to join in. There must be some secrets in it?"

Down below, the monks caused a commotion. During this critical period, if the monks of the Sea Race came to intervene, the direction of the matter would not be as simple as everyone imagined.

"I didn't expect that the jewel in the palm of the Sea Clan would come to my Aolai country to join in the fun. It's really flourishing."

Huahuo looked at Long Xue and said with a smile, the suspicion flashed in his eyes, and he couldn't figure out the real purpose of the other party's coming here.

Master Banyan also had the same expression. The Sea Clan lost an ancestor's remains, which was suspected to have been stolen by an unknown genius in Aolai Country. The other party must have picked this moment to make trouble, right?

"I have caused trouble for the two seniors. My daughter is here only to confirm what I have learned in the past, and to learn from the talents of all races and make progress together."

Long Xue chuckled, his eyes fixed on where Li Xiaobai was, and the corners of his mouth curled up.

Li Xiaobai trembled all over, it was the first time in his life that a woman was thinking about him, it felt a little weird.

"It doesn't matter, today's grand event is unprecedented. Not only are there overseas monks visiting, but they are also able to see the means of the sea clan's arrogance. For my disciples from the proud country, it is a blessing of luck!"

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