Because I'm Afraid Of Pain, I Put All My Defenses On

Chapter 65: Good Days Don’T Mind Playing With You

As soon as this statement came out, everyone in the room gasped, it was too domineering.

The owner of the bathhouse is so domineering, it is not unreasonable to be angry at the son of the Xia family.

Xia Chuan's nose was going to be crooked. In Guyue City, no one dared to argue with him, but he couldn't talk to others.

Grandma, who is the domineering CEO?

"You can talk very well. I will cut off your tongue in a while. I hope you can still be so calm."

Xia Chuan's eyes were burning with anger, his whole body was filled with aura, and his cultivation of Golden Core Stage was fully exposed.

With a flick of his palms, a figure instantly appeared in front of Li Xiaobai, surrounded by black smoke, and a jet-black palm print hit Li Xiaobai's chest.

"Punish the seal!"

"Young Master Liang Chen!"

Situ Yanyu was very nervous. In her eyes, Xia Chuan was a real master of the golden core stage. This realm required her to pursue it all her life. She was not sure whether the injured Li Xiaobai could take this palm safely.

But it turns out that strength limits her imagination.

The clothes on the chest were burnt in an instant, but the flesh inside was completely unharmed.

Xia Chuan's complexion changed.

His attack didn't work, he pulled out the sword at his waist with his backhand, the cold light flickered, and the sword flowed, which was very extraordinary.

"Evil Resisting Sword Technique!"

The pitch-black sword energy pierced Li Xiaobai's eyebrows from zero distance.

The sword energy is in contact with the flesh.

Attribute point +300...

Still a weak chicken.


When the passive skill of anti-injury was activated, Xia Chuan's sword trembled suddenly, and was instantly shattered into powder, and even his tiger's mouth was shaken to a bloody mess.

" is this possible!" Xia Chuan's face was horrified, his cultivation at the Jindan stage could not hurt the opponent in the slightest.

The most important thing is that his middle-grade spiritual weapon was actually shattered by the opponent's body, what kind of strength is this!

"Liang Chen has already said that in this world, the only person who can hurt Liang Chen is Liang Chen himself."

Li Xiaobai said lightly.

400 attribute points.

After the defensive power has been raised to the sixth turn of the Nine-turn Indestructible Golden Body, I don't care about these small attribute points at all.

The further you go, the more terrifying the attribute points you need, and the means to increase attribute points naturally need to be diversified. It is too one-sided to rely solely on monks' attacks to cause damage to obtain attribute points.

"Who are you?"

"Are you sent by the other families to oppose my Xia family?"

Xia Chuan was startled by the strength of the opponent.

He immediately thought of a deal that the Xia family was negotiating recently, and it was said that the other families were trying to make trouble for it.

"Liangchen doesn't like to talk nonsense, you just need to remember that my name is Ye Liangchen." Li Xiaobai said.

"Very good, my Xia family remembers you, today's revenge will be avenged in another day!"

Xia Chuan's face was a bit ferocious, and in just a few minutes, Li Xiaobai made him make a fool of himself.

"That's right, Ye, my Xia family is not something you can offend, I will kill you within three days!" Xia Liu also shouted.

"It's okay, you can call everyone you know, Liangchen doesn't mind playing with you, if I win, I ask you to get out of the shop."

"Of course, if you give up, there will be a big thank you in the future!"

Li Xiaobai said lightly, judging from the cultivation bases of these family disciples, Gu Yuecheng's family strength should not be strong. No big problem.

It's time for a wave.

"That's right, get out of there quickly, you've completely embarrassed the Xia family."

Li Ya walked out of the house, and said lightly, the Li family is considered a big family, although it is not as well-connected as the Xia family, but it is worthy of the other party.

"You... I have written down what happened today."

The faces of the Xia family brothers turned green with anger, but they were no match, so they could only leave in despair.

"Okay, the store will continue to operate. If you want to take a bath, you can go to the bathhouse by yourself after paying the fee."

The old god Li Xiaobai was there, and his calm expression instantly captured the hearts of the female nuns present.

Handsome, strong, able to make money, and proud, such a man is really hard to find even with a lantern.

The team entered "Tang Neng Yipin" again in an orderly manner, and the time for Li Ya, the son of Li's family, had also come. He only bought an hour's time, and he was a little bit reluctant, and wanted to "scramble" again.

"Brother Ye, I'm afraid there will be big troubles for you in the future..."

"This Xia family is considered to be one of the largest families in Gu Yue City. It is said that they have very close contacts with other cities. No one in Gu Yue City would dare to offend them. The Xia family has three shares."

Li Ya shook her head and sighed.

"Go to the Holy Demon Sect to study?" Li Xiaobai's eyes lit up.

"Brother Ye should know about the existence of the Holy Demon Sect. It is one of the largest sects in the Northern Territory, and many nearby sect cities will select talents to go there for higher-level cultivation."

"Each family in the city selects a young disciple to go to the Holy Demon Sect, but this year, the Xia family selected three disciples at once and forcibly occupied the places of the Song family and the Qiu family. Everyone dared to be angry. I dare not say it."

"The Xia family is not easy to provoke."

Li Ya said.

Li Xiaobai remembers that there was such a thing, and he occasionally heard it mentioned on the street, but he was rushing to build a bathhouse to recover from his injuries, so he forgot about it.

From this point of view, he should have a ticket to return to the Holy Demon Sect, and then he will just follow the main force.

At this moment, my senior brothers and sisters should have reached the Holy Demon Sect. With their cultivation speed, they might all be powerful when they meet again.

"Brother Ye, what do you think of this person?" Li Ya suddenly said cheerfully.

"Brother Li is very nice, he doesn't have the delicateness of a greenhouse flower, he is worth making friends with." Li Xiaobai said.

"Then I wonder if Brother Ye can be accommodating and let me go in for bubbles?"

"Brother Li, my brother will settle the score, you have already spent all your spirit stones, you should go out and queue early."

"Just now I revealed important information."

"Sorry, I was a little confused just now, and I didn't hear anything."


Tang Neng Yipin was peaceful, and monks kept coming and going.

However, more monks took part of the bath water before leaving.

Although Li Xiaobai explained that water is just ordinary water, most people still don't believe it and want to figure out the principle.

In addition to the water, many people also took away a small piece of bricks. After all, the structure of the entire bathhouse, except for the water, is made of stone bricks.

As long as the mystery is resolved, their strength will be able to skyrocket in the future.

Li Xiaobai is not worried about these things at all. Whether it is building materials or pool water, they are not natural treasures. The first condition for Tang Neng Yipin to take effect is that the bathhouse must be built by himself.

This one ruled out the possibility of being imitated.

But what he didn't know was that at this moment, a conspiracy against Tang Neng Yipin was quietly unfolding.

Xia family.

"Then who is the owner of the bathhouse, who is not afraid of my Xia family?"

"Also, why is the business of a bathhouse so booming?"

The Patriarch of the Xia Family asked with a thoughtful look on his face.

"Father, the boss's name is Ye Liangchen. He is very arrogant. He even said that he wants my son to find everyone he knows to play with him. As for the bath pool, my son has already sent someone to investigate."

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