Because I'm Afraid Of Pain, I Put All My Defenses On

Six Hundred And Seventieth Chapters Sense Of Violation

The head rolled down, and stared at Chen Yuanyuan with shocked eyes, staring at Chen Yuanyuan with regret.

To the end of his life, he couldn't figure out why his wife not only didn't save him, but killed him instead. Unfortunately, he never had a chance to figure it out again.

Seeing Chen Yuanyuan's crisp and quick movements, Li Xiaobai was also a little startled, and stretched out his hand to untie Long Xue's restraint.

"Brother, I knew you would come to save me!"

Long Xue burst into tears of joy, and threw herself into Li Xiaobai's arms. Months of depression broke out at this moment, and she felt a little wronged. They didn't do anything, but they were branded as demons and heretics, and they became the ones everyone shouted and beaten. Street rats.

"Junior Sister, I'm late and made you suffer!"

"Senior brother is now invincible, and no one will dare to chase us down in the future."

Li Xiaobai patted Long Xue's back lightly, and smiled.

This was said to Chen Yuanyuan who was on the side. The other party was in a high position, and his status was not simple. He wanted to use the other party's mouth to spread his prestige, so that those officials who wanted to snatch the God Transformation Art would save some effort. Don't do useless work.

"Yeah, brother, no one will dare to bully us in the future!"

"Ahem, now the truth is revealed. All of this is because someone in the government wanted to frame Young Master secretly, so that Young Master suffered this calamity. Fortunately, the sinner has been punished now, which is also a happy event."

Chen Yuanyuan who was at the side coughed lightly twice, and said with a light smile.

"The truth came out?"

"All the people have run away, what's the use of knowing the truth? Who will believe it?"

Li Xiaobai sneered and said disdainfully, the cruel woman in front of her is definitely not a kind person, she just killed her husband with her front foot, and then chatted and laughed happily with her like a normal person, she is a cruel person!

"You can't say that. My son let this person confide his crimes in his life when he was dying. It can be regarded as punishing rape and eliminating evil. This is what a knight in the world should do. There is one less corrupt person like this. Our Central Plains court Just restore the light."

Chen Yuanyuan said, her words were indifferent to the corpse on the ground, as if she was just a stranger.

"I heard Madam say so, Madam is different from those officials?"

Li Xiaobai asked.

"Of course it's different. My Chen family guards the border all the year round. If you want to talk about the safety of the Central Plains, my Chen family is more concerned about the safety of the Central Plains than the current emperor. Now that the Southern Barbarians are invading, the Central Plains court is corrupt, and the little emperor is fatuous. It is almost time to run out. If it continues like this, the Nanman will enter the customs in large numbers, and the people will live in dire straits, I believe Mr. Li would not want to see such a situation easily."

"So what are you trying to say?"

"Although Nanban has fifteen masters who are in the realm of refining gods and returning to the void, it is the soldiers at the bottom who really control the situation of the battle. If the strength of the soldiers at the bottom can be quickly raised, the frontier will be as strong as gold!"

"You want my God Transformation Art?"

Li Xiaobai narrowed his eyes, revealing a dangerous light.

"That's right, I would like to invite you to go to the border and teach the first part of the Art of Transforming Gods. You only need to improve the strength of the warriors to practice Qi and transform into gods. Once the situation at the border is stable, I will clear up the government and the public and return your innocence." reputation!"

Chen Yuanyuan said straightforwardly.

"Brother, such a court is not worth saving."

Long Xue said from the side, her original sympathy had been completely wiped away by Mr. Zhao.

"Miss Long, you are wrong. It is not the imperial court that needs to be saved, and the people are the common people in this world. Miss, have you ever thought about what it would be like for the people if the Nanman invaded the Central Plains, burned, killed and raped them? A catastrophe? From ancient times to the present, it is always the common people who suffer in wars."

"Nowadays, the imperial court is corrupt and useless, and the Chen family is heartbroken, and will clean up those moths as soon as possible!"

"I can promise you that my Chen family will find out all the corrupt officials in the imperial court and behead them in front of the world!"

Chen Yuanyuan spoke word by word, appearing very sincere.

Long Xue was speechless, indeed, what the other party said hit her weak point, no one could ignore it, but the people were innocent, they were deceived by the court, so that they lost their ability to judge, after all, they were also a group of poor people .

"How do you guarantee that?"

Li Xiaobai asked with narrowed eyes.

"This is the token of my Chen family. With this token, I can mobilize three thousand soldiers of my Chen family. This is our sincerity."

Chen Yuanyuan took out a token and said.

"Brother said that if you are willing to go to the battlefield, you can temporarily hand over half of the tiger charms to you!"

Li Xiaobai understood what the other party meant. Military power is the ultimate thing for a family. No matter what their status is, only those with military power in their hands can control the right to speak. The Chen family is willing to give tokens directly, and even the Tiger Talisman has made a promise. It is obviously enough sincerity.

"You can even give me the Tiger Talisman, so you are ready to attack the little emperor?"

Li Xiaobai asked meaningfully.

"That's right, the little emperor is fatuous, and my Chen family will establish a new king."

"If you tell me all this without reservation, you won't be afraid that I will kill you to silence you and take your tokens as a disaster?"

"Even in the face of overwhelming scapegoats and the rejection of the people, you still didn't kill innocent people indiscriminately. I bet you are a good person."

Chen Yuanyuan laughed.

"That's right, I've accepted this matter, but I will only use the roughest means to improve the strength of the warrior, don't think that I can take this opportunity to get the God Transformation Art."

Chen Yuanyuan: "Naturally, it's just that the situation at the border is urgent. If the Nanban attack again, my elder brother will have to live and die with the city. I hope you can go as soon as possible."

"Understood, it will arrive tomorrow!"

Li Xiaobai glanced at the woman, and said calmly, always felt that something was wrong with this woman, but for a while, he couldn't tell what was wrong, so he could only suppress the confusion in his heart for the time being.

"The battlefield is no joke, it is inconvenient for women to enter. If Miss Long doesn't mind, how about staying in my mansion temporarily in the future, no one will dare to bother you."

Chen Yuanyuan looked at Long Xue and said.

"No, I want to stay with Senior Brother!"

Long Xue said firmly, she just reunited with Li Xiaobai, how could she separate again?

"However, the battlefield is changing rapidly, and Miss Long's cultivation is mediocre. Entering it rashly may distract Mr. Li."

Chen Yuanyuan continued to persuade, what she said was reasonable, but Long Xue was at a loss for words, and even Li Xiaobai couldn't find a chance to refute, not because he was afraid of being dragged down, but because there were so many experts in Nanman, it would be bad if one accidentally hurt Long Xue up.

"Junior Sister, just stay with Madam and don't go anywhere. I will improve the cultivation of the warriors as soon as possible, and then go back to find you."

"People can't suffer innocent disasters, and we can't bear unwarranted infamy for the rest of our lives. After clearing up our grievances, let's find a clean mountain forest and live a life in a paradise, no longer bothering about the disturbances in the world!"

Li Xiaobai looked at Long Xue and said with burning eyes.

Long Xue's face turned red when she was seen, and when she thought of the days that the two of them would live like a fairy couple in the future, she blushed for no reason, nodded involuntarily, and whispered, "Listen to you."

"My junior sister will be handed over to Madam, I hope she will not be disturbed in any way when she returns!"

Li Xiaobai said.

"It's natural, with me here, no one dares to touch her hair!"

Chen Yuanyuan laughed.

"It's so good."

Li Xiaobai nodded, his body swayed, his feet tapped lightly, and he disappeared into the depths of the void in an instant.

"Mr. Li is really a dragon and a phoenix among men. This is the real chivalrous man in the world. Miss Long, you are so lucky, even I envy you!"

Looking at the back of Li Xiaobai going away, Chen Yuanyuan looked at Long Xue and smiled teasingly.

"Madam was joking."

Long Xue'er's roots were red, and she whispered, her face was full of sweetness.

It's just that she didn't notice that when the two turned around, the corner of Chen Yuanyuan's mouth beside her suddenly showed a cold arc...

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