The fairy light produced by the children this time is quite different from those of the previous ones. There are strands of "fairy energy" on the faint white light. I don't know exactly what it is, but after being contaminated with a trace, it feels like a spring breeze all over the body, refreshing. And comfortable.

Presumably, he saw the vision on the ruins of the Moyun Cave from a distance and realized something.

His thinking is correct, if you want these children to understand something, you need to take them out to see the vast world, and you don't need to deliberately guide anything, you just need them to be a witness.

"Yi Yi Ya Ya!"

The little milkman couldn't sit still anymore, and crawled up to those children with fairy glows blooming on their bodies, and pushed them down to the ground, grabbed the braids and yanked them wildly. He was a little anxious. Seeing that the little kids around him were reborn one by one, he felt a strong sense of urgency.

"Have you ever felt any changes in your physical body?"

Li Xiaobai pulled the little milk baby aside, looked at the children in front of him and asked.

"Yi Yi Ya Ya!"

The fairy light gradually faded away, several children got up and punched a set of "drunken fists" in a serious manner, swaying and making milky voices, but nothing happened.

"It seems that some kind of change has taken place in the physique and the foundation of the Dao. Let the sixth brother take a look back."

Li Xiaobai fiddled with a few children, these little ones were too young to master and use the power of talent just now, he didn't know how to practice and couldn't see anything, so he looked back to someone who knew how to do it.

The little milk boy was dissatisfied, so he got up and walked to the center of the children, took a stride and began to punch, which attracted all the children to look sideways, their big eyes full of admiration.

Li Xiaobai is speechless, this milk baby is not big, but he is quite ambitious, he has not been washed by the power of Buddhist belief, but I don't know if this guy also has some kind of strange traits.

"Yi Yi Ya Ya!"

After the same staggering set of Drunken Fist, the little milk boy began to punch the few children who had just turned into fairy lights, and after a violent beating, he once again established his status as the king of children.


There was a roar of the engine, and the heavy truck climbed up the mountain. The vision on the ruins of the Moyun Cave did not dissipate. The group of people got closer, and the mountain gate was clearly visible.

After a while, the truck stopped.

In front of you is a majestic mountain gate. In front of the sect stands a huge stone tablet, on which are written three big characters Moyun Cave.

It is said that in the early years, the Moyun Cave was a stone mansion opened on a cliff, and the interior contained a vast and boundless small world space. Later, the former head teacher thought that hiding the sect in the small world would be easy to be targeted by others, so the great migration will Zongmen moved out.

After all, there is only one space channel in the small world. If the Moyun Cave is controlled by thieves, he will face annihilation. Can't escape the end of death.

"Master, we are here!"

Fu Tiantian turned over and got out of the car, looking very excited.

"Put away the mounts, let's walk so as not to disturb the seniors."

Li Xiaobai said lightly, he knew that the mountain gate in front of him was just an illusion and not real, and there might be some unknown danger in it, so he needed to proceed cautiously.


The team moved forward on foot, with Li Xiaobai walking directly in front, and a group of children bent over and crawled into the Moyun Cave behind.

There are many hills in the sect, and the fairy air is ethereal. A famous monk steps on a flying sword to communicate with each other. On both sides of the road, monks can be seen from time to time selling various monster materials. horrible.

"Senior Brother Wang!"

Fu Tiantian looked at a young man in white who was setting up a stall and exclaimed in surprise. In her memory, this Senior Brother Wang was a direct disciple, and he was one of the elders who desperately sent her out of Zhongzhou.

"It's closed today, no more transactions."

Senior Brother Wang threw away the money bag in his hand and said with a light smile.

"Why is senior brother here?"

Fu Tiantian continued to ask.

"I'm waiting for my junior sister to come back. She has been single for more than 30 years, and I'm waiting for her to find a wife for me."

Brother Wang said with a smile.

"Don't worry, senior brother, I'll find you a lady from everyone, we are marrying the eighth-carriage matchmaker!"

Fu Tiantian took out a small notebook and carefully wrote it down to find a wife for Senior Brother Wang.

Senior Brother Wang had a faint smile on his face, a gleam of relief seemed to flash in his eyes, his figure and the booth on the ground slowly faded away, and when Fu Tiantian raised his head, there was nothing in front of him.

"Master... senior brother?"

Fu Tiantian looked around in panic, trying to find the trace of Senior Brother Wang again, but unfortunately the surrounding area was already empty, and several nearby stalls also disappeared at the moment Senior Brother Wang disappeared.

"He's gone, and he's gone with peace of mind."

Li Xiaobai patted her head and said, this entire sect should be a huge obsession, which was concretized for some unknown reason, allowing Fu Tiantian to see them again for the last time.

But not all obsessions can be talked to like Senior Brother Wang, for example, those monks who mechanized their feet on flying swords in the void obviously don't have the ability to talk.

"Yi Yi Ya Ya!"

The little Naiwa also crawled to Fu Tiantian's side and patted her ankle like Li Xiaobai, wanting to comfort her.

"As the disciple knows, Senior Brother Wang is dead."

Fu Tiantian rubbed his eyes, hugged Xiaoben and continued to move forward.

Not long after walking, I met another obsessive body, this is a female cultivator, with flying hair, scarlet eyes and a face full of evil spirits, occasionally there are obsessives with flying swords nearby and they will be crushed by her, Li Xiaobai looked at it Looking at her, she must have been a ruthless person before she was alive, and she must have suffered such great humiliation when she was dying, so she had such resentment.

"My master's gate is destroyed, I am unwilling!"

"My heart is like a tiger, but my body dies and Dao disappears. I am unwilling!"

The female cultivator was crazy, muttering words.

"Senior Sister Liu!"

Fu Tian took two steps forward and called softly.

The ferocity in the female cultivator's eyes immediately dissipated, and her ferocious brows also relaxed.

The nun's red lips parted slightly, "I'm waiting for Junior Sister."

Fu Tiantian "What are you waiting for her to do?"

Female cultivator, "The scallion pancakes in Moyun Cave can only be made by younger junior sisters. I think it tastes that way."

Fu Tiantian once again raised a pen and paper and carefully wrote down "Make scallion pancakes for Senior Sister Liu."

"Senior Sister, I will avenge you!"

The nun stretched out a finger and lightly tapped her eyebrows, "Scallion pancakes are enough."

"Over there, the master is waiting for you."

Senior Sister Liu pointed to a direction, and Fu Tiantian followed her fingers to see that it was the yard where she lived with her grandfather, and when she turned her head, the Crazy Cultivator had disappeared.

Fu Tiantian moved forward again, and at some point the surrounding sect environment changed, from rolling mountains to only one road leading to that other courtyard.

This seems to be some kind of guidance, Li Xiaobai knows that the answer to the truth of this obsession should be in that other courtyard.

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