Because I'm Afraid Of Pain, I Put All My Defenses On

Seven Hundred And Fortieth Chapters List Of Villains, List Of Meritorious Deeds

"Hey, this guy is still alive!"

Liu Ren suddenly gasped in surprise, and looked at Hu Zuo who had fallen to the ground.

At this moment, Hu Zuo's eyelids rolled up, and he was in a coma. After being searched for his soul, his soul was incomplete, and even if he survived, he was only in a state of stupidity.

"This guy is so fateful, even after being searched for his soul, he didn't die at all!"

The old beggar sighed, could it be that the vitality of the monks in Zhongyuanjie is so tenacious?

"Since you're not dead, don't waste it."

Li Xiaobai said lightly, the heart of the blood demon emerged behind him, and a tentacle shot out, piercing Hu Zuo directly.

According to what the Mighty King said, the blood demon heart is the supernatural power of the blood demon sect, and it is a method of heretics, so it may be inconvenient to reveal too much in front of people in the future.

"Boy, your heart breath is getting stronger and stronger."

Kun said in surprise, it seems that as long as the heart kills people, it will become stronger.

"Hehe, so-so."

Li Xiaobai looked at the Blood Demon's heart behind him. It was indeed much more coquettish and bright red than when he first grasped it, but it still had not reached the power of a cultivator in the fairyland. It doesn't matter whether the defense is advanced or not.

In the future, we should find more creatures for it to suck.

Hu Zuo's shriveled body lay limp on the ground, and the treasures stored in his dantian were scattered all over the place. At the same time, a blood-red light flashed in the void, condensing above Li Xiaobai's head, forming a series of numbers "one Hundred".

Everyone's faces were filled with astonishment, they didn't even care about reducing the scattered fairy stones on the ground, they looked at the top of Li Xiaobai's head in a daze.


"What is this?"

"Mr. Li, why does a hundred appear on your head?"

"Wang, boy, what a thing is growing on your head!"

The three people and the two beasts all stared at Li Xiaobai without blinking. Even Li Xiaobai himself was stunned. When he looked up, the blood-red handwriting was still stagnant in the sky. He reached out and touched it and walked through it. This handwriting is not physical.

The time for the handwriting to appear is not long, and it takes about one breath before it disappears.

"The soul search was a little hasty just now, and I was too busy looking for a way out on the map. I didn't get relevant information from his memory."

Liu Ren said apologetically, apparently she missed a key piece of information, and it was most likely a common sense issue.

"Hehe, boy, just now that guy said that if you kill him, you will encounter disasters, is that what you mean?" Ji Wuqing asked from the side.

"By the way, this person was chased and entered the upper realm because he killed someone in the upper realm, and the hundred on my head also appeared after killing someone. Could it be that in the Zhongyuan Realm, as long as you kill someone, you will be killed." Will it manifest writing on the top of the head?"

Li Xiaobai muttered to himself with some doubts. He didn't dare to walk around casually if he didn't understand this question clearly. If some self-proclaimed decent monks saw the numbers on his head, maybe he would become the next fool. do.

Flipping his wrist, he took out the purple gold gourd and released Prince Yan.

At this moment, Prince Yan's whole body is dingy, as if he has rolled around in a pill furnace. It seems that the life in the gourd is not satisfactory.

"This is... the Zhongyuan Realm!"

"You guys actually came to Zhongyuan Realm, how did you get there?"

"No, this is the Monster Beast Mountain Range, kid. After you get out, it will be the territory of my Great Yan Dynasty. I advise you to let us go honestly, otherwise you will have something to eat!"

After a brief shock, Prince Yan immediately became excited.

"Don't be so excited, there is something I want to ask you, I hope you can answer it truthfully, otherwise, we will have to search the soul reluctantly."

Li Xiaobai said lightly, revealing the drained corpse behind him without any trace.

Yan Shizi immediately became quiet and honest, his eyes glanced at the corpse from time to time, showing deep fear, it was the blood devil's heart!

He knew that the other party had a blood demon heart, and he had already seen it in the Fairy Continent. It was the number one bloody and evil thing in the world. It was rumored that behind every heart was a whole mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood.

"What do you want to know?"

"Just now there is an extra line of words on my head..."

Li Xiaobai recounted what happened just now, wanting to know the answer.

"Because you killed someone, there will be sin points, which are bestowed by heaven and cannot be destroyed by human beings. There are two special lists in the Zhongyuan world, the merit list and the villain list. As the name suggests, the merit list is for people with high morals and high reputation. It was prepared by the evildoers, but the list of villains is full of murderous monsters."

"In Zhongyuanjie, every time you kill a person, you will take the value from the other person and convert it into your own sin value. That person should have 100 points of sin. You killed him so you inherited his sin."

"In the future, as long as you practice your skills and fight against people, the evil value on your head will manifest."

With Hu Zuo's corpse as a deterrent, Yan Shizi was a lot more honest, answering every question.

Hearing this, Li Xiaobai immediately summoned the blood demon heart again, and a series of numbers immediately appeared above his head, one hundred.

"Then if the other party has one hundred points of merit, and I kill him, wouldn't I inherit the merit?"

"No, only by doing good deeds can you accumulate merit. If you kill a monk with a hundred merit points, then his one hundred merit points will become one thousand sin points on you, because merit is very difficult. Accumulated, killing a person with great merit is itself an unforgivable thing."

"Will someone come to punish the wicked?" Li Xiaobai asked.

"There will be special criminal law teams roaming around the Zhongyuan Realm, as long as the crime value exceeds 5,000, they will become the target of their pursuit." Yan Shizi said.

"I see."

Li Xiaobai nodded, he understood that if you kill a monk, you will inherit the value of the opponent, and if you have too many crime points, you will be hunted down. Appearance without personnel.

"Wang, how can we increase merit?"

Er Gouzi stuck out his tongue and asked, maybe it was because he had taken the medicine of righteousness in the early days, and he was quite keen on merit points.

"The simplest thing is to recite the scriptures. As long as you recite the scriptures, you can increase your merit little by little. The second is to do good deeds. The more people you do good deeds, the more merit you will increase. I know A Buddhist eminent monk once fought against a certain devil with his own strength and saved the people of a city, and in an instant, he added a million merits and caused a vision of heaven and earth."

Yan Shizi said, with fascination in his eyes.

"Heck, will catching the Holy Son and the Holy Daughter increase the sin value?"

"Only killing people will increase the crime value."

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