Because I'm Afraid Of Pain, I Put All My Defenses On

Chapter 641: The Grandson Of The Turtle

But his family knew his own affairs, and he still had a wider world to explore in his heart, so he could only appreciate Long Xue.

"Nonsense words, arrogant people still want to ascend to the upper realm, and dare to speak wild words?"

"Do you know what Jue Dian is?"

"He is clearly a heartless and ungrateful person, yet he speaks nonsense in front of this gold-encrusted jade palace. He is so shameless. Come, someone, drag this rude boy down and behead him!"

Prime Minister Gui at the side couldn't bear it long ago, and flew into a rage with a look of anger and murderous intent on his face. With a wave of his big hand, he wanted to let the guards in golden armor outside the hall arrest Li Xiaobai.

The old Dragon King's complexion also changed. He didn't expect the other party to be so disrespectful. Being able to marry his granddaughter is something that many young talents in the Fairy Continent dream of. How come Li Xiaobai still pushes it away?

But before he and the golden-armored guards outside the hall could make a move, Long Xue spoke first.

"That is to say, if the young master aspires to the top in the future, will he have an affair with his son and daughter?"

"It's this logic, but youth is fleeting, youth is gone forever, I believe that the princess's feelings for me are just a novelty for a while, and I will definitely meet a more real husband in the future."

Li Xiaobai nodded and said.

"My little girl can afford to wait. My little girl will prove that I am not a whim. In the past few years, only the young master has successfully climbed to the seventh floor of the Linglong Tower, and his behavior style is very different from the pedantry of ordinary monks. My little girl believes that the young master will definitely become a great person in the future." big shot!"

Long Xue looked at Li Xiaobai firmly, and said word by word.

As soon as this remark came out, all civil and military officials were stunned. This little princess actually posted it upside down, and the man didn't seem to have much attachment to her. What happened to this world?

For a while, they just felt that they couldn't see through the young people of today.

"Little princess, this person is clearly trying to play tricks on you, and let the old minister cut him down to save trouble!"

Prime Minister Gui's eyes were filled with coldness, and the volcano in his heart was about to erupt.

"That's enough, Li Xiaobai, since this king has captured you, it is absolutely impossible for me to simply let you go. Today, this king will test your character to see if you are worthy of my Xue'er!"

"Come here, bring Guixuan into the palace!"

The old Dragon King shouted angrily and stopped the disputes among the people in the field.

Outside the hall, a figure came slowly. It was a young man with a handsome face and a bit handsome, but his eyes were cloudy, with sunken eye sockets, and he looked unnaturally sick.

Just one glance at Li Xiaobai can basically conclude that this person is caused by excessive indulgence.

"My humble minister Guixuan, I have met the king!"

Gui Xuan walked slowly to the front of the hall, knelt down and paid respects. For him, it was not easy to see the old Dragon King on weekdays.

"Well, that's right. Presumably Prime Minister Gui has already told you the whole story. How about it? Are you confident?"

The old Dragon King smiled lightly, his eyes were full of concern for the junior monks.

"Returning to the king, I must do my best to win Princess Xue'er's heart!"

Guixuan's face was resolute, and his eyes were full of provocation when he looked at Li Xiaobai, "Li Xiaobai, Princess Xue'er and I were childhood sweethearts, we were childhood sweethearts, and you, an outsider, are so overconfident that you want to compete with me for Princess Xue'er's heart." , It's a joke!"

"Today, in front of the court's civil and military officials, use the king's array to test your heart and let Princess Xue'er take a good look, who is the real one, you dare to fight!"

Looking at the young man who was filled with righteous indignation, Li Xiaobai couldn't help but burst into laughter. Such righteous and affectionate words were not convincing at all from this overly indulgent face.

"Hehe, I just like your expression of being unable to get rid of me and being helpless. I'm alone, and I didn't intend to get involved in Princess Xue'er's marriage, but I can't help it because I'm handsome. She just likes me with all her heart. How about it? , are you angry?"

Li Xiaobai raised his eyebrows, looked at Guisun in front of him and smiled lightly.

"Li Xiaobai, you are courting death!"

"I, Guixuan, are incompatible with you!"

"I implore the king to activate the formation immediately. Today, I will definitely compete with this thief!"

Guixuan's eyes were burning, and the small universe in his heart was about to explode. Li Xiaobai's words were too irritating, and he directly broke his defense.

He couldn't understand why Long Xue would be so devoted to this human kid whom he had only met a few times, but he didn't care. As long as he crushes the other party today, I believe Long Xue will be able to see who is the most suitable husband for her. people!

"Young is good, you can vent your thoughts without any scruples, this king will see today, whether I am the genius of the sea clan is better, or the monks of the human race are more capable!"

The old Dragon King smiled lightly, his hands evolved a formation in the void, and under the flow of Dao Yun, the whole palace hall trembled, and golden rays of light rose up from the feet of everyone.

Li Xiaobai felt that the scene in front of him was changing. Everything in the palace gradually became foggy and gray. He knew that this was the effect of the formation. The system attribute value panel did not change at all, indicating that the formation was not threatening. .

"It seems that this formation is somewhat similar to the Buddhist formation in Ximo back then. They all entered the illusion and experienced hardships, but I don't know what kind of illusion the old Dragon King arranged."

For this form of test, Li Xiaobai felt that it was a waste of time. Does he need to test Lao Shizi's heart for such a pure, kind and handsome monk?

If he couldn't even win against such a guy who looked like an overindulgent person, then he would really be ashamed to face others.

"Hmph, Li Xiaobai, this is an environmental test that evolved from a corner of the Dragon Palace's guardian formation in the East China Sea. No matter who is in it, they will not be able to tell the truth from the fake, aren't you afraid?"

"In this environment, I will crush you little by little, and let you know that I dare to covet the fate of the little princess!"

Guixuan's whispers came from next to his ear, and it could be heard that the other party was very angry.

Before officially entering the illusion at this moment, he tore off the disguise and said viciously.

"Hehe, you just met a woman when you came here, how does it feel?"

Li Xiaobai chuckled and asked with great interest.

" did you know?"

Gui Xuan was very surprised, he didn't let anyone know about this, and the woman was dealt with immediately after enjoying it.

"Hehe, I see that your eyes are dull, your eye sockets are deep sunken, and your legs are a little weak when you walk. Anyone with a discerning eye will know it at a glance. Not only me, but all civil and military officials, the old dragon king and even the dragon girl can see it. It’s just out of consideration for your face, no one said it.”

Li Xiaobai said lightly.

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