Liu Hufa gave an order, and the rest of the evil cultivators immediately took action.

Running the exercises, urging the soul-calling banner, in an instant, the sky was dark and the earth was dark, ghosts and gods roared, and there was a faint red light flickering in the black evil spirit, and everyone felt that the pressure increased greatly.

Wia in the Nascent Soul stage cracked the ground under everyone's feet.

This is sorcery, and there are two kinds of evil spirits, one is to grind people's body, and the other is to kill people's soul.

This red light is dedicated to killing the primordial spirit, and the other party wants to keep the whole body so that they can search for the so-called treasure.

"Boss Ye, tell me whether Zhang Rui is here or not!"

"Yeah, we can't give up all our lives for him alone!"

The monks looked at Li Xiaobai, and among the people present, Li Xiaobai became their backbone.

"How can there be Zhang Rui, you all grew up together, outsiders don't understand you, don't you know, this is obviously a game they did together, and they want to kill us!"

"Don't just wait for death, you wait for the speed and get in the car, and the good day will take you out!"

Li Xiaobai opened his eyes and told nonsense, urging everyone to get in the car quickly, because heavy trucks can break through the cage of evil spirits.

The rest of the monks were taken aback when they heard this. That's right, they have lived in Guyue City since they were young, and they know everything about it. There is no such thing as Zhang Rui.

Now that the Xia family and the Wang family have made it clear that they will not save them, they are obviously trying to trick them!

"Grandma, the situation is too tense, I was almost bluffed!"

"That's right, if Boss Ye hadn't reminded me, I wouldn't have thought of this level!"

"These two people usually look like dogs, but I didn't expect to be this kind of people. I misread them!"

"If you don't die today, you will have to ask the Patriarchs for an explanation later!"

"In comparison, Boss Ye is still a man of temperament, and a friend in adversity sees the truth. Compared with Boss Ye, those two people are far behind!"

Everyone quickly turned over and got into the car, crawled in the car, curled up as much as possible, so as not to expose themselves.

They have all seen the defensive power of big trucks before, and maybe they can really fight against this evil spirit.

Li Xiaobai threw Er Gouzi and Ji Wuqing into the passenger seat, then slipped into the driver's seat and threw in dozens of middle-grade spirit stones. This time, he didn't have to worry about running out of gas on the way.

"Wang, boy, if you hadn't stopped Mr. Er Gouzi, that arrogant guy would have been dead."

Er Gouzi regained his composure and barked at Xie Xiu.

"Hehe, that's right, the deity is about to make a move just now, but since you want to do it yourself, the deity will not fight with you, fight hard, don't lose the face of the deity."

Ji Wuqing took two steps on the spot, relieved her tense and stiff legs, raised her head and chest, and said calmly.

Li Xiaobai was speechless, "What time is it, still pretending!"

Outside the evil spirit cage, a few evil cultivators operated their spells and manipulated the soul-calling banners to approach the crowd, beheading people's spiritual consciousness without hurting their physical body, which is a fine work.

The wind was blowing, and the land for several miles turned into a barren wasteland.

"Do it."

Liu Hufa waved his hand, and several evil cultivators immediately started to kill them.

The evil spirit cage began to shrink, and the red blood energy surged into the encirclement circle, and began to obliterate everyone's sanity.

Hufa Liu's eyes shone with excitement, looking at a piece of shimmering fragment in his hand, which was bestowed by the above, and he could sense the breath of the piece taken away by Zhang Rui.

At this time, the fragment glowed brightly, indicating that the other piece that was taken away was among these people.

Kill all these people, get the fragments, get promoted and make a fortune today. If the adult is happy, he will be rewarded with a book of exercises and he will develop. It is not impossible to break through the Nascent Soul Stage and practice to the Transcendence Tribulation Stage!

The Xia family brothers all had teasing eyes, Li Xiaobai made them unable to step down before, but now he died here pitifully and helplessly, it was really satisfying.

I really want to quickly see the other party's desperate appearance before death.

Wang Ruoxian's face was dull, and there was no wave in the ancient well. Today these people are doomed. She has seen how strong the Nascent Soul Stage monks are.

Perhaps this time, you should know the truth about people beyond others, right?

It's just a pity that it's too late. There are some people in this world who cannot be offended.

"Is Zhang Rui hiding among those family children?"

"It shouldn't be, we all know these people, there can't be Zhang Rui..."

"We don't understand, and we dare not ask..."

The third brother Zuo Da was still confused, staring blankly at the movement in the evil spirit in front of him.

Inside the truck, Li Xiaobai saw the bloody aura rushing toward his face. This was the erosive power of the blood demon. If the monks in the truck got a trace of it, they would surely die, so they had to get a talisman to protect everyone.

The small golden amulet can withstand the full blow of the Nascent Soul monk. (One hundred middle-grade spirit stones).

Note that broken runes become invalid.

That willow protector is the cultivation base of the Yuanying period, a small golden body amulet should be enough, just to be on the safe side, Li Xiaobai bought two runes.

Raising his hand and sticking to the inside of the car, the heavy truck was instantly covered with a layer of golden light. Everyone in the car was wrapped in golden light, and the evil spirit was isolated from the outside, making it impossible to break through.

The bloody aura surged ahead, wrapping the truck, making it completely impossible to see the road ahead from the windshield.

I could only rely on my memory, slam the steering wheel, step on the gas pedal to the bottom, the engine roared, the ground trembled, and the heavy truck rushed in the direction of Liu Hufa.

The surrounding evil spirit dissipated out of thin air under this rush, without a trace.

"What kind of baby is this?"

Liu Hufa's complexion changed, and he was shocked in his heart. He raised his hand and hung the soul-calling banner in front of him. He made a sword formula with both hands, and pointed at the speeding truck, "Qianhun Yin!"

A large amount of black mist gushed out from the soul-calling banner, turned into a towering hand, and greeted the big truck. Where the black giant hand passed, the ground festered, and the gravel turned into dust.

These are all formed by absorbing people's resentment, possessing corrosive power, and people with unstable minds will die at the touch of a touch.

"You actually have this kind of treasure. You are indeed a character who can take away the fragments. My lord still underestimated you."

"It's just a pity that even with the help of magic weapons, you are still just a low-level monk. Today, Liu will let you know what it means to be a car with a mantis' arms!"

Li Xiaobai has a strange expression on his face, this evil cultivator doesn't seem to be able to use his brain very well, standing like this and letting himself hit him, isn't he in a hurry to give away his head?

As far as my big truck is concerned, let alone the Nascent Soul Stage, I feel that even if the Transcendence Tribulation Stage comes, it can be run over directly.

Putting it into gear, slamming on the accelerator, and rushing out, it collided fiercely with the soul-calling flag.

There was a "click".

The soul-calling flag broke at the sound, the black giant hand shattered, and black mist shot out.


Liu Hufa's chest was directly dented by the truck, and he fell to the ground with blood gushing from his mouth.

"This is impossible!"

Liu Hufa was terrified, but unfortunately he didn't have time to think about it.

The giant steel beast in front of it retreated slightly by one meter, and then let out a thunderous roar again. Smoke and dust rose up everywhere, crushing towards Guardian Liu...

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