Because I'm Afraid Of Pain, I Put All My Defenses On

Chapter 653 Internal Force Cash Machine

Before the official could react, Li Xiaobai suddenly activated the kung fu, and a suction force suddenly came out from his palm. The official felt that the internal force in his body was forcibly forced by a huge force like the tide breaking a bank. Torn out.

This is the first time that Li Xiaobai has used the Huashen Jue on a warrior after entering the fantasy world. It is completely different from poultry and beasts. He can clearly feel that the basketball-sized internal force in his dantian is rapidly growing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

This is the true power of the God Transformation Art. Absorbing the power of warriors for one's own use is the true dominance of this technique.

"This is the God Transformation Technique!"

" are the devil Li Xiaobai!"

The official's face was pale, he stared at Li Xiaobai firmly, and spoke with some difficulty.

"Hehe, congratulations for getting the answer right, but unfortunately there is no reward."

Li Xiaobai said with a sneer, the strength of sucking the internal force in his hand unconsciously increased a bit.

The official's face lost all color, his lips trembled a little, and a large amount of internal energy was sucked away, causing him to fall into a period of weakness in an instant.

Seeing the opponent's expression, Li Xiaobai felt that it was almost done. He stopped absorbing the opponent's internal energy, and struck the officer's back with his backhand to knock him out. Then he picked up the officer and ran away.

"Hey hey, from now on, you will be our internal force cash machine."

Li Xiaobai murmured happily, Long Xue was worthwhile being taken away, with this official job in hand, he will be able to pass the novice period soon and be promoted to a higher level.

Inside the palace hall.

Everyone's jaws dropped once again by Li Xiaobai's coquettish manipulation.

If you want to suck it up, can’t you just suck it clean? What is the operation of sucking half of it and knocking people out and taking it away?

"He just mentioned an internal force cash machine? What is that?"

Someone asked puzzledly.

"I don't know, but it seems that the method is very sophisticated. It is definitely not the first time to do this kind of thing. It should be a veteran."

"You don't need to ask, his technique can absorb other people's internal energy. Naturally, he wants to raise the warrior as a cattle and sheep. In this way, he can repeatedly absorb the internal energy of the monk, and the resources can be used sustainably. What a clever method. What a vicious heart!"

The civil servants and generals quickly understood Li Xiaobai's plan, and were once again surprised at Li Xiaobai's lack of integrity.

"Then tell me, how can Li Xiaobai rescue the little princess?"

"If the government is not as patient as expected, so what if the little princess has some troubles?"

"I only know that Li Xiaobai is a narrow-minded person, greedy for life and afraid of death, and he is extremely greedy. He is clearly using the little princess to escape. How could he have the courage to save others?"

"Thanks to the little princess's trust in him all the time..."

Listening to the words of the surrounding monks, Long Zhan's brows furrowed into a ball, "If Li Xiaobai was really greedy for life and afraid of death, how could he openly behead that official on the execution platform?"

"Fortunately, you are also civil servants, can you talk through your brains?"

"May I ask General Long, in your opinion, how long can this Li Xiaobai survive in the illusion?"

Prime Minister Gui looked at Long Zhan and asked with a faint smile.

"If you want me to say, this person can't die, he can live forever, you give up."

Long Zhan didn't show any good looks, and said directly.

"Hehe, General Long is confident, but I don't know if Li Xiaobai will live up to the general's expectations."

Prime Minister Gui smiled strangely, and continued to look at the huge picture in the void.


In the illusion, Li Xiaobai ran towards the mountain all night with the official messenger on his shoulders, and now he is in the depths of the mountain, even he himself does not know where he is at the moment.

This is the interior of the mountain range, full of beasts, and there are even many large beasts that even Li Xiaobai can't deal with.

However, this dangerous place is Li Xiaobai's favorite place. The concealment that outsiders will never set foot in, and the huge beast comparable to a warrior can guarantee his rapid rise in a short period of time.

"Where are you taking me?"

The officer finally couldn't bear it anymore, looking at the more and more barren mountains, he felt a little guilty.

"Naturally, I'm going to a place where no one can find it. This place is very good. We will live here from now on."

Li Xiaobai quickly cleared out a cave, and looked at the officer in front of him with a smile, the aggression in his eyes was clear.

", although I am male, I am female. If you want to use force, I will immediately die from my meridians!"

The officer looked terrified, his voice was a little trembling, he had long heard that there was such a person in the Jianghu who was not close to women, but liked Longyang, could it be that Li Xiaobai, whom the government has been hunting for all this time, is this kind of person?

"Don't worry, I'm not as good as Longyang, just tell me if you want to eat, don't be polite."

Li Xiaobai behaved quite kindly, except for being tied up, everything else seems to be fine?

"By the way, what's your name?"

Li Xiaobai looked at the official and asked.

"I'm ranked seventh among the officials. Everyone calls me the seventh."

The official said.

"It turned out to be Xiao Qi. This will be your home from now on. Don't be polite. If you need anything, just ask. Your mission is to cultivate. As long as you spend all twelve hours a day on cultivation, I won't kill you." !"

Li Xiaobai said so.

"It's impossible, how can I practice at twelve hours a day, what exactly do you want to do?"

Xiao Qi was very anxious in his heart. He knew that the other party must have plans for him, but what exactly was he trying to do?

"Nothing is impossible. Want to sleep? After death, you have time to sleep. Now your task is to practice hard and become my strong backing."

Li Xiaobai said lightly.

Later in the evening.

Xiao Qi finally understood what the other party meant by a strong backing. The ancients used to say that killing the chicken and taking the eggs, but now Li Xiaobai's approach is even more extreme. He did not take the eggs, not even kill the chickens.

But constantly urging the chicken to work hard and keep laying eggs is, to some extent, worse than killing him.

In just half a day, Li Xiaobai sucked his internal energy three times, and he deeply realized what it's like to be a lamb waiting to be slaughtered, it's a kind of torment!

Just like what Li Xiaobai said, he must practice non-stop, otherwise, if the internal force in his body is not recovered in time, he may be directly sucked dry. The strong desire to survive supports his desperate practice, every day When the internal force is sucked away, it will be cultivated back at more than double the speed.

"Li Xiaobai, you are a demon. You actually raised warriors like livestock for you to absorb your internal energy. It really is the behavior of a demon!"

"If my government knows about this, I won't let you go!"

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