In the secret realm, in the trial ground.

The elders of the family were stunned, seeing a completely frozen world in front of them, all they could see was azure blue, exuding a gloomy and terrifying atmosphere.

Whether it was trees or monsters, they all turned into ice sculptures and shattered all over the place, looking extremely miserable.

After a while, they saw the corpses of the descendants of various ethnic groups, frozen intact, lifeless, like a statue that was always dusty, either terrified or calm.

"It's really the best in that dance city!"

"Except for her, there is no other monk who is so proficient in cold air!"

"Why did she appear here? All the children of my family were brutally murdered by her, and no one was spared!"

Grief and anger appeared on the faces of everyone, and they wished they could rush into the law enforcement team to talk to Wuchengjue immediately!

"Since it is confirmed that it was done by that woman, I will grit my teeth and swallow it down if I have any bitterness or complaint!"

"Don't provoke the other party, I, Jianzong, will compensate you all."

Elder Chen said coldly, but he didn't see Chen Yuan when he looked around.

"But the treasure that exploded after the death of our disciple also disappeared without a trace, obviously someone touched the corpse!"

"You don't need to ask, that woman must have taken it away!"

"I don't think so. Would a majestic peak expert in the fairyland care about such a little collection by a junior in the human fairyland? There must be someone else who touches the corpse!"

"That's not necessarily the case. If it were me, let alone a fairyland, as long as it was a corpse, I would touch it with my hands. This is a good quality to prevent extravagance and waste, and it has nothing to do with cultivation."

"Hehe, so you are still just a waste in the fairyland."

Everyone talked to each other and shuttled across the ice field at high speed, looking for survivors, but in the end they found nothing.

They were surprised to find that none of the cultivators whose soul lamps were already burning were not in the trial ground.

"Could it be that those disciples did not enter the trial ground, so they escaped a catastrophe?"

A clan elder frowned and said.

"No, they must have come in, otherwise, how could the disciples outside the review not know?"

"I remember that the four evil men seem to be famous for kidnapping weak junior monks and extorting immortal stones from their families. Those few surviving disciples must have been tied up by them, right?"

When it comes to the mysterious disappearance of outstanding young disciples, the first thing they think of is the well-known kidnapping case of the Four Evil Men.

Openly blackmailing many dynastic powers, and still able to retreat unscathed, judging from the opponent's style, this is very possible!

"Made, go ask!"

Elder Chen's face was livid with anger, his proudest grandson was actually captured?

This made him a little unacceptable.


After a few minutes.

A group of old men rushed out of the trial ground aggressively, glaring at Li Xiaobai and others.

"Tell me, was my grandson kidnapped by you?"

"Have all the collections released in the dantian of our disciples been corrupted by you?"

"How on earth did you escape from that woman's grasp?"

"From the truth, I won't pursue too much."

There was a scorching flame in Elder Chen's eyes, and he stared at Li Xiaobai firmly.

"Elder Chen, what do I have to do if my grandson disappears? You can eat indiscriminately, but you can't talk indiscriminately. We are all good citizens."

Li Xiaobai said.

"It's nonsense. In the trial ground, only a few of you survived. The fairy stones of our disciples and those young talents must all be on your bodies. Do you dare to let me check your dantian?"

A monk said coldly.

"Is this the way of hospitality of Jianzong? You must know that we are the only ones who have successfully passed the trial and entered Jianzong this year. If Elder Chen doesn't want me to enter Jianzong, you may as well just say it. If you are not a stalker, you will leave."

Li Xiaobai narrowed his eyes and said calmly.

"Little friend, if you have something to discuss, I will be confused if you are concerned. What you said is indeed a bit heavy. Please understand it."

Elder Chen's face is quite ugly. There are only four disciples in total this year. If these four people run away from Jianzong, there will be no fresh blood. cannot escape responsibility.

Therefore, even if he didn't want to see this fellow again, he would have to confess to others now, and the matter of Chen Yuan could only be investigated slowly after he entered the sect.

"This is natural. We are all people with a lot of love. I am also very sorry for the disappearance of the disciples of the disciples. If you are willing to pay the reward, my four villains will replace the disappearance of the seniors even if they go up the sword mountain and under the frying pan. The disciple got it back!"

"One more person is more strength, you might as well think about it."

Li Xiaobai said.

"Hehe, no need, the old man's grandson will look for it on his own. As for the four of you, you will be the outer disciples of my Sword Sect from now on. Go to get the identity token today, and tomorrow you can choose the exercises in the Sutra Pavilion to practice." .”

Elder Chen said lightly.

"Why not an inner disciple?"

asked the old beggar.

"Because the materials you handed in are too little, and your contribution to the sect is not up to the requirements of inner disciples. Disciples, no matter how big or small, are doing their best for the sect. Please don't feel bad about it. Frustrated."

Elder Chen said with a smile.

Li Xiaobai was speechless, why are these words so familiar?

But as long as he can go in, his purpose is just to do things to make money and improve attribute points, not to really go in and practice.

"In that case, I would like to thank the elder."


Looking at the figures of several people going away, the elders of the clan were very dissatisfied.

"Elder Chen, let's just forget about the matter of our disciples. That kid definitely knows something. It only takes a few minutes for the old man to search for his soul!"

"That's right, the secret of him, and the treasure that can resist the cold, is it possible that Elder Chen is not tempted?"

"Fellow daoists, please be calm and don't be impatient. This old man's move is just a stopgap measure. First, keep those four people in the Sword Sect, and you can make whatever you want in the days to come. At that time, I will help you to torture people of all races." Disciple Tianjiao's whereabouts."

Elder Chen smiled, and disappeared in place with a flash of his figure.

"Ma De, this old clapper wants to take all the treasure from that kid!"

"An old fox!"

"It doesn't matter, there are also some disciples in our clan who have practiced in Jianzong for many years, let them kill Li Xiaobai secretly, and the same is true for finding the treasures on his body!"

"It's normal for juniors to exchange ideas and accidentally kill people. Li Xiaobai has to pay the price!"

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