Because I'm Afraid Of Pain, I Put All My Defenses On

Six Hundred And Eightieth Ix Kill Clean

Among the mountains.

Four golden divine lights shot straight into the sky, and Li Xiaobai faced the three figures far away in the void.

An old man with a broken arm, a monk with a fat head and big ears, and a Taoist priest with white brows, all of whom are sizing up the young man in front of him at the moment.

They were all a little terrified in their hearts, Li Xiaobai's demeanor at the moment was a little weird and frightening, the weird black aura emerging from the sword had already covered most of his body at some point.

Right now, only the small left half of his body is not covered by the black aura, but judging by the speed at which the black aura surges, it is probably too fast.

"Emperor Dog, this is the first time the old Taoist saw you like this. Not to mention being chased and killed, you even lost an arm. It's a shame to throw you home."

The martial artist with the appearance of a Taoist said lightly, his eyes kept scanning Li Xiaobai's vigilant eyes, he was very aware of the strength of the Supreme Emperor, and to be able to hurt him like this, this young man's strength is extraordinary.

Looking at the black aura covering the opponent's body surface, a bad premonition rose in his heart. If the black aura completely covered his body, it would be a catastrophe.

"Don't talk sarcasticly, this kid has escaped into the devil's way and specializes in absorbing people's internal energy. His abilities are extremely weird. It is the right way for us to join hands and kill him quickly!"

The Supreme Emperor glared at him and said weakly.

"Amitabha, if I don't go to hell, who will go to hell? I didn't expect that after living in seclusion for a hundred years, there would be such a monster in the world. Today, I will subdue the monster for the people of the world, abolish your cultivation, and suppress you in my Buddhist gate forever!"

The monk with fat head and big ears shook his head and said, his small eyes were narrowed, and he looked at Li Xiaobai with possessiveness in his eyes, and he was very interested in this person's exercises.

"It's nice to say, isn't it just coveting my skills? You, as masters of both Buddhism and Taoism, eat meat and drink all day long, not to mention breaking the rules and regulations, and your heart is extremely greedy. Today I will use your heads. , to deter those who plot evil in the imperial court!"

Li Xiaobai screamed, dancing the long sword in his hand, swaying the magic-sealing sword skill to his heart's content, the sword aura was completely covered by the black aura, turned into black sword aura, and slashed straight at the three people in front of him.

"Retreat quickly, invincible!"

The Supreme Emperor said anxiously.

"I understand, the two of you will fight together, and use your internal force to mobilize your weapons to suppress this son!"

The old monk shook his hand, and threw out a bowl with golden light shining faintly on it, flying towards the top of Li Xiaobai, intending to suppress him. At the same time, it was poured into the bowl, and the golden light flourished, enveloping Li Xiaobai in it. That appearance really meant expelling demons and subduing demons.

"This alms bowl was left by the old monk, and there is the power of the old monk's master and apprentice on it. Once it is used, it can suppress all living beings. This son is doomed today."

The old monk said confidently.

But in the next second, his face changed, not only him, but the faces of the other two also changed drastically. The small golden bowl was stained with a strange black substance at some point, and this blackness continued to spread.

In a breath, the entire bowl turned from golden to pitch black, and the light on it suddenly dimmed, falling into Li Xiaobai's hands.


The old monk spurted blood wildly, and the alms bowl was attached to the power of his primordial spirit. At this moment, the power of his primordial spirit was eaten away, causing him to be seriously injured.


"Emperor Dog, what kind of existence have you provoked!"

"Can't you deliberately call me out to die?"

"Ma De, today's matter is a grievance between the two of you, the old man will not get involved, and leave!"

There was a turbulent wave in the heart of the Taoist, and the demon on the opposite side broke the old monk's special trick in one encounter, and even defeated his primordial spirit in an instant. With this kind of strength, even if the three of them fight together, they have no chance of winning.

With the intention of retreating in my heart, I immediately stated my position, and I was about to leave quickly with my feet on the ground.

"Amitabha, I remember that there are still some things in the temple that have not been dealt with, so I will take a step first, so that the benefactor can take care of himself!"

The old monk coughed twice, turned around and ran away, the black breath seemed to have the effect of polluting utensils, and his bowl was assimilated and polluted by it in an instant. A dead end.


The emperor's complexion turned blue, but he felt a sense of powerlessness. The last reliance was defeated so simply. He had no capital to fight again. Li Xiaobai's strength was beyond his imagination.

"Want to go?"

"Have you left yet?"

Li Xiaobai let out a sinister grin, and threw out the bowl in his hand with a shake of his hand, directly fixing the old monk firmly in the void, at the same time the long sword in his hand swept across, and the shocking black sword energy shot from the old Taoist who was fleeing far away. Sweep it over and cut it in half.

Before his primordial spirit could fly out, a black aura wrapped around the golden villain. After a few breaths, the villain turned into a pool of debris. This fairy-like figure in the Taoist sect took less than ten seconds before and after. He died in situ.

"What the hell am I..."

Seeing this scene, the old monk and the Supreme Emperor were so startled that their hairs stood on end. The scene was too weird, and the old man died too simply, they were not psychologically prepared at all.

At this moment, Li Xiaobai's body was also completely covered in black aura, exuding a monstrous terrifying aura.

"My respected martial arts is so high, I have never seen it in my life. Today I am convinced, and I am willing to follow my lord in the future. I will do whatever I want!"

The old monk plopped and begged for mercy on his knees.

"I also know I was wrong, I am willing to sincerely repent, please give me a chance!"

The old man also prostrated himself on the ground, and said tremblingly, with a hint of crying in his voice.

"Want to live?"

Li Xiaobai asked in a hoarse voice.


The two nodded in unison.

"Only one of you can live, choose yourself, and let me know when you choose."

Li Xiaobai said lightly.

The two were slightly taken aback when they heard the words, but the next second the golden light erupted, and on the wasteland, a one-armed old man wrestled with a seriously injured old monk.

"Emperor Dog, you have committed a lot of evil, hurry to die and give the opportunity to this old man!"

"Damn donkey, you, a person who is addicted to wine and sex all day long, dare to live in vain. This old man is the Supreme Emperor, and only the living beings in the world can rest assured that this old man is alive!"

"Fart, you are a cripple, what's the point of living, you don't even have an arm, just die quickly, I will take care of your descendants!"

The two old men fought from day to night, exhausted from fighting, and kept rolling on the wasteland. The scene was a bit funny.

Li Xiaobai watched all this quietly.

In the end, the Supreme Emperor slowly stood up, kicked the killed monk aside, and laughed wildly, "Hahaha, I won, I can live!"

"No, I suddenly regretted it, and I don't want you to live anymore."

Li Xiaobai showed a smile, raised his sword and chopped off the head, his old body fell to the ground with unwillingness and anger.

"The demon has been eliminated, and the world is peaceful."

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