"Small skills are nothing to worry about. I didn't expect that the Fairy Continent would suffer such a catastrophe, and the Buddhist Pure Land would be reduced to ruins. Master Xuan Bei was shocked during this period of time."

Li Xiaobai said.

Monk Xuanbei has aged a lot, and he has been heartbroken these days.

"Amitabha, Li benefactor is merciful, Tianxuan is a self-proclaimed Buddhist monk, but he does all evil things. It is the luck of Ximo to be able to kill him, and it is also the luck of my Buddhist sect!"

Master Xuanbei clasped his palms together and recited the Buddha's name.

"Master's words are right. As monks in the Fairy Continent, we naturally cannot stand by and watch when our ancestral land encounters disaster."

Li Xiaobai waved his hand and said.

Master Xuan Bei said, "This is not a place to talk, please follow the old monk to the hall for a detailed discussion!"

After a stick of incense time.

The main hall of the temple was full of monks, and these were all monks who were suppressed by the monks in the Zhongyuan Realm.

Monk Xuan Ku was dragged out by Xuan Bei, his face was pale, he was tortured at first glance, his eyes were clear, and he showed no signs of being saved, the monks of the Zhongyuan Realm had a natural sense of superiority in the Fairy Continent, Disdain to use the power of faith against them.

Fu Tiantian sat next to Li Xiaobai with hundreds of children, stuffing steamed buns into their mouths.

"I didn't expect that in the end, it was Li Benefactor who rescued the Fairy Continent from fire and water."

"On behalf of the people of Ximo, I have thanked the benefactor Li first!"

Xuan Ku clasped his palms together and saluted.

"It's nothing more than a little effort." Li Xiaobai waved his hand.

"Master is strong, Master is invincible!"

Fu Tiantian chewed on the steamed buns and spoke with some slurred words.

"Are these children rescued from the Bodhi Temple?"

Xuan Bei looked at the hundred children, his eyes were full of kindness.

"That's right, they are all children brought out from the Celestial Sect. I heard that the Buddhist sect in the Central Yuan Realm is studying a new method. These children are the experimental subjects. Does Master Xuan Bei know what this new method is?"

Li Xiaobai nodded and asked.

Xuan Bei said, "Amitabha, the so-called new law is a new path created by Buddhism. What we have done to these children can be said to be just a springboard. We want to use the strength of these children to explore a new path together."

Li Xiaobai wondered, "It means that Buddhists don't know what the so-called new law is?"

Xuan Bei nodded and said, "That's right. The monks in the Zhongyuan Realm use the power of faith to wash away the filth in children's hearts. They want to turn them into a piece of white paper and throw them into the mountains, forests, and fields to comprehend the nature of the world. All children have a pure heart and return to the basics to comprehend the way of heaven."

"Before the children realize the Heavenly Dao Kung Fu, no one knows what kind of form the so-called new method will exist."

"So that's the case, thank you Master for clarifying the confusion."

Li Xiaobai nodded, this day the God Sect had only carried out the initial work of eliminating impurities in the children's hearts, and was cut off halfway by him before they could comprehend the nature of the world.

But it is absolutely impossible for him to experiment with these children. He does not need new methods. These are good seedlings that can be brought back to the second peak of Jianzong to cultivate them.

"Benefactor Li intends to stay here for a long time when he comes back this time?"

Monk Xuanbei asked.

"No, I'm returning to the Fairy Continent to eradicate the moths in the Zhongyuan Realm and restore peace to the mainland. Now that the Northern Territory and the Western Desert have been pacified, I plan to go to the Zhongzhou Blood Demon Sect next step."

Li Xiaobai said slowly, the only cultivator in the Celestial Immortal Realm has been wiped out, and the remaining major forces are not to be feared.

"Amitabha, goodness, goodness. I didn't expect that young man who was still racking his brains on how to use the resources in the hands of monks to plan carefully. Now he has grown into the hope of the mainland. Li Benefactor's cultivation has far surpassed the imagination of poor monks and others. With common sense, I can only wish the benefactor a triumphant return!"

Xuan Bei Xuan Ku clasped his hands together and bowed to Li Xiaobai, now this young man in front of him is the only one who has the ability to change the situation in the Fairy Continent.

"Amitabha, Li benefactor, he was taken to Zhongyuan Realm after hearing about it. Is he all right now?"

An old monk below stared at Li Xiaobai and asked, he was the master of Monk Wang Wang, and he cared about him very much.

"Master, don't worry. I forgot to enter the Zhongyuan Realm Buddhism and was accepted as a disciple by the Abbot Master of Daleiyin Temple. The future is limitless."

Li Xiaobai said with a faint smile.

"Amitabha, this is very good."

The old monk thanked him and felt relieved.

"If Monk Xuanbei dies today, and Ximo can return to the past, what plans does Master Xuanbei have for the future?"

Li Xiaobai looked at Xuan Bei and asked.

"Benefactor Li, have you ever felt anything during this journey?" Xuan Bei asked.

"The wine and meat of the Zhumen stinks, and there are frozen bones on the road. Of course there are. The Buddhist monks in the Zhongyuan Realm have no mercy and compassion, causing the people to live in dire straits. Although I am angry, I am so shy and powerless."

As Li Xiaobai was talking, he suddenly realized that something was wrong, so he changed the subject and began to tell about his history of poverty.

"It seems that Li benefactor's life is not easy. Unfortunately, these millions of people will starve to death on the side of the road. If Li benefactor is willing to lend a helping hand, Ximo will not believe in ghosts and gods, and only respect the demon sword Li Xiaobai!"

"What does the master mean?"

Xuan Bei made a gesture of compassion, "Old man Xuan Bei, crowdfunding temples!"

Li Xiaobai "..."


the next day.

The Fairy Daily once again covered the entire continent. Following the Mighty Queen of the Northern Territory, Li Xiaobai went into the West Desert and attacked several monasteries. He successively killed the Tianshen Sect and the Tianxuan Temple, and even killed Master Tianxuan with his sword, completely liberating the West Desert. Save the people from the fire and water.

As soon as this news came out, the entire Fairy Continent was in a state of excitement, and Li Xiaobai's life became known to everyone in a short time. Such a legendary genius who walked out of the Fairy Continent became a hero in the hearts of monks in the streets and alleys.

Their Fairy Spirit Continent has always been dubbed pigs and lowly, but now they are also proud, what happened to the Earth Spirit Realm? What's wrong with bad background? Peerless geniuses were also born in this land, and they can also slay all masters in the Zhongyuan world with swords, making them invincible in the world!

"Brother Li is invincible!"

"Earlier, I had heard of Senior Brother Li's reputation, so I knew that this person is not simple, and he must be a dragon and phoenix in the future!"

"Let's not talk about it, Lu Zhuanfan, Senior Brother Li is my goal to catch up with from today on!"

"Hahaha, I have Brother Li in the Fairy Continent, who would dare to fight against the geniuses in the Zhongyuan Realm! Who would dare to say that the monks in the Earth Spirit Realm are pigs!"

On the mainland, the word Li Xiaobai has become the talk of the people after dinner. There are even monks in the Ten Thousand Buddhas who spontaneously built a statue for Li Xiaobai to worship. The whole body is gilded for blessings. Without the guidance of a single god, a heroic boy was born out of nowhere with his heart ashamed.

"When will Senior Brother Li come to Zhongzhou?"

"The Sea Clan in the East China Sea is rampant. Dare I ask when Senior Brother Li will visit?"

"Nan Ming Daughter Kingdom needs Senior Brother Li's protection!"

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