After seeing Chen Yu, Chen Yuanyuan immediately understood that it was probably her elder brother who was exposed at the border, which caused Li Xiaobai, a murderous person, to come straight to the palace of the imperial city.

It's just that it's too late for everything now, Long Xue was sent to the Supreme Emperor's bed by her own hands a few days ago, and it's already completely cold today.

And thanks to that silly woman, this old pervert was very happy, and now she is completely on the side of her Chen family, and this stunned young man dared to barge in directly.

"Mr. Li, in front of the Supreme Emperor, you should be more honest. There is one thing I forgot to say before, the Supreme Emperor is an old man who is in the legendary realm of transforming emptiness and harmony. Looking at the world, he is also a super master standing on the top. It is not you who can Copeable."

"Young Master, if you are willing to bow your head and admit your mistake now, I can help you intercede!"

Chen Yu wriggled his body and said cheerfully, he felt relieved when he saw the Supreme Emperor, no matter how fierce Li Xiaobai was, he could only bow his head in front of him.

The realm of transforming the void and joining the Tao is close to the realm of the old gods, and the means are beyond the comprehension of mortals like them.

Li Xiaobai also smiled when he saw Chen Yu succeeding in his scheme, "General Chen, you are really interesting. I thought you would be smarter, but it seems that I think highly of you."

"Imperial Ancestor, this person is Li Xiaobai, the one who holds the Art of Transforming Gods. If you can capture him and take away the cultivation technique, you may be able to make great progress!"

"This kid has broken through from an unknown pawn to the realm of refining gods and returning to the void in less than a year, all relying on the effect of transforming gods!"

"I also ask the ancestors to take action and capture this devil!"

Seeing Li Xiaobai's expression, Chen Yu suddenly felt a strong sense of crisis, and hurriedly asked the Supreme Emperor for help.

His performance just now was a bit carried away, forgetting that he was still in Li Xiaobai's hands.

It's just that the words just fell, and before he had time to react, Li Xiaobai shook his hand, and a huge force suddenly rushed into his body, and the boundless internal force swept the whole body along the meridians, raging crazily.

In the blink of an eye, this strong body was blown to pieces, turned into a puddle of minced meat and fell to the ground.


"How courageous, quick, kill him!"

Chen Yuanyuan's face was contorted and she screamed sharply. She felt dizzy when her elder brother died so tragically in front of her.

"My son!"

On the throne, Chen Dian's eyes also changed, not because he felt sorry for his son, but because Chen Yu had always controlled the 200,000 troops at the border. Now that the other party died, how would he control the army in the future?

"Bold devil, the book of chaos and convulsions, I will punish you today, so as to serve as a warning to others!"

"Broken Dantian, abolished his internal strength!"

A group of big insiders swarmed forward, stepping on nimble steps, turning into afterimages, blocking Li Xiaobai's retreat from all directions, and a heart-pounding tyrannical internal force erupted from their palms, striking towards Li Xiaobai together. Li Xiaobai.


Li Xiaobai clasped his hands together, and the Transformation Art in his body rotated in a circle. In the void, two giant hands of internal force that covered the sky and the sun were crushed like a millstone. Several big inner masters were crushed into pieces before they had time. The call turned into a cloud of blood mist floating in the void.

There was no sound in the hall, and it fell into silence again.

All civil and military officials and the entire Chen family all showed horror in their eyes, staring blankly at Li Xiaobai, a single meeting would obliterate several masters in the realm of refining gods and returning to the void, so crisp and neat, their strength is unfathomable, It was even more shocking than what Chen Dian brought to everyone just now.

What kind of cultivation is this young man, how can he be so strong?

What is the reason for coming to the palace hall?

"Li Xiaobai? The old man has heard of this name before. I heard that you are a key criminal arrested by the court. Today, you are acting wild in this golden palace, as if you don't pay attention to the majesty of the royal family. It just so happens that the new king is on the throne. I will use you to warn the world. , the imperial prestige cannot be humiliated!"

"Hand over the God Transformation Art, and I'll leave you with a whole body!"

The old man in the imperial robe had gloomy eyes, and casually stretched out a hand, and shook it in the direction of Li Xiaobai. It was extremely casual. For him, killing a person was simply too easy.

It's just that the expected bone cracking sound didn't sound, and Li Xiaobai was still standing there intact.

"Hey, you have some skills. You can actually block the old man's casual blow. Among the warriors who refine the gods and return to the void, you can be counted as one of the best."

The old man looked a little surprised, a young man of the younger generation was able to block his attack, although he didn't use much force, but it is not something that ordinary warriors can resist, it seems that the Transformation Art is indeed extremely miraculous.

"You are the Supreme Emperor? Where is Long Xue?"

"Hand over the man, and I will make your death a little easier."

Li Xiaobai asked, the old man's attack is not painful at all, his cultivation base is almost invincible, no one can hurt him unless he is a land immortal.

"So I was looking for that woman, the old man remembered, you seem to be brothers and sisters from the same school?"

"Hahaha, I have to say, your junior sister is very energetic, she is indeed the best in the world, but her cultivation base is a little weaker, I can't help but play with it!"

The old man smiled sinisterly and obscenely, his eyes drifted as if he was recalling some beautiful things.

"What did you do to her?"

Li Xiaobai suppressed his anger and asked.

"Yuanyuan, come and tell him what happened to that woman?"

The old man turned his head to look at Chen Yuanyuan, his eyes were full of teasing, he enjoyed this kind of time very much, he could kill the enemy in the endless anger, nothing could be more enjoyable than this.

"Hey, young master, be safe and don't be impatient."

"Speaking of which, Miss Long has made great contributions. If it weren't for her, no one in this world would be able to serve the Supreme Emperor so comfortably. Mr. Li, your junior sister is a first-class beauty in the world. It was sent to the emperor's bed."

"It's an honor to be favored by the Supreme Emperor, Mr. Li, your family's junior sister is very lucky. With such a relationship, if you are begging for mercy now, the emperor might let you go in a good mood."


Chen Yuanyuan's smile trembled wildly, her eyes revealed a strong murderous intent, she looked crazy, the tragic scene of kissing her elder brother deeply stimulated her, she swore that she must make Li Xiaobai die in endless pain.

"What I'm asking is, where is she and what's going on now!"

Li Xiaobai roared in a low voice, his eyes were scarlet, wishing he could tear the vicious woman in front of him to pieces immediately.

"What else can I do, of course I'm dead!"

"That woman's cultivation is too weak, she has a good skin, and she was played to death by the emperor's ancestor in just two nights. If she can also practice the God Transformation Art, maybe she can serve the emperor's ancestor for a few more nights!"

"you wanna die!"

Li Xiaobai let out a furious roar, his complexion ferocious, and he looked like he was insane. A dangerous aura shot up into the sky in his dantian, blessed with the power of the primordial spirit, and he cast the magic-sealing sword technique, sweeping all directions.

"I ask the ancestors to take action and suppress this devil!"

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