Because I'm Afraid Of Pain, I Put All My Defenses On

Chapter 67: Encountering Evil Cultivators Again

The eyes of many monks at the door were full of excitement.

Regardless of men and women, at this moment, it seems that they have found their pursuit of taking a bath.

It turns out that taking a bath to reveal your figure can make the goddesses in your heart kiss Fangze, it's so simple.

Just for a moment, the faces of the male monks were all flushed with excitement, and they made up their minds that after returning home, they must practice a body training technique.

These days, I don't have a few lumps on my stomach to be ashamed to say that I am a real man.

The female monk also had the same thought in her mind. Since the male monk would definitely see her when she stepped out of the bathhouse, who wouldn't want to appear in a perfect image?

Many female cultivators looked at their slightly thick calves unobtrusively. This is not acceptable. After returning home, they must strengthen their bodies and slim down their legs.

Unknowingly, there will be a fever for body training in Gu Yue City.

But Li Xiaobai can't control their petty thoughts.

In Tang Neng Yipin, Li Xiaobai was counting Lingshi with a smile on his face, the bathhouse was so lucrative, in just one or two days, his income had already exceeded a thousand and he was about to lose Lingshi.

He gave 200 yuan to Situ Yanyu.

"Follow me, I can't treat you badly, work hard, I am optimistic about you!"

"Thank you, Mr. Liangchen!"

Situ Yanyu was overjoyed. She knew that the daily turnover of the small shop was hundreds of thousands of spirit stones, but she never thought that she could get some, and she was a little touched.

"Ahem, son, do you think the old man's salary needs to be..."

Old man Situ Kong came over and kept rubbing his fingers to hint frantically.

"Grandpa, you've been here for two days, do you think it's time to settle the fee..." Li Xiaobai said with a smile.

"Ahem, the old man hasn't taken a bath yet, let's soak again, soak again."

Situ Kong crawled back into the pool resentfully, and lay down next to the old beggar again, chatting casually.

"Boss, soak for two hours."

Three men in black robes walked in through the door. Their faces were masked, so they couldn't see their faces clearly.

Li Xiaobai frowned slightly, and the three of them approached, he had an instinctive resistance, as if he had some unreasonable disgust for these people he had never met before.

How is this going?

I have never had a hard time with money.

Those who come are all uncles, so they must be entertained.

"Several, please come inside!"

Li Xiaobai put away the spirit stone, smiled and invited a few people to enter.

The three men in black robes walked to the corner of the pool without saying a word, and sat in it with a puff.

The water splashed everywhere, and the monks taking a bath around were shocked. According to the boss, these three people are definitely ruthless.

Li Xiaobai narrowed his eyes slightly, sat in the bath for a while, and didn't make a sound, probably a little more than a ruthless person, a wolf fire.

The three men in black felt the pool for a while, then sat up suddenly, all shocked.

This pool can actually enhance their cultivation. After just soaking for a while, they can feel that the aura in their bodies has grown a little bit, which is incredible.

But soon, the men in black suppressed their emotions. They came with a mission, and everything was given priority.

"Boss, do you have any good wine and food? The brothers are hungry, so they don't need Lingshi." The leader in black robe said.

"Okay, wait a minute."

Li Xiaobai quickly put the food and wine on the tray, and brought it in front of several men in black robes.

"Who is the boss, let's have some food together."

The black-robed man naturally invited, and threw out a few low-grade spirit stones, these people are really not short of money.

At the moment, Li Xiaobai also fetched a pair of bowls and chopsticks, and started eating and drinking with a few people.

"I am from Zaun."

"Where is Zaan?" Several people said they had never heard of it.

"It's a small place called Zu'an District. The people there are quite enthusiastic, but they are relatively poor and not worth mentioning."

"The boss has a good cultivation base. I think he often goes to and from dangerous places."


"Why does this pool have the effect of improving cultivation, I wonder if the boss can tell me a thing or two?"

"I can bid to buy the formula, and I will never spread it."

The man in black said in a low voice.

"You're not the first to say that. There's nothing special about this water. It's just ordinary water. It can improve monks' cultivation. It's because I poured love into it that it has this effect."

"The shop does not prohibit customers from taking the water out. If you don't believe it, you can take the water out later and study it slowly."

Li Xiaobai said happily that the bathhouse is unique and cannot be copied.

"I see."

Several people nodded slightly, eating slowly.

Li Xiaobai was about to say something, but suddenly he was startled, and the values ​​on the system panel in front of him began to jump.

Attribute point +100...

Attribute point +100...


There is poison in this meal!

Li Xiaobai understood instantly in his heart, no wonder he always felt a little uncomfortable looking at these three people, it turned out that the other party was here for him.

While he was not paying attention, he secretly poisoned the food and wanted to kill himself, it was really sinister and vicious.

No need to ask, this must have been sent by the son of the Xia family.

But this poison is still almost meaningless.

1000 attribute points.

Add defense.

Defensive Power Nine Turns Indestructible Golden Body Sixth Turn (2000060000)

"Why do you only eat food and not vegetables? You are welcome to eat vegetables. You ordered them, so don't waste them."

Li Xiaobai smiled and put the dishes at hand into the bowls of several men in black robes.

In an instant, the face of the man in black turned green, but the task was not successful, so he had to continue pretending. He had no choice but to bite the bullet and eat all the food.

"Does the boss drink?"

the man in black asked


The man in black poured the wine, Li Xiaobai stared closely at the movements in his hands, but he didn't notice anything.

After drinking a few bowls of wine, this wine is not strong, not even strong wine.

Attribute point +200...

Attribute point +200...

here we go again!

Li Xiaobai knew in his heart that the other party was definitely ordered by someone to come to kill him, and he didn't see how the other party poisoned him at all, and there was indeed a trick.

drop! It is detected that the host is continuously attacked by the power of blood demon erosion, and the true solution of the skill blood demon metamorphosis is obtained.

The True Solution of Blood Demon Yuanhua can explode the blood energy of the Blood Demon Primordial Spirit, and its power will skyrocket in a short period of time, which can affect time and space and disrupt people's minds. After using it, the Blood Demon Primordial Spirit will fall into a period of weakness for a short time.


Li Xiaobai was shocked by the erosive power of the blood demon.

The poison technique used by the man in black robe is exactly the same as that of the man in coir raincoat, but the power is not a little bit weaker, and it is definitely the subordinate of the man in coir raincoat.

Is this the revenge of the Xia family, or has he been discovered by the coir raincoat?

Li Xiaobai's head was a little confused, so he had to try it out.

"You guys can drink quite well. Among the people I met on Liangchen, except for Zhang Rui from Wumen that day, you are the ones who can drink the most!"

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