Because I'm Afraid Of Pain, I Put All My Defenses On

Chapter 770: Ji's Ruthless Operation

Among the mountains, inside the cave.

Li Xiaobai returned to the cave with Er Gouzi, and Ji Wuqing had already returned early, her little eyes were full of excitement, it was obvious that she was doing something outside.

Er Gouzi dismissed this, and took out the scriptures to read. Now he is a dog with dreams. He wants to quietly accumulate merit points, and then amaze everyone, and establish a great dream of evangelizing the world in one fell swoop.

"Hehe, boy, I just did a big thing, guess what it is?"

Ji Wuqing came over and said excitedly.


"Couldn't you use this gourd to catch people all over the street?"

Li Xiaobai glanced at it, and asked with some vigilance.

"How could it be possible? This deity made a move. Naturally, it was a targeted arrest. The deity of the monk who is lower than the human fairyland is not at all eye-catching!"

Ji Wuqing patted the gourd lightly with her little paw, and said mysteriously, "Do you know that today is the birthday banquet of the Supreme Emperor of the Great Yan Dynasty?"


Li Xiaobai was happy, he just came back from the banquet.

"Hey, did you find that there are suddenly many young monks in this city?"

"so what?"

"These are all the disciples of the various sects who came to celebrate the birthday, and many of them are the elite disciples of the sect. Listening to them, I seem to be at the birthday banquet. The monks of those sects only brought ordinary The disciples confuse the Yan Dynasty, and the real top disciples are hanging out!"

Ji said ruthlessly.

Hearing this, Li Xiaobai immediately had a bad feeling in his heart, "Could it be that the big thing you're talking about is..."

"Hey, that's right, these people are wandering around outside, it's really an eyesore, I'll take them all away!"

Ji Wuqing touched the small gourd hanging on his chest, his eyes almost narrowed.

"How many did you catch?"

Li Xiaobai asked, there are a lot of sect dynasties coming to the city today, if this chicken arrests all their disciples, it will be a disaster.

"It's not a question, but all the guys with some reputation in the sect have been arrested, and none of them have been left behind!"

"Don't worry, it's all right, I guarantee that no one will find out."

Ji Wuqing patted the purple gold gourd, and said with a proud face.

Good guy, they're all caught!

"So, now all the outstanding disciples of the major sects are in our hands?"

"Heck, yeah."

"Jianzong's trial is about to begin. At this time, the disciple mysteriously disappears. All the sects will be very anxious!"

"Heck, yeah!"

"And if we sell their disciples back to their respective sects at this juncture, I believe they will pay a high price to buy them."

"Heck, yeah!"

Ji Wuqing's eyes became brighter and brighter, why didn't it think of it before?

Li Xiaobai's forehead was full of black lines, but in the end a weird smile appeared on his face, and each of them looked at each other and smiled.

"Boy, good plan!"

"Xiao Ji, well done!"


At the same time, the senior elders of the various sect dynasties returned to their respective residences, but found that there was no one there.

When they went to the banquet, all the disciples disappeared. Originally, they just thought that the disciples had gone shopping, which was normal, and they would be back in a while.

But after waiting for a whole day, there was no trace, and there was no trace when I went out to look for it.

At night, they couldn't sit still.

"What's going on, my eldest disciple disappeared in Yanwang City!"

"That's right, so are the few disciples of our family. They are the core disciples of my sect. How could they disappear without any reason?"

"Could it be that the people of the Great Yan Dynasty discovered our small plans, so they deliberately sent people to steal all our disciples while I was waiting for the banquet?"

"Fuck, this is so disgusting. The old man just pointed out that my direct disciple can win a place in the Jianzong trial. Without it, how can our clan become famous?"

"No, this matter must be discussed with the Yan Dynasty for an explanation!"

The elders of many sects rioted, and the complexions of the monks headed by the two major forces of the Sword Dynasty and the Li Dynasty all changed. They arranged them in the city to let the top disciples of the sect understand the strength of the Yan Dynasty. He walked around and observed at will, and did not let him reveal his identity.

But just like that, almost all the disciples disappeared without a trace in the blink of an eye, and the only possibility they could think of was that their disciples were robbed.

And it was premeditated and planned. In the city, there is no one with this kind of ability except Dayan Dynasty!

The old man of the Sword Dynasty looked quite indignant. The saint son and saint daughter in his sect also have no news at the moment. They are the future pillars of the Sword Dynasty. Someone dares to attack them. This is nothing to fear!

Dayan Dynasty, the palace hall.

Dozens of masters blocked in front of the door, all of them from the Earth Wonderland came to Yan Nian.

This incident has caused a storm in the city, and no one knows about it. The monks in the streets and alleys are talking about it. The masters of the Zongmen Dynasty brought their disciples to celebrate the birthday of the Supreme Emperor, but the disciples who celebrated his birthday disappeared. No one can do it Calm down.

Yan Nian naturally knew about this, and the first reaction in his mind was a conspiracy, a conspiracy against him from the Yan Dynasty.

He's been in the limelight recently, and it's the Mighty King returning with a genius, and it's the Supreme Emperor's birthday. It's indeed a bit ostentatious, and it's understandable to be jealous, but he never expected that someone would be so bold as to kidnap the core disciples of many sects , and framed him as the Yan Dynasty.

The person was lost in the city of Yanwang, and it is the responsibility of the Yan Dynasty for both emotion and reason. At this moment, his head is as big as a bucket.

"Ahem, everyone, please believe me, I can guarantee that there will be no such low-minded people in my Great Yan Dynasty, otherwise, I will let the heavens thunder and bang, and I will not be lustful!"

"The most urgent task right now is to investigate the whereabouts of the geniuses of all races as soon as possible, and the most important thing is to rescue them."

"My Great Yan Dynasty will do my best to help and send out my disciples to help you find them."

Yannian said.

"It's best to be like this. The old man and others came here with sincerity, but if the Yan Dynasty doesn't pay attention to martial arts, and secretly uses small tricks to be inappropriate, then our family will have fun with you even if we open up the family." Damn!"

The old man of the Sword Dynasty had a cold light in his eyes, and said coldly, if it was really done by the Great Yan Dynasty, it would undoubtedly be a fight with them, even if the other party was the Supreme Emperor who was at the peak of the Heavenly Immortal Realm, they would definitely have to fight.

"Elder, please rest assured, I will definitely give you a satisfactory explanation!"

Yan Nian's heart was also aroused with infinite anger. On such a happy day, something like this happened. Even if you want to rob the disciples of the major sects halfway, you have to wait for them to leave Yanwang City before doing it?

I really don't know which unscrupulous bastard did it, but let him take the blame. If he finds out, he will definitely be hacked into pieces!

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