Because I'm Afraid Of Pain, I Put All My Defenses On

Chapter 711 Congratulations To Uncle To Release From Prison

"The second master's move is very good. The number of altars is beyond imagination. It is more appropriate for all major forces to do their part than to control the altars in our own hands."

Li Xiaobai nodded, having been on the mainland for so long, he is very clear about the behavior of the major forces, and he can share the blessings, but not the difficulties.

The altar is related to the plot of the monks in the upper realm. Although there is an opportunity to go to the upper realm, it will inevitably be accompanied by huge risks. At this time, no one should try to protect themselves wisely.

"I have already asked the old man Tianwu to go to the major forces to clarify the interests and interests. With his deterrent power, I believe that the group of ancestors will soon be able to recognize the reality and be obedient."

"I don't know if there is any news from the evil cultivator?" Li Xiaobai asked, more than half of the blood sacrifice fragments had been obtained, and he was becoming more and more concerned about this evil cultivator.

"I was just about to talk about this. The evil sect disappeared overnight, and the altar was taken away by it. I couldn't feel the slightest breath. I suspect that the other party used some means to hide the breath of the entire clan. , disappeared from public view.

Liu Ren said.

The evil sect took away the altar and hid it, which is obviously not good news.

But it doesn't matter, as long as he obtains the spirit of the fairy to raise his defense to a higher level, the evil sect can be destroyed easily.

"It's not long before the release of the spirit energy, what are Mr. Li's plans?"

Liu Ren asked.

"Actually, there is also an altar hidden in the Dragon Palace of the East China Sea. It is in the magma on the seventh floor of the Tianlao. The Tianlao is the strongest place on the Fairy Continent. It is safe to place this altar there."

"This time, I am sure to gain the spirit of the fairy, and then please trouble the Second Master and Senior Tianwu to help me a lot."

Li Xiaobai clasped his hands together and said.

"It's natural. If Mr. Li can go one step further and achieve the half-step human immortal position, it will be a great help for us."

"In the past, the location where the spirit energy was released was different, but as long as it appears, I will definitely sense it immediately. At that time, I will frighten the heroes so that you can collect it with confidence."

Liu Ren said with a smile, Li Xiaobai's talent is obvious to all, and he is an absolute potential stock. Investing in him is definitely a profitable thing. Helping him when he has not fully grown up is far more profitable than clinging to friendship in the future. After all, the icing on the cake is always It is no match for giving charcoal in the snow, and the debt of favor is the most difficult to repay.

"It's time to work."


After the prison visit was over, Li Xiaobai returned to the first floor, and Liu Ren came here just to pass on the news and give him a dose of reassurance.

The situation of the outside world is already very clear. There are six altars on the Fairy Continent, including Huolin Cave, West Desert, Daughter Kingdom, East China Sea Dragon Palace, Xiezong and Erdangjia, all of which are half-human immortal realm masters. great power.

"If the altar is in danger, then everyone will carry it together. If there is no danger, then everyone will grab it and monopolize it. If a toll point can be set up at the entrance of the altar to collect tolls in a planned way, it is definitely a good way to make a fortune!"

Li Xiaobai's eyes shone shrewdly, and the corners of his mouth unconsciously curled into a smile.

"My son-in-law, please don't go up to the seventh floor, it's too dangerous!"

"The most ferocious prisoners are being held there, monks who are half-stepping into the realm of immortality, and even our king finds it difficult to exist."

The warden Yang Tian couldn't help but reminded him again, although Li Xiaobai's unfathomable strength really horrified him, he still told him again that the other party was Donghai's son-in-law, with a high status and status, so he couldn't be harmed in the slightest.

"Brother Yang, don't worry, I won't do dangerous things."

Li Xiaobai smiled, and patted Yang Tian on the shoulder to signal him to stay calm. Then he trotted straight to the seventh floor. After opening the small world, he jumped and soaked in the magma.

Looking at the picture in front of him, Yang Tian was quite speechless, this master didn't listen to a single word.

Forget it, anyway, the son-in-law is not even afraid of magma, and he is cultivated for good fortune, so nothing will happen if he thinks about it.

"I really don't know how he cultivated. He is only 30 years old. How can he be so strong?" Yang Tian murmured to himself in doubt, put away the picture in front of him, and stopped spying on Li Xiaobai.

seventh floor.

In the magma world.

For more than ten days in a row, Li Xiaobai has been soaking in the lava, and he seems to have become a frequent visitor to this floor.

The attribute points in the system have accumulated to a massive level.

Host Li Xiaobai.


Half-step Immortal Physique (faerie spirit has not been obtained) can be advanced in defense.

50 million attribute points.

In less than a month, the attribute points obtained are almost the accumulation of the previous few months. Sure enough, only dangerous places are the best places to quickly level up. From this point of view, after obtaining the fairy spirit, you may be able to Upgraded two levels in a row.

"Boy, it's almost time, when will you go out?" Kun said lightly.

"Ask Brother Yang to come up and ask." Li Xiaobai said, just as he was about to stand up, Yang Tian's voice came over.

"My son-in-law, the auspicious time has come. Your Majesty is here to invite you."

"Please Prince Consort move to the side hall, take a bath, burn incense, and tidy up your clothes."

"Say Cao Cao Cao Cao will be here, the younger generation will leave first." Li Xiaobai laughed and followed Yang Tian to leave.

On the way, Yang Tian looked a little melancholy.

"In this prison, there has always been no exit. Even if the half-step fairyland master is imprisoned on the seventh floor, he will never be able to return to the world. The son-in-law walked out calmly today, which is the only one in the world. !"

"There is no feast that lasts forever. Brother Yang was right in what he said before. This day, the prison is full of joy and harmony. Everyone in the prison speaks nicely. If it is not because of marriage, I am really reluctant to leave. "

Li Xiaobai patted Yang Tian's shoulder and smiled lightly.

"My son-in-law, let's meet again by fate. No matter when, Yang's side will always open the door for my son-in-law!" Yang Tian said quite moved.

"Ahem, definitely, I will visit you when I have time."

Li Xiaobai's forehead was full of black lines.


open the door?

You are the warden of the sky prison, so what's the point of opening the door for him forever?

Still looking forward to him being sent in again?

This guy is stupid in reading, and his IQ is worrying.

Yang Tian didn't realize that he had made a slip of the tongue, he was still immersed in his self-movement, his face was full of reluctance, watching Li Xiaobai was horrified again, he always felt that this guy didn't want to let him go, what's the matter?

There was a maid in front of the prison gate, and it was still led by Long Zhan. It could be seen that the old Dragon King was still not at ease with him, so he specially sent a master to watch over him.

Seeing Li Xiaobai again, Long Zhan showed a smile on his face, cupped his fists and respectfully said, "Welcome my uncle to be released from prison!"

A group of maids behind him also hurriedly knelt down and said in unison, "Welcome my uncle to be released from prison!"

Li Xiaobai "..."

As long as you are happy...

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