Because I'm Afraid Of Pain, I Put All My Defenses On

Chapter 699: The Obscene \"Poor\"

"You do have some skills, but this is my territory, you can only beg for mercy obediently!"

'Qiang' looked furious, the hard ground seemed to be much softer at this moment, and there were layers of ripples. At the same time, a pair of hands stretched out from under the ferocious head, slightly forcefully pulling the whole body out of it. The underground world is pulled out.

This is the first time that Li Xiaobai has seen the whole picture of the other party. This is a dry middle-aged man, his whole body is skinny, dirty, covered in mud and dirt, only those small eyes are full of spirit, shining with green greed look.

"Give up the treasure and don't kill!"

'Qiang' didn't say anything, his body shot out from the ground, and a pair of sharp claws suddenly grabbed Li Xiaobai, with a faint yellow light shining on it.

However, because the prisoners in the sky prison have all taken the Imprisonment Pill, coupled with the pressure in the tower, the suppression of cultivation is quite powerful. This middle-aged man is more likely to use his body to attack, but even so, The fierceness of its offensive is also extraordinary.

Attribute points +20000...

The non-human sharp claws tore on Li Xiaobai's body impartially, without causing any harm.

He noticed that the hands of the Mediterranean were covered with scales, not the light blue scales unique to the sea monks, but a kind of fiery red scales, which were covered with mud and revealed a stream of water. Faint orange light.

"How is this possible? How could a human monk have such a powerful body?"

"He was able to take one of my tricks hard without getting hurt!"

The Mediterranean screamed, the voice was very thin, and it hurt people's eardrums.

His hands have been soaked in Qilinology, tearing monsters is no problem, except for the old Dragon King, no one has ever been able to take his claws head-on!

"Are you from Huolin Cave?"

Li Xiaobai asked, looking at the pair of sharp claws in front of him, coupled with the Qilin secret technique performed by the opponent before, he naturally thought of the Huolin Cave.

When Er Gouzi activates the power of the blood, such scales will also appear on his body. The difference is that there is no scorching breath from the paws of the Mediterranean Sea, and there is only a heavy feeling.


"I didn't expect that your strength is not high, and your knowledge is not shallow. You can actually recognize me as a master of the Huolin Cave. You are a master!"

"From now on, obediently be my lord's follower, and hand in all the resources you have, so I can make an exception and accept you as a little brother. You must know that there are not many opportunities to hold Huolindong's thigh, and young people should be careful. Grasp it."

'Poor' said indifferently, but his eyes couldn't conceal the smugness in his heart.

"I know the holy son of your family's Huolin Cave. It is now my pet animal, named Er Gouzi. It is a pure Qilin bloodline beast. In terms of status, it is eight blocks away from you."

"If you have a chance to go out in the future and still want to hang out in Huolin Cave, you'd better flatter me more now."

Li Xiaobai said lightly, there are two dogs here, the whole Huolin Cave is his, and he needs to hug other people's thighs?

"Er Gouzi? Holy Son?"

"The holy son is a tool to extend the life of the ancestor Huolin. If you dare to jump in front of my lord, I will take one bite at a time!"

'Qiang' said with grinning teeth, scoffing at what Li Xiaobai said, he has cultivated to this level with no taboos, and knows all kinds of secrets like the back of his hand, after living for so many years, he has also eaten such a piece of the so-called Holy Son of Fire Lin Two of them.

"So, you are unwilling to hand over the resources?"

Li Xiaobai raised his eyebrows, flipped his wrist, and took out a long sword.

"Fart, it's you who want to hand over the resources to my lord!"

"All the objects on this floor, including you, are all the free property of my lord. I actually want to rebel against my master and accept surrender immediately!"

'Qian' Qi's eyes were on fire, and a faint orange light flickered all over his body. He forcibly mobilized a bit of spiritual power to perform a kung fu, and suddenly attacked Li Xiaobai. Wherever he passed, the ground turned into swamps, causing a wave of Earthy yellow stormy sea.

"I don't know what it means, just to try a new trick with you."

"Sword Intent to Seal Demons!"

Li Xiaobai snorted coldly, and chopped off the long sword casually, a strange black sword light shot up into the sky, and cut straight towards the huge khaki wave in front of him.

In an instant, the soil turned into pitch black, quickly decayed and withered, and turned into fly ash and annihilated.

This is the first time he has obtained the skill to display the sword intent, and the effect is unexpectedly good. The sword intent seems to contain an endless corrosive atmosphere, which annihilates everything silently.

It is indeed a magic weapon capable of corrupting the world's spiritual weapons, and the sword intent is designed to kill people's primordial spirits, and its power is astonishing!


"What kind of sword energy is this, it can actually corrode my magical powers!"

"Boy, you actually used such insidious methods to beat me, an old man who has been imprisoned for more than ten years. Since you don't talk about martial arts, don't blame me for playing dirty tricks!"

Facing the Demon Sealing Sword Intent, 'Qiang' screamed in shock, terrified in his heart. He had never seen or heard of this kind of weird and tricky sword intent. From the weird black aura, he felt a deadly threat.

He has no doubt that if he is contaminated by that black breath, he will definitely be seriously injured.

There was no hesitation at the moment, Sa Yazi ran wildly, and with a pounce, she burrowed into the ground again.

Damn it, how could such a young man possess such terrifying power?

What did he grow up on, and he was actually suppressed with a single sword strike. You must know that he is a master of the sixth level of the Mahayana period, and even the 'fierce' of the fourth level did not bring him such a threat.

The extreme uneasiness that his life was threatened made him dare not challenge his edge head-on.

After 'Qiang' got into the underground world, he began to swim quickly in the mud. A series of big hands of mud were broken out from the underground world, and they kept grabbing Li Xiaobai's wrist, wanting to seize the space ring. Not only that, as long as they caught When the opportunity finds a flaw, it will cast the divine light in Li Xiaobai's eyes.

Attribute points +20000...

Attribute points +30000...

The value jumps on the system panel.

Li Xiaobai slashed out a few sword beams casually, and the sword energy criss-crossed on the ground, outlining jet-black ravines, shattering the dirt with his big hands, but for the poor who had completely integrated his body into the ground, it was not Not too noticeable effect.

He quickly understood this point. This wretched middle-aged and elderly man in the Mediterranean never stayed in one place for more than one shot.

Faced with such scraping harassment, Li Xiaobai felt quite helpless.

Grandma, it's really wretched.

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