Because I'm Afraid Of Pain, I Put All My Defenses On

Chapter 725: The Monk From The Lower Boundary Is Unusual

The man was trampled under by the old beggar, his eyes were staring, and his face was ashen.

Unexpectedly, he would be instantly killed by a person from the lower realm, and it seemed that the person hadn't used all his strength.

"It's impossible, it's absolutely impossible. You clearly still have a lot of low-level spiritual power in your body. How could you surpass me in terms of quality and quantity of fairy power?"

"I'm a monk born and bred in the Central Yuan Realm!"

"You said that you are only a half-step immortal, and you are an existence of the same level as us. What are you pretending to do? Why bother to accept our torture honestly?"

The old beggar curled his lips, full of disdain.

"Let's get it under control first."

The old dragon king somehow conjured a straw rope, tied the man tightly, and kept him from escaping.

"There should be no one else coming from the other end of the passage, right?"

Li Xiaobai called to come to the spiritual power vortex to check.

The man secretly exerted a little force, but the rope didn't move at all, and he couldn't help being shocked again, he couldn't break free from this rope!

What kind of strength is this?

That old beggar looks like nothing more, why can't he break free from the rope of the dragon monster?

Could it be that the people here all have such pure spirit energy in their bodies?

Can he cultivate to such a degree with only the fairy energy that is injected once in decades?

At this moment, he felt that his view of the world had been greatly impacted. In the eyes of the monks of the upper realm, the spiritual world was just a small piece of land, a place where uncivilized barbarians lived, and it was even called a pig. A group of lowly ants who control life and death.

But when he saw it today, he felt that that was not the case at all!

These half-step immortals in front of him are stronger than any one he has ever seen. It seems that the other party can crush him to death at the same level. The huge gap makes him feel desperate.

It is obvious that he lives in a more favorable environment, practices upper realm exercises, and cultivates immortal essence, but why was he slapped over by the savages from the lower realm in the end?

Is this Fairy Continent really full of weak ants like those old seniors in the upper world said?

He didn't dare to think that if these people were placed in the upper realm, they might stir up the situation and become outstanding people in less than ten years.

It's just that Li Xiaobai and the others don't care about the man's thoughts. At this moment, they are carefully looking around the spiritual power vortex, wanting to make sure that no one else is coming through the passage.

"There should be no one here, right?"

"We can't see anything, why don't we go in and try?"

"No, it's not the time to enter the upper realm yet. Tomorrow, I'll grab the fairy spirit first, and then I'll get in touch with those geniuses."

"That's right, if we want to enter the upper realm, we must make sufficient preparations in advance. It is necessary to grab a few exercises to completely control the spirit energy in the body."

"I agree, since they are the arrogance of the upper realm, it means that they definitely have good things on them, and we can get them first before we go to the upper realm!"

Several people started talking in whispers, without noticing that the bound man behind him looked like he had seen a ghost.

At this moment, his heart is very flustered.

Because he found that this group of people is lawless, they don't seem to be afraid of people from the upper world at all, and they still have such a strong will to invade. Are these monks from the barbaric land?

What did he hear just now?

These daring people are actually planning to snatch the skills and resources of the heavenly pride of the upper world!

And he is going to go to the upper realm along this spiritual vortex channel!

Don't these barbarians know how to write the word fear?

"No, I've heard such a confidential matter, they shouldn't kill people to silence it?"

"The woman holding the golden long stick seems to want to search my soul wholeheartedly, and that ordinary-looking young man actually possesses the evil power of a blood demon heart. This is taboo in the upper realm!"

"No, I can't sit still and wait for death. These people have an evil aura all over their bodies, so they have to run!"

The man was quietly performing his exercises, and just as he was about to run away, a long golden stick in the void pierced a boulder beside him impartially.

"This guy is very slippery. Let's search for the soul directly. He must know a lot of things. This is the most efficient."

Liuren said indifferently, her beautiful eyes were full of murderous intent.

"Don't, don't, seniors, soul searching can only get fragmented information, not all memories. The little one grew up in the upper realm since childhood. If you have anything to ask, you will definitely know everything. all!"

"I just hope that the seniors can let the little one survive."

The man panicked and said, with a strong desire to win.

"What's your name, who did you study under, and why are you wearing such tattered clothes?"

Li Xiaobai asked.

"The young one's name is Hu Zuo. He has no background and no sect. He is a casual cultivator. The reason why he is so embarrassed is that he was being hunted down by the Law Enforcement Hall when he came here..."

The man spoke eloquently, telling almost all of his life experiences in the upper realm, and everyone sat around him in the center, listening with gusto.

It turned out that Hu Zuo was just an ordinary casual cultivator in the upper realm. Because of his poor aptitude, no sect was willing to accept him. He kept scrambling around to grab resources and practice until he was forty or fifty years old. realm.

During this period, he was hunted down by the monks of the Law Enforcement Hall because he accidentally killed a disciple of the Damen Sect.

He found this altar by accident in a historic site, so he had the idea of ​​going to the lower realm to avoid being hunted down, but he never thought that the people in the lower realm were more cruel than the upper realm, and they would overthrow him without even asking. up.

"The Fairy Continent is called the Earth Spirit Realm, but the Upper Realm is actually called the Zhongyuan Realm?"

The old Dragon King asked, he was very interested in these titles.

"Yes, that's what we've always called it."

"Hu Zuo? Do you still have a brother named Feiwei?" Kun leaned over and asked treacherously.

"Ahem, my lord has sharp eyes, but I do have a partner, but he's already dead..."

"Don't talk about what you have, let's talk about the real thing. Do you know the Zhongyuanjie Tianjiao who will come down this time? How is their strength?" Li Xiaobai continued to ask.

"As far as I know, the disciples who came this time should be the disciples of several great dynasties. Even in the upper realm, they are all of high status. The first batch of disciples who come down are the weakest and pose no threat. It is said to be tyrannical, and it is said that there will even be genius disciples from the Heavenly Wonderland!"

"Why did they come down, just for a trial?"

"They are here to open up wasteland. For the monks in the upper realm, the lower realm is a barbaric land waiting to be developed. All people and things will become their private property."

"The end of the disciples is just the vanguard of the army to test. In the future, there will be real powerful people who will come down to divide the earth and spirit world."

"Adults, let the little one go, the little one can take the seniors to the upper realm to avoid disaster!"

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