next morning.

In Gu Yue City, there were cheers one after another, but almost all the monks who booked a night in the bath had made a breakthrough.

Among them, there are not a few who break through the big realm.

Even the several Patriarchs felt that they were one step closer to the Nascent Soul Stage. After all, the more luxurious the bathhouse, the better the effect of bathing. Staying in such a wealthy environment, it is difficult not to upgrade.

In Tang Neng Yipin, Li Xiaobai gained thousands of attribute points again, all of which were added to defense.

The defensive power of the nine-turn indestructible golden body can be advanced at the sixth turn (4600060000).

Situ Yanyu has also successfully advanced to the foundation building stage, and her aura is much stronger than when she first met.

"Boss Ye, the party is about to start, let's go."

"Set off!"

"Wang, Master Ergouzi is also leaving!"

Dongtian blessed land, this is a treasure land excavated by the Xia family. It is used for planting and cultivating elixir on weekdays. It is full of spiritual energy and pleasant scenery.

Many family children and young talents in the city have already gathered here.

This kind of gathering is held almost every year, but this year is unusual. This year, the two heroes of Guyue City gather together, Xia Jian and Wang Ruoxian sit in the town, and the grade of this party is suddenly much higher.

Everyone wants to hear what these two people have seen in the outside world, to open their eyes.

In a small city like Gu Yue City, there are naturally very few opportunities to communicate with the disciples of the big sects.

When Li Xiaobai and the others arrived, the arena was already overcrowded.

"This time Fairy Wang and the second young master of the Xia family are both back. Tell me, who is more powerful?"

"Naturally, it's Mr. Xia. Mr. Xia stays in Zhenyuan country all year round. There are golden elixir period and there are as many existences as dogs at the Nascent Soul stage. You can practice there, even if you don't want to be strong."

"That's not necessarily the case. I heard that Fairy Wang has obtained the true biography of The Hinayana Sect. Maybe she has something to do with Ximo!"

"However, let me tell you, Boss Ye from Tangneng Yipin is the most powerful. The masters of the family are all subdued, and this bathhouse can be regarded as a blessing."

"Yeah, yeah, I only soaked for a day, and I actually entered a small realm. It's really amazing."

Along the way, the monks were all talking about the recent focus figures in the city, and their words were full of yearning.

Li Xiaobai shrugged and found a seat to sit down casually, and Er Gouzi also took the seat next to him without hesitation.

After sitting down, the monks' whispering stopped abruptly, and they looked at Li Xiaobai with strange expressions, and the atmosphere suddenly fell into a weird silence.

Li Xiaobai couldn't figure it out, did he have such a big face.

"Boss Ye, does this position belong to us?" Li Ya reminded in a low voice.

"Is there anything else to say here?"

Li Xiaobai frowned, he only picked a corner seat, and he didn't compete with the owner for the limelight, so why couldn't he sit?

"This is the challenge seat. There is a competition session in the conference. The person sitting in this seat can be challenged at will and must accept it."

Li Ya seemed a little anxious, can you get up first?

This position is hot ass, the grave of the last person who dared to sit here is three feet high.

"So it's like this, it's okay, Liangchen likes the feeling of being challenged."

Li Xiaobai's eyes lit up, this seat was made for himself, as long as he sat here, even if he didn't pretend, he would be besieged by others, and he couldn't escape his attribute points.

"That's right, Mr. Ergouzi's cultivation is as high as the sky, and it's nothing to challenge the seat."

"Listen up, people below. This is Lord Ergouzi's capable general. Only by defeating him can you be qualified to challenge your Lord Ergouzi!"

The two dogs stood up, with their paws on their backs, looking down at the world.

The corners of the mouth could not stop splitting, and the halazi dripped all over the floor.

"This is...a dog!"

"Damn, this dog can speak human language!"

"This is a spirit beast, but it's a pity that it's too arrogant, and it looks very ugly. Its eyebrows and eyes are like Erha's!"

"It still sucks, it's disgusting to watch."

The monks automatically ignored Er Gouzi's words, and instead commented on his appearance.

"Wang, your Lord Ergouzi is a supreme existence!" Ergouzi frowned.

"Boss Ye, are you sure you want to sit here?" Wang Ruoxian asked lightly.

"Yeah, I'm tired from walking, sit down."

"It seems that Boss Ye didn't take the little girl's words to heart. There are people out there who need more understanding."

"Boss Ye, come down obediently. This seat is not for you, and you will be beaten to death." Xia Liu sneered.

"Don't talk so much. The last time someone sat here was a few years ago. It's been a long time since we saw such a grand event. Boss Ye wants to challenge the young talents in the city. We wish for it."

Xia Jian said slowly, and ordered the maid to start serving tea and cakes.

The maids with light makeup wrapped in white clothes were still serving, serving tea and pouring wine, and the atmosphere in the venue gradually eased down.

Li Ya pulled Situ Yanyu and quietly retreated to the back of the crowd. The challenger's seat could not be touched. Maybe someone would riot and attack them at any time. It is better to stay far away.

A waiter brought a pen, ink, paper and inkstone, lit the incense burner, and wisps of green smoke drifted away, which seemed very artistic.

The incense burning in this incense burner is calming incense, inhaled in the nose, the spirit is calm, and the spirit altar is clear.

"Mr. Xia came back from Zhenyuan Kingdom this time, and I think he is proficient in Confucian grandeur. Why don't you draw a picture to help you have fun?" Wang Ruoxian said.

"That's exactly what I mean. It would be a bit boring just to paint with the next person. Why don't we take today's gathering as the theme and paint together?"


"Using brush and ink to express one's mind, and using arrogance to express ink methods, I have long heard that Zhenyuan Kingdom used Confucianism to prove Taoism, and today I am lucky."

The monks nodded, it was their honor to be able to paint with Shuangjie.

"Give Boss Ye a pair of calligraphy as well."

"Wang, your Master Er Gouzi wants a pair too!"

Li Xiaobai was speechless, how could he draw? The other party clearly wanted to humiliate him in the name of painting.

There are also these two dogs who like to make trouble, can you hold the pen holder with dog paws?

"Then start, with half an hour as the deadline, after half an hour, all the gentlemen will taste together."

Xia Jian said with a smile.

thinking a little

Pick up the pen, grind it, dip it in water, draw the line, the pen moves like a snake, and the movements are smooth and smooth. The surrounding monks are amazed. They are still thinking about the composition, and they have already started to paint.

Although I can't see the specific content clearly, but just focus on the trend of this method, which is already in everyone's style.

"Grandma, this guy draws so smoothly, without thinking about it at all. Could it be that he has thought about what to draw before?"

Er Gouzi cursed, it wanted to come to Mo Bao, but after holding it in for a long time, it didn't even get a hair out.

Xia Liu was stunned, "This is writing like a god. My family is practicing hard every day on weekdays. What do you know, you stupid dog?"

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