Because I'm Afraid Of Pain, I Put All My Defenses On

Chapter 643: There Is Still A Quarter Of An Hour Before Being Beheaded

What Gui Xuan said was sincere, but Li Xiaobai was terrified when he heard it, and goosebumps fell all over the ground.

Damn, this guy's face is not usually thick, he looks like an old actor when he speaks.

But it's not time to turn his face, at least he has to figure out how to escape from this situation.

"Senior Brother Guixuan, do you really think so?"

A few tears flashed in Long Xue's eyes as she looked at Gui Xuan, her words were kind when she was about to die, and she was also moved when she saw that her senior brother was able to mend his ways.

It's a pity that there is no regret medicine in the world, and they will be executed soon.

"It's too late to say these things now, I know you hate me, it's a matter of course, I missed you!"

Gui Xuan shook his head and sighed, his face full of remorse.

"I knew it earlier, why bother to do it in the first place."

Li Xiaobai looked indifferent, watching the other party's performance quietly. As a young man, his acting skills were not bad, but it was a pity that he met him.

"There is still a quarter of an hour until it is three quarters noon. Do you have anything else to say?"

"I allow you to ask one last question."

Suddenly there was an angry voice from behind. It was the official in charge of the execution. A group of knives and axes lined up on both sides, and they would rush up and chop off the heads of the three of them as soon as he gave an order.

"How can I not die?"

Li Xiaobai asked first.

"Well, everyone says that you are the last disciples of the Demon Cult, but I always feel that there are other demons and heretics hiding in the world, if you can find them for me, it is okay to let you go. "

The voice behind him thought for a moment and said slowly.

"I do!"

"My lord, as long as you let me go, I will definitely find other hidden demons and heretics for my lord!"

Before Li Xiaobai and Long Xue could react, Gui Xuan spoke first, and Li Xiaobai took the lead twice in a row, which made him feel a little uncomfortable.

He has already seen that this official is their chance of survival, and the chance of survival is the key to breaking the situation in the opponent's mouth.

It's just that he didn't see the weird look on the corner of Li Xiaobai's mouth.


"Is this true?"

The official behind him asked with interest.

"Everyone can get these evil spirits and punish them. To be able to do our part for the people of the world is what we should do!"

Gui Xuan said with a righteous face.

"Senior Brother Guixuan, you!"

"Didn't you have reformed yourself just now, why are you willing to become a court eagle at this moment?"

On the side, Long Xue's eyes looking at Gui Xuan changed completely, and the emotion she was touched by him disappeared in an instant, and in her heart, the other party seemed to be a man who would do anything for his own benefit and survival.

"Junior Sister, Senior Brother, this is to keep us all alive!"

"Endure the calm for a while, take a step back, and the sea and the sky will be brighter. As long as you can live, there will be hope in life. Brother will give you a home!"

Gui Xuan smiled and comforted him.

Now he is not the person who is greedy for life and afraid of death in the illusion. With the perspective of God, he knows how to operate to break the situation.

It's just that he couldn't laugh for a second.


"Who said it could save you all?"

"First we need to track down other possible evil spirits, just keep one of you, and the other two must be executed immediately in front of the people of the world!"

"You decide for yourself, who lives and who dies!"

The official behind him spoke again, his voice seemed a bit cold, Gui Xuan shivered, and suddenly seemed to realize something, he thought the old Dragon King's test was easy.

I thought what the official said was his vitality, but I didn't expect that the other party had the second half of the sentence, wanting to incite them to fight each other, this is the real purpose of this test.

Needless to say, this is a test of xinxing, and it is absolutely impossible to agree to it. If anyone agrees to it for the sake of life, then it is really a bad xinxing.

Looking left and right, Long Xue pursed his lips at the moment, the Overseas Chinese Federation was pale, with a look of confusion, and then saw Li Xiaobai's eyes closed, as if he had resigned himself to his fate, Gui Xuan smiled triumphantly, what would the other party do to argue with him now? ?

As long as he said some love words at this time, and expressed his sincerity to Long Xue before he died, to earn the favor of the other party, and then let this swordsman finish them together, after the end of the illusion, he still has a greater chance of winning.

Li Xiaobai, Li Xiaobai, I didn't expect your performance to be so unbearable in the illusion. You don't even have the desire to let me trample you under your feet. It's really disappointing!

Gui Xuan sneered in his heart, turned his head to look at Long Xue, and was about to speak comforting words, but suddenly heard the person beside him say loudly, "My lord, we have made a decision, I live, they die!"

As soon as this remark came out, both Long Xue and Gui Xuan were stunned, they never expected that at the last moment, it was this unattractive little junior who turned against him.

Gui Xuan was a little dazed, he didn't understand what was going on, could it be that the other party had turned black?

But this seems to be good, the more unbearable Li Xiaobai's performance in this illusion, the more his favorability in Long Xue's heart will be reduced, and his chances will be greater.

Immediately, his eyebrows raised, and he snapped, "Li Xiaobai, how could you act like this?"

"In order to survive, you actually choose to kill your fellow disciples?"

"In vain, I always thought you were an upright gentleman, but I didn't expect you to have such a face. I misread you!"

"Don't be afraid, Xue'er, even if you die, I will always be with you, brother!"

"In fact, there is a sentence that I have kept in my heart for a long time, and I have never dared to say it, but at this moment I must say it..."

Gui Xuan didn't care about anything, just verbally criticized Li Xiaobai, and then looked at Long Xue affectionately, ready to spew out the full of love words that had been prepared.

It's a pity that Long Xue didn't listen to him seriously at all, at this moment her mind was full of Li Xiaobai, she couldn't figure out why the other party was like this.

"No, Brother Li won't do this, Senior Brother Li is a good man!"

Long Xue muttered to herself, her eye sockets became moist unconsciously.

Gui Xuan ignored all of this, and was still pouring out his feelings for her. In his opinion, this situation was bound to end with the beheading of the three of them, even if there were other trials in the future. The illusion will be reconstructed for trials.

Before that, he would try his best to belittle Li Xiaobai, and then raise himself up to earn Long Xue's favorability. That's right, Long Xue is the number one, and life and death in the illusion are simply indifferent things.

Li Xiaobai took a panoramic view of all this, shook his head slowly, a look of disappointment flashed in his eyes, this turtle grandson is really a rich man.

Naturally, he knew exactly what the other party was thinking, but how could the illusion end so easily? This turtle grandson has a simple mind and has not seen through the essence of this world!

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