Because I'm Afraid Of Pain, I Put All My Defenses On

Chapter 752 Who Threw The Firecracker?

"Okay, let's do it!"

"Go into the water!"

After a little hesitation, the rest of the dozens of monks all followed closely behind and tiptoed into the water. According to what Yan Xiao said, as long as the breath is restrained and the killing intent is hidden, the crescent rhinoceros will not feel the danger. What's the problem.

Underwater treasure hunting is a test of chance, maybe Yanxiao and Luoshui are the strongest among them, but treasures don't necessarily have to be given to each other.

After a few breaths, all the monks on the bank went into the water.

After waiting for a while, several figures slowly came out from the darkness with weird smiles on their lips.

"Bosses, are you ready?"

In Li Xiaobai's hand, several bamboo-like objects appeared out of thin air. The whole body was emerald green, and there was an extremely unstable violent immortal essence inside, which was exactly the firecracker thunder.

"Hey, the old man can't wait."

"When I first saw the power of this thing, I was really shocked. It actually possesses the power of a monk in the realm of human immortality, which is enough to wake up that rhinoceros monster."

The old beggar Jie Jie laughed strangely, reached out to take the two firecrackers Jinglei, and looked at them carefully.

"Wow! Master Er Gouzi is going to kill the Quartet!"

"Heck, let these guys accept the sanction of art!"

The three people and the two beasts were each holding two firecrackers, with a murderous look in their eyes.

"I don't need to go into details on how to use it?" Li Xiaobai said cheerfully.

"No, shall we begin?"

"A cloud-piercing arrow, the meniscus rhinoceros is here to meet you!"


On the shore, several people tried their best to put the firecrackers in their hands into the pool, and then quickly fled away in a flash, waiting for the bloody storm that was about to set off at the bottom of the lake from a long distance away.


at the same time.

bottom of the lake.

Yan Xiao and Luo Shui entered the bottom of the lake first, and in front of them was the body of the huge crescent rhinoceros, which was falling into a deep sleep at the moment.

Looking around, they didn't notice the existence of the golden long stick.

"It should be that the long stick restrained the aura around him and turned into an ordinary stick. It was dark underwater, so we didn't notice it for a while. Let's look carefully."

Yan Xiao thought for a moment and said, he was very sure that the treasure must be hidden in this pool, among other things, it was impossible for this crescent rhinoceros alone to keep the treasure out of his field of vision.

"Brother Yan, those monks are chasing after us, we have to speed up."

Luo Shui reminded softly.

"Don't worry, even if they get it, I can snatch it back for you!"

Yan Xiao's eyes swept across the crowd behind him, and a look of disdain flashed across them.

"Will someone make trouble and deliberately provoke the crescent rhinoceros, or how about we go and discuss with them first?"

Luo Shui has a lot of issues to consider, and some are worried that mermaids will be killed. There is no shortage of people in this world. Their ideas are very extreme, and that is what I can't get, so don't let it get you.

If it disturbs the monsters in this fairyland, let alone the treasure, I am afraid that my life will have to be confessed here.

"Don't worry, if you really dare to wake up the crescent rhinoceros, all the monks here will die, they don't have the guts!"

Yan Xiao smiled lightly, waved his hands, didn't care, and continued to lead Luo Shui to search around the huge body of the rhinoceros. He thought the treasure should be very close to the rhinoceros.

In the center of the lake, the monks who arrived behind were slowly diving.

While looking at the huge rhino figure below, he couldn't help talking, "Good guy, he's so big!"

"If this big guy wakes up, I'm afraid we'll all have to finish playing!"

"Don't worry, Mr. Yan, don't you talk about it? It will only wake up when it feels life-threatening. Now that we have even restrained our breath, how can we alarm it?"

"It's true, hehe, but do you think we are going farther and farther on the road to death?"

The monks chatted and joked, and after confirming that the terrifying beast below really fell into a deep sleep and would not wake up, they let go of their courage a little bit.

"We can't count it as death. The real death is equivalent to someone attacking the bottom of the lake until the monster is awakened. But that's not death, it's called death hahaha!"

"That's true. It's impossible for someone to do such a stupid thing."

The monks whispered to each other and scattered towards the rhinoceros in all directions. So far they haven't seen the golden giant stick that appeared in the void before. It was obviously hidden by monsters, and they need to cast a wide net to search carefully.

As for who can be found in the end, it all depends on luck.

But at this moment, everyone suddenly heard several whizzing sounds coming from above.

Then there was a series of "plop, plop" into the water, as if something was thrown into the water.

Everyone looked up and saw ten emerald green bamboos sinking rapidly from above.

There are ten pieces of bamboo in total, and the whole body is emerald green. It is not ordinary at first glance. During this period, there is a faint aura of violent immortality, which stirs the water flow at the bottom of the lake.

"what is that?"

"Looks like a few bamboos?"

"Its appearance is very unusual. It should be a good material, but the energy contained in it is a bit violent. If it is sacrificed to become a magic weapon, it may be a bit difficult."

"I didn't expect that there would be unexpected gains from this trip. If I bring this bamboo back, maybe the sect will give me a credit!"

There was some joy in the eyes of the monks.

At the bottom of the lake, Yan Xiao and Luo Shui also noticed the situation above, and their complexions suddenly changed. They clearly sensed the terrifying fluctuations of immortality contained in the emerald green bamboo.

That is not a material treasure, but a big killer!

"Made, who threw the firecracker!"

Yan Xiao's complexion changed drastically, and he roared angrily, and the mighty immortal essence in his body exploded instantly and quickly floated to the surface of the water to flee away.

Luo Shui was also pale with fright, just now she had a faint feeling that something was wrong in her heart, and now the uneasiness became a reality, making her no longer interested in hunting for treasures, a talisman in her hand flickered, and her body disappeared in place in an instant.

At this moment, the rest of the cultivators finally sensed that something was wrong. The energy contained in those ten bamboos was terrifying!

"This is not a baby at all, this thing is a firecracker!"

"Made, someone really dares to come and die!"


The monks screamed again and again, and slashed upwards frantically with their hands and feet.

But at this moment, ten bamboos sank into the bottom of the lake and collided with the underground rocks fiercely. The chaotic and violent immortal essence erupted completely and swept across the bottom of the lake in an instant. Many monks were affected by the aftermath of the explosion and vomited blood , was seriously injured.

Even if the fast-running monks jumped onto the lake, they were also affected by the big explosion, and each suffered serious injuries and fell to the ground.


"God damn it, which bastard threw the firecracker!"

"Don't let me find you, or I'll definitely take your skin off!"

The monks were furious and cursed, but at this moment, a loud roar suddenly spread from the bottom of the lake.


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