Because I'm Afraid Of Pain, I Put All My Defenses On

Chapter 966 Report The Address, I Will Kill You Now

The faces of the monks were horrified. Under the sword, they felt that their cultivation was as difficult to move as a swamp. Their bodies were charged with cultivation and locked up, making it difficult for them to understand what happened.

The huge blood-colored heart beating in the void made them even more terrified. This iconic symbol, no monk in the Zhongyuan Realm would not know it, the secret Blood Demon Heart of the Blood Demon Sect!

This young man in front of him is actually a core disciple of the Blood Demon Sect?

They couldn't accept this fact. They had to know that this guy was just a pig in this barbarian land a few months ago, how could he have mixed into the Blood Demon Sect and climbed to the position of core disciple in such a short period of time?

"You... who the hell are you!"

"What is your relationship with the Blood Demon Sect? This old man once sent the young man surnamed Lin to practice in the Blood Demon Sect. Could it be that he taught you this untold secret!"

King Mighty's heart trembled.

"Oh? It turns out that Lin Yin, the third senior brother, was sent to the Blood Demon Sect, and it is indeed a good place for him."

"But you don't need to know who I am. Under the Underworld, the Holy Lord of your Great Yan Dynasty will tell you!"

Li Xiaobai's eyes were indifferent, and he waved his hand casually.


The blood-colored light surged in the void, and blood-colored tentacles pierced the bodies of the monks coldly and mercilessly.


The Gorefiend's heart was beating slowly, and he began to absorb the life essence from the monks' bodies.

"No no no!"

"You can't kill this king. This king is the prince of the Yan Dynasty. This king is not willing to be reconciled. This king still wants to rule the world..."

The Mighty King's eyes were full of despair and reluctance, he turned around and wanted to escape, but his body shriveled at a speed visible to the naked eye before he could practice, turning into a cold mummy with no life left.

"Brother Li, we were all invited to come here as guests, and we don't know about the evil deeds of this Mighty King. Please, Brother Li, show your respect and let us go!"

A group of young people kneeling on the ground said in panic.

"That's right, I'm a lay disciple of Buddhism, and I'm favored by Master Tianxuan, you can't kill me!"

"Qin Shou, the true disciple of the Hundred Beasts Sect, please hold your hands high, Brother Li. I will pretend that I didn't see what happened today, and I will be very grateful to meet you in the Zhongyuan Realm someday!"

The young talents have revealed their identities one after another and want to use this as a bargaining chip for survival. In their view, they have the support of the family power behind them. No matter how lawless Li Xiaobai is, he will not understand them. After all, no one wants to fight with the entire Zhongyuan world For the enemy!

It's just a pity that Li Xiaobai doesn't take this kind of thing at all, and it's a sign of incompetence to pretend to be friends. If these people are really so capable, why would they come to this backcountry to have fun?

"Xiaobai, kill them! You can't stay. It's these dudes who rely on their cultivation to occupy my Holy Demon Sect. I don't know how many disciples have been brutally murdered by them. They put the sect and the sect in dire straits. It's miserable!"

A roar came from among the crowd, it was Ou Yezi, the head of the sect. This former hero finally lowered his noble head in the face of the chasm-like power gap. At this moment, the arrival of Li Xiaobai aroused the resentment in his heart that had been suppressed for a long time. The gate releases water in general.

"Follow the order of the head!"


The heart of the Gorefiend burst out with a strange light, and the sound of the heart beating like thunder and drums trembled in the ears of every monk in the field. The blood-colored tentacles that penetrated into their bodies quickly twisted and twitched like silver snakes dancing wildly. Exudes an unparalleled powerful blood.


In the blink of an eye, all the monks present turned into mummified corpses without exception.

The bloody light flickered above the head, and the crime value was increased by 100,000.

"The crime is worth 4.2 million!"

The list cannot come to the Fairy Continent, and the ranking cannot be seen for the time being, but it should have risen a lot.

"Phew, these gentle scum really deserve to die. I didn't expect that there are so many monks in the Zhongyuan world who are not enterprising and just want to enjoy themselves."

Liu Jinshui frowned and said in a deep voice, he used to be a member of Sheng Mozong, and he felt uncomfortable seeing this devastated sect.

"Xiaobai, where are you from?"

Ou Yezi got up, and looked at the two and the dog in amazement. The combination was still the same as before, and the appearance was still the same as that of a boy, but the strength and cultivation had undergone earth-shaking changes. In front of Xiaobai, he has no strength to fight back, his level of cultivation is hard to come by!

"I came from the Zhongyuan Realm, but I didn't expect the Fairy Spirit Continent to be murdered by these scumbags. The head of the sect doesn't need to panic. I have a mountain in the Zhongyuan Realm, and I can move the sect to the Zhongyuan Realm for development."

"These moths stationed on the Fairy Continent, the disciples will eradicate them all!"

Li Xiaobai said harshly.

"I didn't expect you to have grown to this stage. You really should be impressed by Shi Fareez!"

"Thanks to you, otherwise this ancestor's foundation would be destroyed in my hands."

Ou Yezi's brows were filled with joy, he was very grateful.

"It's okay, the master has something to do, and the disciple will do his best, let alone the head of the sect. It's what the disciple should do, so there is no need to thank him."

Liu Jinshui said lightly, with a very solemn expression, but his hands groping around the mummy revealed his true inner thoughts. This person and dog moved very nimbly, almost at the moment when all the monks turned into mummy. Started to touch the corpse.

Li Xiaobai was quite speechless when he saw it, how anxious these two guys are to get back their money.

"This is not a place to talk, let's go to another place to meet the wind for you!"

Ou Yezi said, but at this moment, a corpse next to Er Gouzi suddenly burst into golden light, and a jade pendant slowly floated into the void.

"Wow! It's a fraud!"

Er Gouzi was taken aback and ran away in a hurry.

"This is a jade pendant provided by the big family for the disciples. It can activate a trace of power to call out the elders of the sect at a critical moment. Judging from the shape of this jade pendant, it should be from the Heavenly God Sect."

Ou Yezi said that most of these young monks were frequent visitors of King Mighty, so he knew it quite well.


The jade pendant shattered abruptly, and a strand of golden soul floated out. He was an old man, wearing a Taoist robe, with a bit of fairy air, but when he saw the corpse on the ground, his eyes suddenly changed, and his misty fairy spirit disappeared. live.

"Who! Who killed my grandson!"

"Who is so bold!"

Scarlet hostility flashed across the old man's face, and he stared at the few people in front of him.

"I killed it, and senior wants to avenge him?"

Li Xiaobai said calmly with his hands behind his back.

"How courageous, kill my grandson, and die for this old man!"

The old man flew into a rage, and slammed his fists down on Li Xiaobai.

Attribute points + 300,000...

The old man's strength is mediocre, and it is estimated that it is only the cultivation base of the earth fairyland in exchange for the main body.

"Using the strength of the mountain of flesh to force the old man's offensive, how is this possible, who are you, the old man Zhang Qingquan, the elder of the gods, seems to have never sinned, sir, why did you kill the old man's grandson!"

The old man's complexion changed, he wanted to find out Li Xiaobai's reality.

"It turned out to be the elder of the Heavenly God Sect, I'm sorry."

Li Xiaobai nodded, and asked straightforwardly without any nonsense, "Give me the address, I'll go over and kill you now!"

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