Situ Guixiong was a little dazed, looking at the bricks in Li Xiaobai's hands, a bad premonition surged in his heart.

"In the face of such coercion, even Brother Situ must be a little tired of coping. I'm here to give you warmth. This is a mini version of Tangneng Yipin. I don't need to go into details about its effects."

Li Xiaobai asked with a smile.

"What can a mere overseas monk know? Brother Situ is also something you can guess?"

"That's right, Your Excellency has underestimated me as a monk from the proud country. We are no more spineless than those from small families. You have found the wrong person."

"That's right, my generation of monks can't be promiscuous when they are rich, can't be moved when they are poor, can't be subdued when they are mighty, and don't need your charity!"

"Get out of here!"

Before Situ Guixiong could speak, all the geniuses around him glared at Li Xiaobai. They saw what Li Xiaobai did in the ring, and they disdain the monks who made deals with him from the bottom of their hearts.

Those who can sit with Situ Guixiong are all descendants of the major clans in Aolai. With the support of medicine, it is a little easier.

"You can't say that, everyone, please see that the incense candle is only half burned at the moment, and there will be a more difficult road waiting for you in the future. At this time, we should unite as one and tide over the difficulties together. Everyone, come out with spirit stones. It's not a good story to give out resources."

Li Xiaobai persuaded earnestly, even though he has no affection for these second generation ancestors in his heart, but Lingshi is innocent, and there is nothing that cannot be let go in front of business.

What's more, these people may turn into skeletons in a few hours, and at this time, the dying people should be treated kindly.

"I accept Mr. Li's wishes, but my Situ family is unyielding and will not accept anyone's charity. I have been taught by my elders since I was a child and would not allow me to do such a thing. You have misunderstood someone."

A flash of hotness flashed in Situ Guixiong's eyes, and he suppressed it randomly, and said indifferently.

Although he wanted it very much in his heart, but with so many eyes staring at him, as the pillar of the younger generation of disciples, he couldn't damage his image.

"Really don't want it?"

Li Xiaobai asked with suspicious eyes, it seems that Situ Guixiong's idol burden is quite heavy.

"I, Situ Guixiong, even if I am crushed to death on this ring today, I will not accept a single cent of alms. Mr. Li, let's go!"

Situ Guixiong closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and said slowly.

"So that's the case. I was being rude. If that's the case, then I'll ask again later."

Li Xiaobai smiled lightly, turned and left.

Judging from the expressions of Situ Guixiong and the rest of the big clan's children, it was obvious that they had not been cornered yet, so they waited for a while and looked for other benefactors first.

"Li Xiaobai, what are you doing, who allowed you to sell resources in the arena?"

Under the stage, the Great Elder looked angry and said in a cold tone.

Slowly increase the coercion to sharpen the disciples, and secondly to eliminate unqualified disciples, but Li Xiaobai made such a fuss, all the people who should have been eliminated all returned to the stage and stayed on the stage again, seriously damaging the students. his plan.

"I'm also doing this for the development of the younger generation in Aolai Country. Practicing under the tempering of the Great Elder is of great benefit to the foundation. The Great Elder will not see his own monks wasting this opportunity for nothing, right?"

"Furthermore, which article of the Grand Competition stipulates that resources cannot be sold to other monks. This is a legal transaction, and mutual help between fellow arrogance. We monks can only overcome difficulties together with unity!"

Li Xiaobai said lightly.

While speaking, he continued to make transactions with the monks around him.

Many disciples who were driven into a desperate situation didn't care much at the moment, and directly offered spirit stones to get the bathhouse to stabilize their precarious figures.

This scene made the Great Elder's eyes even more angry.

"It's nonsense, it's just nonsense. You are destroying the balance of the arena trial by acting like this. Where do you put this old man? Have you ever put this old man in your eyes?"

The Great Elder was furious and furious. It was the first time he had seen such a junior monk who refused to obey the discipline. Such actions were simply making trouble and affecting the progress of the Dabi.

"You are so old, why should I put you in my eyes?"

"If you don't accept it, use some force. The pressure now is just to tickle my subordinates."

Li Xiaobai chuckled, and challenged again.

"How courageous, this old man wants to see what kind of cultivation you are, to dare to speak nonsense in front of the two masters and the masters of the family!"

The Great Elder was completely enraged. He counted points with both hands in the void. The majestic spiritual power wrapped in the power of the primordial spirit, and he fell down with supreme power. In just a moment, the surface of the ring was cracked inch by inch, and broken stones flew everywhere.


Blood spattered from the mouths of many disciples, their bodies swayed and almost fell down.

"Made, that guy is provoking the Great Elder again!"

"Don't let your guard down, the Great Elder has been angered, and maybe the pressure will increase again!"

"You shouldn't have let this God of Plague go to the ring. A good low-end game is just turned into a nightmare difficulty!"

All the Tianjiao's eyes were full of resentment, just after half of the time, the coercion was raised to the realm of the transcending tribulation stage, and even if there were treasures to help them, they would not be able to survive safely, and they would still be unable to escape the fate of being eliminated.

Li Xiaobai was also taken aback. He didn't expect that the Great Elder would blow up as soon as he said it, and immediately accelerated the movements of his hands, smoothly and quickly making transactions with the faltering monks one by one.

A few minutes later, the pale complexions of most of the disciples returned to ruddy again, and with Tang Neng Yipin's help, they could continue for a while.

Li Xiaobai walked to the corner on the other side of the arena. This is where Long Xue was sitting. This woman had changed from her usual gentleness and elegance. Her face was covered with frost, and it was written "Don't get close to strangers." There were no other disciples around.

But this is also a special flavor, quite a bit of the temperament of an iceberg goddess. I have to say that even if a beauty is angry, she is still beautiful.

"Ahem, how does Fairy Long feel about the pressure? Is there any sign of a lack of spiritual power in her body? I'm coming down to give you some warmth."

Li Xiaobai sneaked up and whispered.

"Mr. Li, do you often do this kind of thing?"

Long Xue stared at the other party with a half-smile and asked.

"No, no, no, I just see that everyone is too uncomfortable under this coercion, so if you want to alleviate their pain, it is reasonable to charge a little reward."

"If Fairy Long needs it, I can give you a 50% discount, how about it?"

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