"Small business, the price is absolutely fair."

"It's just a pity that you were all gone yesterday. I originally planned to give loyal customers free membership for a month, but I didn't expect that only a few people would enjoy this privilege in the end."

"What a pity."

Li Xiaobai shook his head and sighed, elated in his heart.

Yesterday, you loved me and ignored you, but today you and I can't stand you.

The operation of taking a bath to improve one's cultivation level is only known to oneself, and this business is already monopolized by oneself.

With the help of the Xia Family Yipin incident, Tangneng Yipin's reputation has already been established. In the future, as long as a branch is opened, it will surely make a lot of money every day.

No one can tell the truth about the popularity. It is really mysterious to be rubbed against people in the blink of an eye.

"Monthly membership!"

"Someone is really taking a bath there!"

"It's really lucky. I was actually offered a monthly subscription. If I soak in the bath continuously for a month, my cultivation level can rise several levels in a row!"

The crowd became restless, looking at the enjoyment faces in the bathhouse, the monks were full of regrets, why couldn't they resist the temptation and abandon the boss?

The boss must be angry, expressing his dissatisfaction in this way!

The price of a middle-grade spirit stone is indeed a bit expensive for casual cultivators, but the family members can still afford it.

Mid-grade spirit stones are relatively important cultivation resources, and it is more cost-effective to exchange them for the opportunity to enter the bathhouse.

Without any hesitation, the disciples of the family readily paid the fee and began to take a bath.

Still a familiar face, still a familiar taste.

Seeing this, the rest of the monks also gritted their teeth and handed in the spirit stones to enter. There are only so many places, and there will be none if it is too late.

Furthermore, whether it is spirit stones or baths, they are all used for cultivation, so there is nothing to feel bad about.

"The Patriarch of the Xia family has arrived!"

The crowd separated automatically, and a middle-aged man in white walked into the store.

The man's face is stern, with clear outlines, and there is a domineering look between his brows and feet, as if he is not angry and majestic.

It was the first time seeing Li Xiaobai, the Patriarch of the Xia family. Although he had never met, the disputes continued one after another.

"The Patriarch of the Wang Family is here!"

"The head of the Li family has arrived!"

"The head of the Zhang family is here!"

After a few more shouts, the crowd retreated to the side consciously. Today is a good day. The masters gathered here obviously want to get a glimpse of the secret of Tang Neng Yipin.

I'm afraid there is a good show to watch.

"The Patriarch of the Xia family, Xia Jiuquan, is polite."

"Half an hour, a low-grade spirit stone, small business, no credit."

Li Xiaobai has a strange complexion, going to Jiuquan?

These days, there are all kinds of top-notch names. It's because I think I didn't die fast enough.

"I want to collect money too?"

Xia Jiuquan looked surprised. Which store in the city didn't want to hug his thigh, but this boss still wanted to accept his spirit stone.

"You want to take a bath without a spirit stone?"

"Don't delay my business, there are still people queuing up behind!" Li Xiaobai looked disdainful, and he didn't have any good looks towards the Xia family.

"That's right, the old guy is so shameless at his age, and still wants to take a bath with the overlord?"

"If you don't have a spirit stone, don't come out and wander around. I heard that the Xia family also set up a bathhouse to earn a few yuan. Unfortunately, they even lost all their pants."

"It's really embarrassing. If the old man were you, he would have found a place where no one was around and killed himself."

All the Patriarchs behind him sneered and ridiculed without showing any mercy.

Everyone is a deep-rooted family in the city, and they are constantly fighting openly and secretly. Although the Xia family has a wide range of connections, it is not too empty.

These patriarchs knew Tangneng Yipin a few days ago, but after the appraisal at that time, they were convinced that the water in the bathhouse was just ordinary water, and there was nothing special about it, so they ignored it.

But I didn't expect the Xia family to come up with a first-class Xia family, wanting to imitate others and open a bathhouse to collect money.

It was not until that moment that many Patriarchs knew that this Tang Neng Yipin really had the effect of improving a monk's cultivation.

They all wanted to see what kind of abilities this boss, who could make Xia's family suffer, was capable of doing so.

"A mere mid-grade spirit stone is just a fence for a toilet in my Xia family."

With a cold face, Xia Jiuquan threw out a few middle-grade spirit stones, which lasted all day.

"You can play so well, why don't you go to heaven."

Li Xiaobai muttered a few words and put away the spirit stone.

The rest of the Patriarchs also spent the whole day, and they wanted to take this opportunity to study the bath water.

This was their first time taking a bath, and the several Patriarchs were all in the state of Golden Core Stage Dzogchen. As soon as they were immersed in the water, they felt that the golden core in the dantian seemed to be loose.

The bottleneck that has been troubling them for a long time now has a hint of a breakthrough.

The aura in the body flowed crazily and continued to grow, causing the heads of the families to widen their eyes with disbelief.

"It turns out that what the juniors said is true, this pool really has the effect of improving cultivation!"

"And this effect is remarkable, even we can feel such a strong increase."

"Great opportunity!"

Greedily breathing the steaming heat in the pool, the Patriarchs completely entered the state of cultivation.

"A newcomer is a newcomer, as if he has never seen the world."

The old beggar curled his lips. This group of monks completely regarded the bathhouse as a place of practice. They didn't understand the fun of taking a bath at all, and wasted such a good resource.


"Boy, you actually plotted against Mr. Ergouzi, you must want to monopolize it..."

Er Gouzi woke up, cursing as soon as he opened his mouth.

Li Xiaobai grabbed it, now that the patriarchs of the city are gathered, if these little actions of his are revealed, he might not be able to bear it and walk around.

"This is called reasonable investment. Only by making Tang Neng Yipin bigger and stronger can he have the right to speak and help more people solve their employment problems."

"Er Gouzi, you did a good job before, come on, this city is optimistic about you!"

"Wang! Lord Ergouzi is the embodiment of justice, those powerful and powerful people are handed over to Lord Ergouzi!"

After some flickering, Er Gouzi's righteous heart was mobilized again, and he slid out of the house directly.

Li Xiaobai sighed, this elixir is really powerful, Er Gouzi is really not doing good things for a day now, and he feels uncomfortable all over, as long as he is guided a little, he can be bluffed around.

In the pool, the owners were awakened by Er Gouzi's noise, and they were out of the state of cultivation, their faces full of disbelief.

It is definitely the treasures of heaven and earth that can help the cultivation of Dzogchen in the Jindan period, but why did they not feel the slightest fluctuation of spiritual energy from the water?

No matter from which angle you look at it, this is just ordinary footwashing water.

Take a spoonful, savor it carefully, the familiar taste permeates the whole mouth, the heads of the family look bitter, and stop the act of death.

"Why did the boss think of opening a bathhouse in the city? Wouldn't it be better to directly open a shop that buys and sells cultivation materials?"

"If you sell the water in this pool, you can make a lot of money, right?"

A Patriarch asked tentatively.

"Well, taking a bath is just taking a bath. It's too one-sided to use it as a means of cultivation. The culture inside is extensive and profound, and you will gradually understand it."

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