"Oh Well."

Li Xiaobai smiled and nodded in response, no matter what he can do to stop this man, he can't stop him.

"Please, Junior Brother."

Brother Huo showed a smile on his fleshy face, and made a gesture of invitation.

Jianfeng is a majestic mountain peak, standing very conspicuously at the entrance of the sect, with a large flow of people. At this moment, many monks who came and went stopped at the same time, looking at the scene in front of them with interest.

Every year, there will be some newcomers who don't know the heights of the sky and the depths of the earth want to challenge Jianfeng, but all of them return without success, and what's more, they are directly cut by the sword intent and disappear from then on.

For them, this is a good program to pass the time once a year, but they don't know why only four newcomers came this time, it looks like they are having sex with Brother Huo.

"Hehehe, this year's rookies seem a bit arrogant!"

"Arrogance? You'll become useless in a short while. These young people are beating up without reality. It's just for Junior Brother Huo to teach them a lesson."

"I don't know how long the rookie can last this time, why don't we start a game?"

"Okay, I bet they will be seriously injured by the 30th step!"

"Hahaha, brother Chen thinks highly of them too much. I think we couldn't even make it to the 25th level when we went up for the first time. These people are only 20 steps at best. Jianfeng's sword Recently, the mind has become more and more pure, and its power is getting stronger day by day, there are rumors that Jianzhong will be born soon, this kid is climbing at this juncture, and he is just looking for a dead end."

"Oh? Brother Chen also knows about the sword tomb. I heard from my senior sister that if the sword tomb is alive, the sect will select disciples to enter it to gain benefits. If you are lucky enough to get an inheritance of an ancient sword, you will be prosperous! "

"Hehe, it's not that easy. The ancient swords in the sword mound have all followed the predecessors to fight in all directions. Not everyone can be recognized by them. This matter has little to do with us. Few can enter In other words, it must be an inner disciple who started, we don't have that cultivation base, we don't have that life."

A group of monks watched the actions of Li Xiaobai and the others, and kept talking about something, with mockery and disdain in their eyes, all waiting to see a joke.

Looking down at the juniors who have just started in this way gives them a sense of accomplishment from the bottom of their hearts.

This is a good opportunity for juniors who are new to the church to respect their teachers.

At Jianfeng's feet.

Li Xiaobai and the others looked up, and saw that the mountain was towering into the sky, much higher than many surrounding mountains. Even before stepping on it, they could already feel the fierce aura, which made people startled.

The road above the mountain spirals up to the top. At this moment, countless monks can be seen climbing hard. Various values ​​are displayed on the top of the head. Most of them are hundreds of golden merit points, and occasionally there are tens of thousands of points. blood red evil value.

Many young girls were sweating profusely, and their clothes were wet again and again, outlining a thrilling curve.

"Tsk tsk tsk, what a white sword intent!" the old beggar couldn't help admiring.

"Tsk tsk tsk, what a long sword intent!" Ji Wuqing also stared at the top without blinking.

"Tsk tsk tsk, what a sword intent!" Er Gouzi said.

"Ahem, what is the meaning of the sword or not? We just like to climb mountains and enjoy the process of climbing." Li Xiaobai coughed twice and said flatly.

Brother Huo and the others have black lines all over their foreheads. This group of newcomers have such a big heart. They dare to talk and laugh in front of him. They really didn't take him seriously!

But it doesn't matter, after a while on the mountain, he will let the other party know that in the sect, the younger brother must be obedient to the older brother!

He has been in Jianzong for three years. Although he is still a monk in the fairyland, he can already climb more than 190 steps on the edge of the sword. This achievement is not outstanding, but it is not comparable to a few monks who have just started.

"Let's go."

Li Xiaobai stepped into the sword's edge.

The property values ​​of the system panel jumped instantly.

first step.

Attribute points +1000...

second step.

Attribute points +2000...

third step.

Attribute points +3000...

the fourth step.

Attribute points +4000...

After walking several steps in a row, the values ​​on the system attribute point panel jump, without stress.

Li Xiaobai understood in his heart that the damage of the sword intent on the edge of the sword is continuously increasing. Basically, every step forward will increase one thousand attribute points. If it is the top, it is definitely an extremely terrifying injury.

At least as far as he is currently, he is still far from reaching that step. A rough estimate, about four or five hundred steps is his limit, and he may suffer serious injuries if he goes any further.

The old beggar and others followed closely behind, but after walking a few steps, they felt the pressure increase sharply.

Several rays of light flickered in the void, intertwined with blood-red rays of light and golden rays of light, attracting the attention of the surrounding monks.

After seeing the value clearly, all the monks present gasped.

"Hey, that young man in charge looks gentle, but he actually has 110,000 sin points!"

"Look at that chicken, it actually has 90,000 evil points!"

"No, no, the most outrageous thing is that dog. An animal has more than two thousand merits. Did it grow up with merits? This value is higher than many elders in our sect!"

"How did they do it, are the rookies this year so fierce?"

The disciples were terrified, and there was a storm in their hearts.

"Fuck, is it so fierce?"

Brother Huo and the others on the side were also stunned. To have such a value, this year's newcomers are obviously not a good character to get along with. This is not a soft persimmon, maybe he kicked the iron plate.

"It's okay, no matter how strong the newcomers who have just entered the sect are, how strong can they be? Everyone is a fairyland cultivator. After a while, he will do a little bit of tricks. That man named Li Xiaobai has killed many people, and his savings must be A huge number, maybe we will get rich this time!"

A monk muttered in a low voice, seeing the green light shining in Li Xiaobai's eyes, he looked very greedy.

In their eyes, Li Xiaobai is already a treasury of human beings who can move, and a little benefit may be enough for them to practice for a period of time.

On the edge of the sword.

The little yellow chicken couldn't hold on at first. It didn't want to be killed by the sword intent for no apparent reason. After walking two steps, the little foot screamed and ran away.

"Ma De, this poor chicken is really a rookie, no, Mr. Er Gouzi can't hold it anymore, his cultivation is really flawed, or he didn't take enough baths and slipped away!"

After walking a few more steps, Ergouzi also felt that he couldn't hold on any longer. He didn't want to expose his blood power, so he turned his head and ran away.

"I don't understand sword intent, I feel a little uncomfortable."

The corner of the old beggar's mouth showed a bit of bitterness. This sword edge is simply a treasure house for sword repairers. It can be used to sharpen sword energy and even comprehend sword intent from it, but he doesn't know anything about it. Hold on.

Now that he has entered the sect of Jianzong and is close to the water tower, he has made up his mind in his heart that if this matter is over, he must go to the Sutra Pavilion to read classics and practice a sword technique!

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