The leading female cultivator of the Great Yan Dynasty said indifferently, a trace of disgust flashed in her heart for the cultivator behind him who coveted Liuren's body.

If it weren't for the fact that the evil points had accumulated too much to be cleaned up, she really wanted to kill all the people here.

I saw her stretching out a slender hand, pointing at Liu Ren from a distance in the sky, her red lips parted slightly, and she asked lightly, "Do you have any last words? I can let you say the last words in your life."

The corners of Liuren's mouth curled into a strange arc, "You comedians, everyone has come out, why don't you make a move?"

As soon as the words fell, among the corpses on the ground, several "corpses" suddenly jumped up, jumping three feet high, and the kung fu in their hands could not be explained, and swept towards a group of disciples.

"Hahaha, I haven't acted so cautiously for a long time. As expected, Zhongyuanjie is better, and I have regained the feeling of walking on thin ice back then!" Kun's face was ferocious, twisted and terrifying, and he let go With the manic power in his body, he wanted to make a big fuss, but unfortunately, most of his opponents were masters in the fairyland, so his attacks were useless.

"Woof! Don't hit me, accept favors!"

"Heck, kill them, this deity wants sin value!"

A chicken and a dog held the purple gold gourd and stared at each other with big eyes.

"It's a scam!"

"Made, this is a trap!"

"The old man and that woman were just acting!"

"They deliberately killed us by the river for us to see. The fairy stones on the ground were also deliberately arranged by them, the purpose is to lure us into the bait!"

"They want to kill us!"

The disciples turned pale with shock. They didn't expect this to be a game. The treasures on the ground were placed there on purpose to lure them into the bait. It's ridiculous that they naively thought it was a pie from the sky.

If you fail to teach others, you will be slapped in the face!

But in the next second, the expressions on their faces became weird, because although the "corpse" jumping up from the ground looked fierce and mighty, all the attacks were ignited in mid-air. The female cultivators of the dynasty resisted casually, but it didn't work at all.

"In a panic, what's the proper way?"

"Even a monk who is a half-step immortal scared you like this. You are a disgrace to the sect. If I were an elder of your sect, I would definitely ask you to be expelled from the sect!"

The female cultivator said coldly, and glanced contemptuously at the people behind her.

The faces of the monks were quite ugly, and there was endless anger and anger in their eyes, and their self-esteem was greatly provoked.

Many of them were cultivated in the realm of human immortality, but they were disturbed by the "deceitful corpse" just now, and they were full of ugly appearances.

Now that I come back to my senses and feel it carefully, this girl is completely just a monk who is half-step in the realm of human immortality. If this is spread, they may not be able to gain a foothold in the sect in the future.

"Damn it, you dare to plot against me and make me look like a fool in public. I will definitely take your skin off!"

"I will cut you into pieces to relieve the hatred in my heart!"

"And the little girl over there, I will subject you to endless humiliation and then torture you to death!"

The faces of the disciples were extremely gloomy, and the endless anger in their hearts urgently needed to be vented.

"Good guy, there are so many fairyland cultivators!"

The old beggar was also a little surprised, he only threw a few hundred pieces of spirit stones on the ground and actually attracted several human fairyland monks. It seems that the human fairyland monks in the Zhongyuan world are worthless, and all of them are quite poor.

"Your plan is very good, with rich experience and sophisticated methods. To be honest, even I admire it, but it's a pity that you picked the wrong opponent!"

"In the face of absolute strength, any conspiracy is useless, just like this moment."

The female cultivator of the Great Yan Dynasty nodded slightly, and looked at the old beggar with a rare expression of approval in her eyes. It can be seen that these monks are used to struggling, and their temperament and experience are not the flowers in the greenhouse. In comparison, it's a pity that I ran into her this time.

"I am an inner disciple of the Great Yan Dynasty. My name is Lu Bing. I rank one hundred and one in the clan. I am at the peak of the Human Immortal Realm. I am only one step away from entering the Earth Immortal Realm. You have no chance of winning."

"Cut yourself, I appreciate you all, and I am willing to give you a decent way to die."

Lu Bing was condescending, with a calm expression, as if he had given a few people a gift from heaven.

"I said a lot, but I just didn't want to dirty my hands and accumulate sin points. Why did I do it so grandiosely? I don't know. I thought I had received a lot of favor from you."

From behind, Li Xiaobai walked slowly, with helplessness in his eyes.

These big figures who roamed all directions in the Fairy Spirit Continent, came to the Upper Realm, but they couldn't even match the weakest disciple-level monks, it really made people sigh.

However, the eyes of the few people are sharper and full of battle than before. Obviously, they have regained the tension of bloody fighting in their youth. He believes that these people will be able to soar into the sky in time.

"Huh? It's your honor to know my name before you die. I respect your courage and wisdom, which is why I let you die with dignity. Don't compromise your image just to survive, it will only make people worse. contempt."

Lu Bing glanced at Li Xiaobai, and said lightly that she didn't perceive anything special about the other party. Besides, even if the other party was in the Immortal Realm, so what? Five people who are strong in the Immortal Realm, the opponent will undoubtedly die today.

But in the next second, her eyes changed, not only her, but everyone's eyes changed.

Because they clearly saw that behind the young man, a huge blood demon heart slowly emerged, floating in the void, countless bloody tentacles surged, and a strong bloody smell permeated, making people sick.

"This is the heart of the Blood Demon!"

"You are members of the Demon Way, you are a monk of the Blood Demon Sect!"

"This is impossible, the Blood Demon Sect has been in the southern continent, how could it come to my east!"

"Who the hell are you?"

The moment the Blood Demon Heart appeared, all people couldn't help but stop breathing for a moment, and their hearts missed a beat. Although they had never seen this kind of heart before, since the day they were born, the legend of the Blood Demon Sect Just lingering in their ears, it is not only the top power in the Zhongyuan world, but also a demonic sect that can kill people without counting.

There is a group of outright big devils inside. It is said that this is the only sect in the entire Zhongyuan world that dares to confront the criminal law team and openly beheads the criminal law team. Your full purpose is terrifying and outrageous.

Unexpectedly, today, they actually met the living ones!

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