Because I'm Afraid Of Pain, I Put All My Defenses On

Chapter 741: Ascend To The Upper Realm

"how do you know?"

Yang Chen asked somewhat differently, his eyes were wide open, but then he realized that this is not the time to be entangled in these things, so he turned his neck and said, "It doesn't matter, if you want to kill, you have to do whatever you want. Thirty years later we Another hero!"

"That's right, when the younger brother returns from his studies, it will be the death of you and your dynasty!"

Ling Feng also said indifferently, falling into the hands of the prince of the Yan Dynasty, their fate will definitely not be better, so what if they know the secrets about them at this time?

"It really is!"

"You guys are all brothers from the same sect, there is such a coincidence in the world, this is God bless my Great Yan Dynasty!"

"From today onwards, you will follow this king. This king will take you back to the Dayan Dynasty and recommend famous teachers to teach you how to practice!"

The eyes of the Mighty King shone with fiery light, and the gazes of Jiang and the others seemed to be admiring a rare treasure.

"What do you mean?"

It was the turn of Su Yunbing and the others to be confused. Why did the other party suddenly change his temper and want to teach them how to practice instead?

This kind of unwarranted overture is even more terrifying, the other party must have a plan!

"Fatty Master, I'm a showman but not a body. Even if you get Fatty Master's body, you will never want to conquer Fatty Master's soul!"

"That's right, our brothers and sisters are all mighty and unyielding!"

Liu Jinshui looked vigilant, and Yang Chen nodded frequently in agreement.

"Hmph, after all, you are the people of the mountains and fields. Your knowledge is still too short, and you don't understand how small the earth and spirit world is."

"You just need to know that this king appreciates your aptitude, so I give you a chance to get in touch with a higher level, and soon you will understand what a blessing this is!"

The Mighty King's expression returned to indifference, and he restrained them and temporarily threw them together with Long Xue.

He was very excited. He thought it was just a routine to come here to shock this barbarian place, but he didn't expect to meet so many wizards. Even if these monks were placed in the upper world, they were the kind of people with good talents, and they would be welcomed no matter where they were. Looting from various sects.

Unexpectedly, he was able to catch seven of them in one wave. If Li Xiaobai was also brought under his command, he would have eight geniuses in the Yan Dynasty. The Yan Dynasty had the opportunity to stand up and become the master, fighting against the Sword Sect.

Taking a step back, even if these geniuses can't be tolerated, if they are sold to other famous schools, what they can get will definitely be an astronomical sum.

No matter what, the Yan Dynasty has made a lot of money this time, and he is a mighty king who has contributed a lot. Maybe he can take this opportunity to surpass the other princes in one fell swoop and become an existence on an equal footing with the powerhouses in the Heavenly Immortal Realm.

"Fortunately, no one has found any clues. This king will send these people back to the Yan Dynasty first, so as not to have long nights and dreams. As long as the Supreme Emperor can come forward to identify the authenticity, this king will surely have a smooth rise in the future and skyrocket!"

The Mighty King's eyes flickered, and with a wave of his hand, he quickly carried a few people into the crack passage above the sky and disappeared.


At the same time, on the other side.

Li Xiaobai was running away at high speed. He put all his last remaining low-grade immortal stones into the fuel tank of Lamborghini. After the power of the fairy stone was injected, its speed increased significantly, but its body trembled a little overwhelmed, as if it would break apart at any time.

There was a constant squeak.

He knew that this car was about to come to an end, but as long as it could escape the claws of the people in the upper world, it was worth scrapping it even if it was scrapped.

"Made, let alone my wife, even my senior brothers and sisters!"

"However, from the looks of it right now, they shouldn't have to worry too much about their lives. My wife has the blood of the Dragon Clan. I heard that Mighty King meant to sell her to Ice Dragon Island. The senior brothers and sisters all have big secrets hidden in them. The attack in the stopped hand of the Mighty King must have discovered this."

"Da Yan Dynasty, I remember you, as long as I, Li Xiaobai, don't die today, I will definitely turn this Upper Realm Dynasty upside down!"

Gritting his teeth, Li Xiaobai turned into a flash of light and quickly fled away. The old beggar and others in the frontier were squatting to meet him.

"Boy, come here!"

"As long as we enter the upper realm, we will be free!"

The old beggar's face was full of urgency, and he could already feel the powerful might of the rumbling in the sky.

Although the strength of Champion Hou is not as strong as that of Mighty King, he is also a strong man in the fairyland, which is not something they can deal with now. If they are caught up, there is really only a dead end.

"Wang, speed up kid, you are about to be slaughtered!"


"Go, go in and hide the altar!"

Li Xiaobai slammed the steering wheel with a roar, and his speed increased instead of decreasing. A volley drifted and rushed directly into the space tunnel in the blink of an eye. Seeing this, the rest of the people immediately followed and dashed into it, not daring to neglect in the slightest .

The passage was dark and deep, and there was no end to the light at a glance. Li Xiaobai turned on the searchlights in front of the car, and his vision suddenly became clear.

What I saw was an empty sea area, dark and deep, with turbulent turbulence in the void, exuding a strange and silent atmosphere, and occasionally there would be a large and outrageous corpse floating by, making people feel horrified.

At this moment, everyone is soaring in such a silent void.

The road they were driving was shrouded by an invisible force, which isolated all the turbulence of the void, and it should be the power of the altar.

"It's scarier to turn on the light in this space tunnel than to turn off the light!"

Er Gouzi was taken aback by the strange gray matter that appeared beside him. It was a small mass of turbulent void, almost surging against the passage, and was only a few centimeters away from it. , it was still covered in goose bumps.

"Heck, kid, let me get in the car!"

Ji Wuqing also looked at it and felt hairy in her heart, her short legs were a little awkward.

Li Xiaobai silently calculated the time in his heart, at the cost of scrapping his sports car, his current speed was already infinitely close to the realm of immortality.

After more than ten seconds, he saw a flash of light flashing in front of his eyes. He was overjoyed and turned into a stream of light and quickly rushed out of the space passage. The old beggar followed closely behind with two dogs in his hands. Out at the same time.


As soon as the sports car hit the ground, there was a loud noise, and the powerful immortal power made it come to the end of its life and exploded.

Attribute points +100,000.


Inside the smoke and dust, Li Xiaobai crawled up in disgrace.

"Quick, put away all the fairy stones on that altar!"

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