Because I'm Afraid Of Pain, I Put All My Defenses On

Chapter 731: The Evil Power Of Faerie Continent Appears

"It's Liu Jiannan, it's him, why did he come?"

"I didn't expect even him to come. Seventy years ago, the old man's arm was eaten by this person. Today, there will be a fight to the death!"

"This person's hands and eyes are as good as the sky, and he is not much weaker than the second leader. If the two of them fight, they will lose both sides. Let's take advantage of it and reap the benefits of the fisherman!"

The cultivators had many theories. When it comes to Liu Jiannan, few people in the younger generation know about it, but when it comes to the name of Jubao Pavilion, everyone knows it.

This person is the mysterious Pavilion Master of Jubao Pavilion, the real leader, a peerless murderer!

This Liu Jiannan challenged everywhere in the early years, and countless strong men fell under his hands. This person has a habit of eating a certain part of the body of anyone who loses in his hands, some are hands, some are legs, some are Eyes, this is the rite of his victory.

If things go on like this, this person has acquired the peerless reputation of an ogre!

Li Xiaobai nodded slightly. He once had a relationship with Liu Fei, the owner of Jubao Pavilion, and took him to participate in three competitions. He didn't expect that silly Baitian, who said everything he believed, to have such a fierce grandfather.

"Liu Jiannan?"

"You want fairy spirit too?"

A serious look flashed across Liu Ren's eyes.

"Yes, raise your hand."

"If there is a fight, you may be fine, but the little friend behind you may be decapitated."

Liu Jiannan nodded and said, as if he was just stating a fact.

"kill him!"

Li Xiaobai waved his hand without the slightest hesitation, a huge blood demon heart emerged out of thin air behind him, and hundreds of tentacles swarmed towards the people in front of him, as if he was about to suck them dry.


Liuren made a circle with the Sea God Needle in his hand, drawing out a battlefield out of thin air, and fought with Liu Jiannan.

She wasn't worried about Li Xiaobai's safety at all. This guy was so physically strong that even she couldn't beat him to death with a single blow.

"Kill them!"

"Kill the Sea Clan, kill Li Xiaobai!"

The patriarch of Qi Sect had fierce eyes, and with a wave of his hand, his whole body was full of momentum.

"My son-in-law, I'm flattening this place, you hurry to collect the spirit energy!" said the old dragon king.

"No need, our reinforcements are here."

Li Xiaobai smiled slightly.

At this time, a huge azure blue giant kun's figure broke through the sky in the distance, and swept towards it with terrifying power, followed by a large number of people, all of whom were prisoners released from the sky prison.

"Boy, I'm here to help you grab the fairy spirit!"

"My son-in-law 666, he won't lose the slightest advantage in monopolizing the enemy army by himself, a role model for me!"

"Baby wants to draw Huazi!"

Kun led the crowd to quickly gather around Li Xiaobai, full of murderous looks, all of them were familiar faces, but unfortunately they were all Mahayana monks, so they were not very useful in this kind of occasion.

"This fellow is indeed in cahoots with the Sea Clan. He actually joins hands with the creatures of the Sea Clan who were imprisoned by my three sects for many years. It's a shame to my human race!"


"Kill them all!"

Li Xiaobai waved his hand, Kun and the old dragon king manifested their bodies, and the two flood beasts immediately rushed into the crowd to fight with the supreme power. entangled together.

"Husband, let's hurry up and collect the spirit energy?"

Long Xue beside him said with a worried expression, the opponents are all entangled at this moment, it just happens to be a good time to snatch the fairy spirit.

"Hehe, don't worry, the reinforcements haven't arrived yet, what your husband wants today is an overwhelming victory!"

Li Xiaobai was calm and calm, not panicking at all.

The voice just fell.

Several pillars of spiritual power erupted from all over the Fairy Continent at the same time, and the terrifying aura swept straight into the sky.

south side.

A gigantic kingdom suddenly rose, and there were many cities, with Guanghan Palace sitting in the center, and a huge chilling cicada slowly moved towards Zhongzhou exuding an unparalleled terrifying aura.

Above Qionglou Yuyu, the leader is a magnificent woman holding a giant hammer, and said loudly, "Don't panic, junior brother, the senior sister has brought someone to help you grab the fairy spirit!"

"The whole Nanming has been moved here by our lord, I want to see who dares to be our enemy!"

west side.

The golden Buddha's light shines on the earth, and a huge country rises slowly, exuding a soft light, and just looking at it seems to purify the soul.

A phantom of a golden Buddha towered above the sky, with the kingdom of ten thousand Buddhas in his hand, with an angry face, striding toward Zhongzhou.

In the kingdom, countless faithful men and women Buddhist monks all knelt down and recited scriptures, and two old monks stood in the middle, clasped their hands together, "Amitabha, old monk Xuanbei, I dare to help Mr. Li today. A cause and effect with my Buddhism."

"The place where the Buddha's light shines everywhere, I hope that all benefactors will not be killed in vain!"

east side.

The entire sky is shining with dazzling white light, the fairy air is misty, and two beautiful figures come hand in hand, one red and one blue, both of which are long clothes and ribbons, beautiful and magnificent.

There is a seductive aura above the beautiful face.

"Mr. Li proudly came to the country to quell the civil strife for me. Our sisters will repay this kindness today and snatch the fairy spirit for you!"


Suddenly there was a loud bark behind the ancestors.

"Wang, little ones, let Master Er Gouzi rush to kill, kill the old clapper, and be favored by others!"

"Hehe, charge with this deity!"

On the sky, Qilin, a huge fire that covered the sky and covered the sun, stepped in the air, pressing forward with neat steps, and the scorching breath seemed to burn a big hole in the sky.

The leader is a fiery red Qilin beast and a colorful flame phoenix, entrenched in the void, staring at the group of ancestors below with eyes full of murderous intent.

It was Er Gouzi and Ji Wuqing.

Almost at the same time, the auras of strong men from all directions continued to emerge, and the solidarity continued, all of them came to help Li Xiaobai's helpers.

Not to mention all the ancestors, even the peerless murderer Liu Jiannan's eyes widened at the moment, looking at the surrounding situation in disbelief, not daring to fight, he pulled away from the crowd with a flick of his body, and returned to the crowd .

At this moment, the old Dragon King and Kun also stopped. Although they don't know the reason, but with so many strong support suddenly, they don't need to do anything anymore. Their aura can crush these ancestors in front of them.

"Nan Ming Daughter Kingdom!"

"Western Desert Ten Thousand Buddhas Kingdom!"

"The East China Sea is proud to come to the country!"

"Zhongzhou Huolin Cave!"

"Even the East China Sea Dragon Palace has taken action!"

"Why do these top forces in the Fairy Continent come to help Li Xiaobai?"

"Here's a hammer, the old man won't play anymore, whoever wants the fairy spirit!"

All the ancestors were stunned by the sight in front of them. No wonder no one from the big power had seen it before. Their feelings were all Li Xiaobai's helpers. !

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