Because I'm Afraid Of Pain, I Put All My Defenses On

Chapter 607: Demon Beast Professional Hitting

A group of family disciples watching the battle below looked at what happened on the stage with disdain.

Facing the swift and fierce attack of the Qingfeng Wolf King, that arrogant and invincible guy was so frightened that he didn't even move. This is not waiting for death.

Fortunately, they were worried for a while before, but now it seems that this guy is just a sham.

But is that really the case?

The next scene surprised everyone present. The expected scarlet blood did not burst out, and there was no heart-piercing wailing sound, only the piercing sound of metal intertwined. .

Everyone could clearly see that Li Xiaobai stood motionless on the spot, letting the Qingfeng Wolf King crazily bite his neck, showing no sign of resistance.

But the wolf king's bite did not even cause the slightest damage. The sharp teeth that were still dripping with saliva were exposed to the public's sight, exuding a cold and gloomy light, on the seemingly soft and weak neck He repeatedly rubbed and bitten his body, but he didn't even leave a shallow scratch.

It's just futile.

"how so?"

"This is how the same thing?"

"The Qingfeng Wolf King's bite can't even pierce Li Xiaobai's skin. Could it be that this person's body is tougher and stronger than the Wolf King's?"

"How is this possible? How can a monk of the human race have a body that surpasses the monster race?"

Everyone's eyes were full of shock, Li Xiaobai's performance completely subverted their cognition, this is not a gap that can be made up by a little practice.

If there is a huge difference in realm, running the spiritual power of the technique can also isolate the attack of the wolf king, but at this moment, Li Xiaobai's body does not have the slightest fluctuation of spiritual power. He resisted the wolf king's sharp sawtooth with his body, and managed to remain unscathed.

There is actually someone in the world who can achieve this step and sharpen his body to this point?

You must know that human monks do not have any ancient blood power in their bodies, so it is impossible to hone their bodies to a considerable extent.

But this time Li Xiaobai forcibly shattered their deep-rooted concepts. At this moment, everyone's hearts were only shocked.

on stage.

Li Xiaobai felt the sense of strength from his neck, and looked at the attribute point panel in front of him.

Attribute points +3000...

Attribute points +3000...

Attribute points +3000...

The level of this wolf king is a bit low, even if he bites with all his strength, he can't bring him more attribute points.

"Xiaojin, go down and help Xiaoqing, feel this kid's bottom, I didn't expect such a genius to appear in the human race, it is really surprising that he can do this at such a young age."

"The old man wants to see what kind of cultivation this kid is!"

The old turtle was also stunned for a moment. After all, the unreasonable scene in front of him gave people, oh no, the impact on the turtle was too great.


The sharp hissing sound shocked the surroundings, and in the void, a golden phantom descended from the sky dragging a series of soaring flames, enveloping Li Xiaobai in an instant.

The raging golden flames were burning, and the scorching breath surged. Wave after wave of heat swept across the ring, and the temperature in the arena rose a lot.

"Xiao Jin's flame is the evolution of Jin Geng's Qi. In addition to burning, there will also be Geng Jin's Qi piercing into the body along the flame, destroying the meridians, and it can be said to be immortal."

The old turtle narrowed his eyes slightly, and said indifferently.

At this moment, in the flames, there was a continuous sound of metal clanging, and the powerful sofa breath engulfed in the power of the primordial spirit, constantly eroding Li Xiaobai's body.

Li Xiaobai narrowed his eyes slightly, with an expression of enjoyment all over his face.

Attribute point +5000...

Attribute point +5000...

Attribute point +5000...

The golden-winged roc is still somewhat useful, the talent offensive brought by the power of the blood is stronger than that of the Qingfeng wolf king, and the attribute points it brings are quite considerable.

In just a few minutes, tens of thousands of attribute values ​​increased on the system panel.

Calculated in this way, the attribute points will soon approach the nine million mark.

In the rich golden flames, Li Xiaobai nodded in satisfaction as he watched the golden-winged roc tirelessly pecking and the Qingfeng wolf king tearing hysterically. , smiled softly, "Very well, continue, don't stop."

Facing the seemingly one-sided situation on the stage, on the high stage, all the patriarchs remained silent. People with discerning eyes have already seen that Li Xiaobai is extraordinary. This person's cultivation is unfathomable, and he is just playing for fun That's all.

Just showing the tip of the iceberg has such an amazing ability, it is hard to imagine what kind of cultivation this person is, even in the Mahayana period, he should be a top existence, right?

Patriarch Situ was very glad that he had invited the senior boss from Zhongzhou here in advance, otherwise, just relying on the third master as a half-step immortal, I'm afraid something might happen.

"Patriarch Ao, the fighting methods of your heirs are really extraordinary."

"Yeah, find a safe place to hide yourself, and hand over the whole process to the monsters. Is this also a test of the strength of the disciple?"

"It turns out that the beast taming family fights in this way on weekdays. I have learned a lot..."

Many Patriarchs couldn't help laughing at the scene on the ring, and teased.

They could see that Ao Gou was very afraid of Li Xiaobai, so he didn't have the slightest idea of ​​showing his face. He relied on the three monsters to fight on his behalf, and even handed over the commanding work to the old turtle. This junior was really lying down.

"Ahem, the wisdom of monsters is also a part of the strength of the beast trainer. Ao Gou's actions like this naturally have his own intentions. You just have to wait patiently."

Patriarch Ao's complexion was extremely ugly, no one wanted his disciples to behave so uselessly in front of everyone.

Turtles are useless in the end, even the most critical command is given to the monster, what is the meaning of being a beast tamer?

How is this different from directly throwing the monster into the ring?

Today, this ineffective son has lost all the face of the Ao family. After returning, he must be punished severely and undergo the most severe training!

on stage.

The old turtle looked at the golden pillar of fire soaring into the sky in front of him, and muttered to himself, "Such a big fire, it should have been burned out, right?"

"Ahem, Master Xuanming, Li Xiaobai's cultivation is unfathomable, I think it's better to be cautious."

Ao Gou lay on the turtle's back, and said with some lack of confidence, suddenly pouring cold water, he was very afraid that the old man would suddenly lose his temper when he sat down.

Sure enough, upon hearing this, the old turtle flew into a rage.

"Bastard, the thousand-year-old king and the eighty-thousand-year tortoise, the elder has lived for countless years. No one in this world is more cautious than the elder!"

"Tell me to be cautious, are you teaching me how to do things?"

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