Because I'm Afraid Of Pain, I Put All My Defenses On

Chapter 714 Self-Inflicted, Can't Live

In the main hall, a huge Ye Ming bead was lifted up. This is a blood tester made with the formation method of the mermaid of the East China Sea. It was originally used to test the strength of the blood in the monks of the Sea Clan. It can detect the effect of blood vessel compatibility.

Ye Mingzhu will emit red lights of varying strengths, and the higher the bloodline compatibility, the hotter and more dazzling the light will be, which is easy to distinguish.

"This is the magic weapon for our family to test the strength of the monk's blood. After bathing in the blood of the real dragon of the ancestors, the two people who need to be tested put their palms on it, and it will automatically distinguish." The old dragon king said lightly.

"Prime Minister Turtle, will you preside over this matter?"

"Obey, the old minister must do his best to return the innocence of the son-in-law!"

A smile flashed in Prime Minister Turtle's eyes, he stood up and said respectfully, he is the prime minister of the current court, and the power in the court is deeply intertwined, even if the old dragon king knew that he was playing tricks behind him, he would not dare to touch him casually. And move the whole body, bureaucrats are good at this point.

"Miss Bai, please."

Li Xiaobai made a please gesture and said with a light smile.

"Xiaobao, put your palm on Ye Mingzhu."

Bai Lianhua's eyes flickered, she didn't dare to look at Li Xiaobai, and said to the children beside her.

"Daddy hug."

The child let out a cry, and obediently put his hand on Ye Mingzhu.

"It's insane that such a young child dares to use it as a pawn."

Li Xiaobai's complexion was slightly gloomy, and he also lightly placed his palm on Ye Mingzhu.

"Next, the old minister will activate the array contained in the Ye Mingzhu to test the blood power of the two people. Right and wrong are at this moment. Please bear witness!"

Prime Minister Gui gave a loud shout, and pinched the Yin Jue with his hand to draw a strange talisman in the void, echoing the light shining in the Ye Ming Pearl.

At the same time, a layer of light red light glowed from inside the bead, and Li Xiaobai felt a warmth coming from the palm of his hand, but the red light flickered for a few times and then suddenly went out.

Everyone present couldn't help but widen their eyes. This is the first time they have seen such a scene. As long as a monk has the power of blood in his body, no matter how low the degree of compatibility is, there will be a slight red glow, which is absolutely impossible to extinguish directly. Right now what's going on?

"What's going on, why did Ye Mingzhu go out all of a sudden?"

"Does this mean that the son-in-law has nothing to do with the child, and everything is fiction, all fabricated by the woman named White Lotus?"

"Could it be that the formation depicted in the Ye Ming Pearl was damaged, so something went wrong?"

"I can't..."

The civil and military officials were in an uproar again. They couldn't understand the development of the situation. In their cognition, only mortals would not be identified with the power of blood, but the child clearly had spiritual power in his body, and Li Xiaobai also It must not be an ordinary person, how could it be possible to go out?

There was also a layer of cold sweat on the foreheads of Prime Minister Turtle and Bai Lianhua, which was completely unexpected.

This child has been transformed by them, and the blood of the whole god has been changed again. No matter who he is with, he is highly compatible. How could there be a situation where there is no match at all?

"It seems that the formation is not working well, let's try again."

Prime Minister Turtle wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, and operated the kung fu to outline the dao rhyme runes again, activating the formation in the Ye Ming bead.


Ye Mingzhu shined again, the red light rose slowly and became more and more intense, but the moment he was relieved, the light went out again.

Once may be a coincidence, but twice is definitely not.

A sneer appeared on the corner of Li Xiaobai's mouth. This thing is used to detect monks, and he is not a monk at all, not to mention the power of blood. Just people.

"Prime Minister Turtle, this Ye Mingzhu didn't shine red, does it mean that I have nothing to do with this child, all the incidents are purely fictional, and this woman made up to frame me?" Li Xiaobai said lightly.

"This is impossible, the formation must be broken, this is your own flesh and blood, how could it not be detected!"

"Someone must have tampered with it in order to erase the truth!"

Bai Lianhua's face was shocked, and she explained anxiously that she and Prime Minister Gui had prepared for this moment for a long time, and there was no chance of a mistake.

"Then let's try another person to see if this formation is good or bad."

"Mr. Guixuan, among the many young talents present, I have always admired you the most. You are about the same age as me, and you are also a young genius. Come and have a try with this kid to see if there is anything wrong with the formation."

Li Xiaobai smiled faintly, and waved towards Guixuan's position.

He had already guessed in his mind that the Prime Minister Gui's performance was too out of the ordinary, and he had been helping Bai Lianhua to speak intentionally or unintentionally. All this was definitely a conspiracy of the Gui family.

As soon as this remark came out, Guixuan's face changed instantly. This child was tampered with by them, no matter whose blood power he was with, he was highly compatible with it, although he didn't understand how Li Xiaobai managed to make Ye Mingzhu go out, But if he goes forward to test, he will definitely detect the flesh and blood of this child, and he will not be able to wash it off even if he jumps into the Yellow River!

He never expected that the trap dug for Li Xiaobai would one day become a trap to kill him.

"That's unnecessary. I have always believed in the son-in-law. This matter is now very clear. Everything is caused by this woman who is instigating and finding fault. She intentionally ruins the reputation of the son-in-law. Her heart is to be punished!"

Gui Xuan smiled a little forcedly, there was no trace of blood on his face.

"No, no, I've always liked to convince people with virtue. Since the white girl said that there was a problem with the formation, then we must prove it well and leave no regrets. If it is true as she said, then I will Re-testing, this is a small favor, Mr. Guixuan will not help, right?"

Li Xiaobai said with a smile, and there was an undeniable taste in his tone.

The surrounding people also noticed that something was wrong, they just went up to measure the blood, why did Guixuan act so flustered, could there be some kind of ulterior secret in it?

"There is nothing wrong with Ye Mingzhu. The old minister has checked it, and the formation is intact. The son-in-law and this child are innocent and have no blood relationship!"

"Come here, drag this woman out so that she can be imprisoned, and I will ask you to kill her after the son-in-law is married!"

Prime Minister Gui suddenly waved his hand and said to the guards outside the hall.


"Actually, I also feel that there is something wrong with this formation, and it is not a big deal for Mr. Guixuan to come up to check it out. Why is the prime minister so anxious?"

Long Xue, who had been watching coldly, said indifferently, and directly waved away the guards, causing all civil and military officials to gasp.

This was the first time that the little princess called herself the palace, which meant that the other party was really angry today, and she really pretended to be a princess and used her power.

The old Dragon King also felt that something was wrong, he didn't expect his granddaughter to have such a domineering side, so he looked at Guixuan and said, "Guixuan, this king ordered you to come forward and test the power of the bloodline."

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