"Hehe, in the Nascent Soul stage, there is nothing to be afraid of. Believe in the good days, and the good days will take you to fly."

Li Xiaobai took an inventory, and took off all the valuable items on Xiexiu's body and put them away. The wealth he had accumulated was already huge, and he had to exchange it for spirit stones.

Picking up a broken sword casually, he wrote a few large characters on the ground with sword energy.

"The murderer, Zhang Ruiye."

"Zhang Rui likes to attack those who think they are superior. If you think you have the strength to play with Zhang Rui, Zhang Rui doesn't mind playing with you."

It's still the same old way, people are floating in the rivers and lakes, and they use trumpets to save their lives.

It's a big mess, Zhang Ruilai is going to take the blame, there is no way, who let him know this enemy?

I'm sorry brother, you have to live well, so that we can spend longer!

"Boss Ye has such strength. Sure enough, there is no ordinary person who can be recruited into the Holy Demon Sect to become a further disciple!"

"That's right, and Boss Ye values ​​love and righteousness. Even with such strength, he didn't think about leaving alone. He is a real hero for fighting the evil cultivators for us!"

"By comparison, Xia Jian and Wang Ruoxian are like villains. Fortunately, I wanted to kneel and lick them back then. They are really selfish villains!"

"But once Xia Liu and Xia Chuan die, how should we explain to the Xia family in the future..."

"Please tell me, the two of them deserved their death. If you ask me, it's a pity that Xia Jian and Miss Wang's family didn't die. When we meet the head of the Xia family in the future, we should ask for an explanation!"

The monks stabilized their minds and calmed down their excited emotions. The series of operations just now really made them feel a little irritated.

Li Xiaobai laughed and said, "Everyone, I am a cultivator of Gu Yue City. We should unite as one, share the blessings, and share the difficulties. Only in this way can we not be bullied."

"Yeah yeah……"

"Thank you, Boss Ye..."

"From now on, I will hang out with Boss Ye..."

The monks were very grateful, this is a life-saving grace, although they are dudes, they also know that this is a great kindness.

"Thank you everyone, let's go!"

Li Xiaobai opened the door, got on the car, kicked the accelerator, and the heavy truck drove away.

In the co-pilot's seat, Er Gouzi and Ji Wuqing also calmed down at this time. The power of the big truck made them tremble with fear, and the cold iron-blooded evil spirit made them feel chills all over.

At first I thought it was just a means of transportation, but I didn't expect it to be a killing machine.

"Boy, your performance just now was good. You have about one level of master Er Gouzi's skill, and you didn't embarrass him."

Ergouzi stretched out a paw, patted Li Xiaobai's shoulder, and said with a grin.

"It's really good, barely comparable to a phoenix feather of this deity. As a human being, you are very good."

Ji Wuqing also nodded, and said lightly.

Li Xiaobai was so angry that these two guys were useless at all, so he just got a little bit more talkative, and he was definitely the king of the mouth.

After slamming the steering wheel with his hands and shaking it left and right for a while, one chicken and one dog became honest.


At the same time, hundreds of male and female monks were waiting in front of the Holy Demon Sect's mountain gate, talking a lot.

"Look, that's Fairy Qin Lan from Xiaozhu Peak, and she's here!"

"It's really as beautiful as a fairy, with that figure and temperament, a goddess!"

"I heard that Fairy Qin was attracted by a certain genius in Zhongzhou and entered Zhongzhou to practice. I didn't expect to gather here."

"Isn't there a crazy man with three whips in the Northwest? It is rumored that this person is good at whipping. He once broke a big river with one whip, and even has a place on the list!"

"I didn't expect that our last batch of advanced disciples would have the opportunity to see so many young geniuses!"

A trace of disdain flashed in Qin Lan's eyes. She was not at all happy to be praised by these trash.

"Miss, these lowly people dare to talk about you, it really pollutes your ears, maidservant to teach them."

The maidservant next to her had an angry look on her face, she was about to step forward as soon as she drew her sword from her waist.

"Forget it, a vulgar person, why should he have the same knowledge as him, don't lose his value for nothing." Qin Lan stopped the maidservant.

"What Miss said is that the servant girl is impatient."

"Brother Yu, what do you think of this mountain gate test?"

Qin Lan tilted her head, looked at the man who was resting with eyes closed and said with a smile, there are so many people present, this is the only strong man on the list who can catch her eyes.

"See with your eyes."

A hideous scar on the man's face trembled, and he said bluntly, obviously not wanting to talk to him.

"Brother Yu, this time you are here for that quota, right? If you and I join forces, we will definitely be able to earn a place." Qin Lan said with eyes rolling and a smile like a flower.

"You deserve it too?"

The man sneered, touched the whip on his waist, turned and left, and never opened his eyes to look at the other party from the beginning to the end.

Qin Lan's eyes were covered with haze.

"This fish three whips is too arrogant. Miss, you are the Taoist companion of the true disciple of Zhongzhou Xingtianzong. He doesn't even open his eyes to look at you. He really doesn't know how to flatter you!"

There was a murderous look in the maidservant's eyes.

"It is rumored that Yu Sanbian went to the West Desert before, and he never opened his eyes after he came back. Some people said that he got the inheritance of the old monk and was practicing great supernatural powers. Some people said that he provoked people who should not be provoked. Both eyes were destroyed."

"This person has always been arrogant, he doesn't respect the world, he doesn't worship the teacher, and he originally wanted to give him a chance, but now it seems that if he can't be used by me, he can only be destroyed."


Li Xiaobai drove steadily, the road was very calm, except for a few unsightly monsters that occasionally jumped out to challenge the big trucks, nothing happened.

It's just that the Er Gouzigou on the side is staring at him, always wanting to paw and pull the steering wheel twice.

Although it was given a Pudong rooster, the possibility of turning it into a mount is currently zero.

The truck passed through the official road and mountains smoothly all the way, and arrived in front of the mountain gate of the Holy Demon Sect.

At this moment, many people have gathered here.

The rumbling sound immediately attracted the attention of many monks under the cliff.

In just a split second, the faces of more than half of the disciples turned pale, and the shape of the big truck was too hideous and terrifying.

The blood stains on the tires were still wet, and there were still a few arms hanging from the edge of the car, as if they had come out of hell, and everyone who watched felt their stomachs tumbling.

What kind of genius is this, so terrifying!

"Everyone, we have arrived."

Li Xiaobai opened the door and signaled everyone to get out of the car.

The Holy Demon Sect in front of him is said to be a mountain gate, but there is no gate, and some people just see the cliff. In the middle of the cliff, there are three big golden characters of Holy Demon Sect.

Seeing this scene, everyone in the car was also a little confused, not understanding how to enter the Holy Demon Sect.

"This is the Holy Demon Sect, it really is magnificent!"

"Worthy of being a sect of great sects, the fairy mist is floating around the top of the mountain, and there are a few big characters on the cliff. It is not ordinary at first glance."

"Indeed, but there is no sect door except for a cliff, how do I get in here?"

"Also, why are those disciples all looking at me?"

Li Ya looked around, "Boss Ye, I'm going to find out the news."

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