Because I'm Afraid Of Pain, I Put All My Defenses On

Six Hundred And Ninety Second Chapter Was Cheated

In the main hall, Li Xiaobai was in high spirits, unlike Longxue and Guixuan, most of the influence brought by the illusion was automatically eliminated by the system, and the sentiments in it were automatically transformed into skills. Although he retained the memory, he did not Not as addicted to it as these two people.

Still the handsome and charming man.

"Mr. Li comprehended the natural way of heaven and earth in the fantasy realm, comprehended the magical powers from it, and walked out of this fantasy world with his own strength. Even this king admires it from the heart. Congratulations!"

"I don't know if Mr. Li is satisfied with this trip to the illusion?"

The old Dragon King looked at Li Xiaobai and asked with a smile.

"Extremely satisfied, this trip has been fruitful, and the exercises and supernatural powers I have learned are of great benefit to me. Thank you, Old Dragon King this time!"

Li Xiaobai said with a smile, he understood that the other party must have thrown him into this illusion because he wanted to help him comprehend the exercises, which is quite a favor.

"It's a pity, this king has also entered this fantasy realm to practice, but unfortunately in the end, he got nothing and ended hastily. This illusion formation was left by my father. According to him, the world in it is a corner of the upper realm."

The old dragon king broke out another shocking news calmly.

Li Xiaobai was startled, "The world in the fantasy realm is a copy of the upper realm? But it's just a mortal world!"

"That's right. Back then, this king's father once tore open the sky and was able to peek into a corner of the world. It's because of the feathering of the injury."

"This king also asked about the situation in the upper realm, but his old man refused to say a word. This king speculates that since this illusion is an ordinary world, it means that my father has also seen him in the upper realm. After passing through the kingdom of mortals, the Art of Transforming Gods and Sword Intent to Seal Demons should be the two skills that my father has a deep impression of in the upper realm."

"That's why this king thinks that the upper realm may not be much different from the world we live in. There are mortals and those with weak cultivation bases, as well as powerful people flying into the sky. It's just that the spirit spirit in the upper realm is more refined. Pure, it can produce higher-level creatures."

The old dragon king continued.

At this moment, both civil and military officials, as well as Long Xue and Li Xiaobai, all pricked up their ears and listened carefully.

The overlord of the East China Sea reported himself that his father had spied a corner of the Upper Realm. This kind of secret was never heard of on weekdays. Even the existence of Liu Ren and the old beggar was just a little guess about the Upper Realm, and no one had ever heard of it. Being able to analyze some aspects of the sky like the old Dragon King.

"Does the old Dragon King know that besides breaking the void, there are other ways to enter the upper realm?"

Li Xiaobai asked tentatively.

Hearing this, the old Dragon King smiled meaningfully, "Boy, I know a lot, but why did I tell you?"

Before Li Xiaobai could answer, he continued, "In the illusion, you and my Xue'er are talented and beautiful, a match made in heaven, and in the end you got angry because of the beauty and killed the Jinluan Palace. Although you said you didn't like it, your body But it's very honest."

"Now what do you think about my Xueer?"

The old Dragon King said with a light smile, Long Xue beside him also had slightly red cheeks, and slightly lowered his head, not daring to look at him.

"In the illusion, I have no memory at all, and I am able to sublimate my perception. It is all because of Miss Long's sacrifice in exchange for my awakening. I am very grateful to Miss Long."

Li Xiaobai looked at Long Xue and said, after going through the ordeal of the illusion, his favorability for him soared a lot.

"This king is the master. Would you like to let Xue'er become a pair of monks with you?" The old dragon king continued.

"It's a great honor to be Dong Hai's son-in-law, but can we wait a little longer for the marriage so that we can make more preparations?" Li Xiaobai said respectfully.

"Huh? One bed is enough for getting married, so what else do you need to prepare for?"

"Marriage requires a sense of ritual, it is not a matter of one day and one night, and it must not be careless."

"How long do you want to wait?"

"Just wait until the release of the fairy air is over."

"Hehe, you want to use the spirit of the fairy spirit to break through and become a half-step immortal, and then this king will have nothing to do with you, right? It's really a good idea!"

The old Dragon King sneered, seeing through the other party's careful thoughts at a glance, and coming out of the illusion, Li Xiaobai's demeanor and demeanor are quite indifferent, the same as when he entered, not at all the unwillingness of Gui Xuan when he came out, and the loneliness of Long Xue when he came out , this guy was not affected by the illusion at all!

"Ahem, where did the Dragon King come from..."

Li Xiaobai touched his nose in embarrassment.

"Grandpa, I trust Mr. Li!"

"I'm willing to wait until that day!"

"I will wait for Mr. Li's arrival on that day!"

Long Xue suddenly interjected from the side, her beautiful eyes were full of firmness.

"Xue'er, this kid is a rogue. If you let him go now, you won't know when we meet again."

The old Dragon King looked at her with some puzzlement and said.

Now this kid is very slippery, even if he has to spend a lot of time to catch him, if he seizes the spirit of the fairy and becomes a half-step immortal, he is really not sure that he can catch him again up.

"It doesn't matter. In the illusion, my grandson has already deeply realized that although Mr. Li looks unruly on the outside, he is a person who values ​​love and righteousness in his heart. Suner believes that Li Xiaobai will definitely keep his promise."

Long Xue looked at Li Xiaobai and said softly.

"Yes, yes, I am a very committed person."

"You will never find someone as honest as me in the world."

Li Xiaobai nodded, and said with approval in his eyes, it feels good to be trusted, although he did want to run away for a moment.

"My dear friends, what do you think?"

The old Dragon King looked around and asked.

"All according to the meaning of the little princess."

"Everything is up to the king!"

"The minister has no objection."

All civil and military officials said in unison, this is the old Dragon King's family matter, it would be too long to intervene.

Gui Xuan fixedly stared at the young figure in front of him, the person standing in that position should have been him, it was all because of this outsider who disrupted his life and ruined his future.

"In this case, the king also believes in Xue'er's judgment. Li Xiaobai, your marriage with me in Donghai is set on the day when the competition for fairy spirits ends, how about it?"

The old Dragon King said with gloomy eyes, he always felt that the kid in front of him would run away.

"Good, thank you Dragon King!"

"It shouldn't be too late, I'll go back and prepare first."

A smile appeared on Li Xiaobai's face, as if he was about to leave, but at this moment, the old Dragon King's words froze the smile on his face.

"Where do you want to go? Before the release of the fairy energy is over, Mr. Li can just be a guest in my East China Sea, and there is no need to go to other areas."

"Come here, send Mr. Li into the sky prison. No one will see you without this king's order. When the fairy spirit release is activated, this king will release you!"

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