Li Xiaobai was speechless, this old man has a high strength behind his face, it is probably impossible for him to want to eat meat, but if he can follow this kind of person, he may be able to know some secrets that are not known to outsiders.

"What's in the main hall?"

The two of them followed the pace of Xiao Lao Di.

"The old man took a quick glance just now and saw a huge crystal. As for what it is, the old man is not sure."

Xiao Laodi said.

Several people walked along the bluestone steps. On the way, Li Xiaobai and Liu Jinshui passed by the caves, all of which had their doors open, and they knew that the things inside had been emptied by Xiao Laodi without asking.

The main hall is located directly in front of the bronze steps, and is also blocked by a bronze gate with a Tai Chi groove on the gate.

"No, didn't senior just say that he saw a huge crystal in the main hall? Now that the gate is closed, how did senior see it?"

Li Xiaobai asked suspiciously, seriously suspecting that this old fellow was acting as a demon.

"Of course I saw it through the crack of the door."

Xiao Laodi looked at his nose, his nose at his mouth, and his mouth at his heart, with a solemn expression on his face. In fact, the bronze door was originally open, but because he wanted to forcibly shake the crystal and take it away, it triggered The agency closed the gate again, but fortunately he withdrew at the last moment, and he couldn't move anything in the main hall.

"Wang, old clapper, I know that you will not be so kind!"

Once bitten by a snake for ten years and afraid of the well rope, Er Gouzi immediately blew up. This old man clearly wanted to beat his blood because he couldn't get in.

"This volume of secret book was snatched from the abbot of Daleiyin Temple back then. It is said that it is a secret of Buddhism, and only the direct disciples of Daleiyin Temple can learn it. Now the Zhongyuan Realm masters this sect. There are only ten fingers of practitioners, so it should be your reward."

Emperor Xiaolao took out an ancient book and threw it to Er Gouzi. The Buddhist scriptures are not of much use to a person like him who neither cultivates merit nor accumulates the power of faith.

Er Gouzi picked up the ancient book, and on the cover there were four large characters "Dawei Tianlong!"

"What kind of secret is this?"

Li Xiaobai and Liu Jinshui came forward curiously to read it, and Er Gouzi immediately put it in his bag, curled his lips and said, "It's still a so-so technique, and the speed of updating and updating it is too fast these days." , this kind of old antique is outdated, but since the senior is in trouble, I naturally want to help with kindness and righteousness, just take a drop of blood!"

Er Gouzi looked careless, opened his mouth and spit out a drop of blood into Xiao Laodi's hand, his energy and energy were quite depressed.

"Made, it's definitely a good thing. You, the master of meat buns and dogs, is willing to pluck your hair. Let the fat man see it and open your eyes!"

Liu Jinshui was not happy anymore, this guy who was usually kept a batch, was willing to hand in his blood at this moment, that volume of exercises must be something unusual.

"You bumpkin, get out of the way."

Er Gouzi gave him a sideways look, then followed Xiao Laodi's footsteps with his head held high.

"This dog has grown up!" Liu Jinshui was annoyed.

"No, it's a dog spirit!" Li Xiaobai said flatly.

In front of him, Emperor Xiaolao poured the essence and blood in his hand into the groove of the Taiji diagram, and the yin and yang flow circulated again, and a strange face could be vaguely seen emerging from the bronze door. Ghosts are bloodthirsty, but they are somewhat similar to the double-faced Buddha in Buddhism.


There was a dull sound, and the bronze door was opened inch by inch, and a faint white light came out. It was the light emitted by the huge crystal, and the decayed smell of Roshan floated out together.

The entire main hall is surprisingly large, but it looks extremely empty. A huge crystal is placed in the center, and around the crystal are densely packed pieces of flesh and blood, beating very regularly.

This is only a small part that can be seen. In the darkness that cannot be illuminated by the faint light of the crystal, there are still countless mountains of meat entrenched and dormant. Thinking about it makes people feel hairy.

"This is Roshan's lair, isn't it true that the owner of the tomb has changed from Roshan?"

Liu Jinshui felt emotional, there were too many mountains of meat, they were almost piled up to the top, like a hill, if it accidentally collapsed, they would all be buried under it.

"Don't worry about Roshan, look at the crystal first, there are treasures in it!"

Li Xiaobai said, the huge crystal is inlaid with all kinds of rare treasures, earth dragon grass, chilling cicadas, and many unexplainable treasures are all sealed in it, and there is a figure in the very center of the crystal Sitting cross-legged, everyone can only see a back.

"There are people inside!"

Er Gouzi exclaimed, there is actually a person sealed in the bottom of this tomb, it must be a living thing!

"Don't panic. This person should be the owner of the tomb. He must have been dead for many years. Sealing himself with the treasures of heaven, material and earth is regarded as a funeral object. This crystal is his coffin. The reason for self-sealing is probably to ensure the immortality of the corpse. It may also be to prevent the enemy from finding and destroying the corpse."

Emperor Xiaolao explained, "No matter what the purpose is, the owner of the tomb finally got a good death!"

"Then can we take this treasure?"

Liu Jinshui asked cheekily, taking away the funeral objects of a person who hoped for a good death made him a little guilty.

"If you can break this crystal, it's not a problem. The old man said that after coming in, each person will use his own ability, and he will not rob you of your wealth."

The little guy Di said cheerfully.

"The junior will have the guts to give it a try."

Liu Jinshui slapped the crystal with a palm, and the crystal remained motionless, and the power of immortality erupted from that fairyland melted instantly like a mud cow entering the sea.

"Hey, little friend is really temperamental. The material of this crystal is so tough that even the old man can't break it, but at the level of the old man, it has long been broken without brute force. It only needs a little skill to get out of the bag like no one knows." border."

Xiao Laodi laughed and said, his figure suddenly became illusory, he walked across the crystal surface and reached out to explore a jade pot vessel.

"Made, I knew this old man had no good intentions!"

Li Xiaobai's complexion turned dark. This crystal is the coffin made by the owner of the tomb. Even if he encounters beings of the same level, it cannot be easily crushed. How can their humble deeds be shaken? The old man knew about Crystal's situation early in the morning, so he deliberately didn't tell them.

Melting into the void with the body, this kind of foul skill is really the best choice for stealing treasure.


There was a loud noise, and Xiao Lao Di let out a miserable howl and flew backwards, smashing on the bronze door.

"Damn it, it won't work if you merge into the void?"

Xiao Laodi's eyes were wide open, and his face was full of impossibility. You must know that he is considered a leader in the holy realm. What kind of cultivation level did he have to be able to force him out of the void with ease?

Er Gouzi's eyes almost narrowed into a slit, "Ben Fozi is in a really good mood now!"

Liu Jinshui echoed, "Hey, me too."

Li Xiaobai "To be honest, my younger brother is also a little bit cool."

"Hey hey hey!"

The few people laughed gloatingly, this old man also had a day of frustration, it was really a joy.

"It shouldn't be. How could the old man's cultivation level be popped up? It's too embarrassing. Who is this guy?"

Xiao Laodi's face was full of disbelief, how could he be defeated so easily with such a cultivation level?

The old figure began to circle around the huge crystal, trying to find out who was sealed in the crystal, but unfortunately the crystal was placed against the wall, with its back to everyone, so it was difficult to see the true face of the owner of the tomb.

"Senior, do you know who is sealed in this crystal coffin?"

Seeing Xiaolaodi busy, Li Xiaobai stepped forward and asked.

He also followed suit to check, but what he looked at was not the gray figure, he focused more on the sealed treasures, these were all first-class treasures, take them out casually The same will trigger a big fight between the sects.

The only fly in the ointment is that it can only be seen from a distance but not played with. It can only be seen but not touched, which is really itchy.

"You can't see the real face, you have to turn the crystal over!"

Xiao Laodi rubbed his teeth and felt a little tricky.

Li Xiaobai wondered, "It shouldn't be a problem to turn around with the ability of the seniors, right?"

"But if you turn it over, it will touch the mechanism and the bronze door will be closed tightly. It's a bit difficult to handle!"

"Um, how did senior know?"

"Don't ask, asking is just guessing."

Li Xiaobai...

This old man must have come in once in advance, right?

"Since the crystal cannot be moved, let's move the wall. Let's tear down the wall for him, so we can walk over to see the tomb owner's demeanor?"

Liu Jinshui said.

"Wow, blast the wall!" Er Gouzi yelled.

"No, disturbing the mountain of meat will cause unimaginable results. The owner of this tomb is cultivated for good fortune. No one knows how powerful the meat is hidden in this catacomb. Let alone a holy place, even if it is just jumping It will be an extremely destructive disaster for the cultivation world to have a Roshan in the semi-holy realm."

"Let the old man come, handle it with care, and don't disturb Roshan's deep sleep."

The little laodi said slowly.

It is nothing to take out a single piece of meat mountain, but there are thousands of meat mountains in the catacombs. Toes also knows that there must be a Big Mac, so it's better not to provoke them.

Emperor Xiaolao stretched out a finger and tapped it lightly on the wall. In an instant, the entire wall of the bronze hall was turned into powder and disappeared. The stone wall was pushed back and compressed several meters, revealing a small space enough to accommodate several people.

"Senior is domineering!"

Li Xiaobai praised, he is indeed a strong man in the holy realm, no matter what he does, he gives people a relaxed and casual feeling.

"The old man wants to see who the owner of this tomb is. With such a cultivation level, it is absolutely impossible for him to be an unknown person in the long river of history!"

Xiao Laodi appeared on the other side of the crystal in an instant, followed by the two and a dog.

It's just that when they really saw the figure and appearance of the person sealed in the crystal, they couldn't help but suck in a breath of cold air.

There is also an old man here, and the most shocking thing for everyone is that his face is exactly the same as that of the young man next to him.

Er Gouzi was the first to explode, jumped three feet high and ran behind Li Xiaobai, howling, "Wang, Ma De, old man, Ben Fozi can tell you are not human at a glance!"

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