At this moment, Li Xiaobai collected the fairy stone placed on the five-color altar in the three sects of the fairy land, and the space channel in the void dissipated and returned to calm.

At the same time, the bloody crime value above the head increased again.

"The crime is worth 4.8 million!"

Needless to say, the Earth Explosion Star must have played a role, but most of the people who were killed were monks from the Human Immortal Realm and the Earth Immortal Realm, and the Heavenly Immortal Realm did not die. Otherwise, the evil value would not be just 100,000 Ten thousand points.

"Master, all the disciples of the three sects have surrendered, and they are at the foot of the mountain."

Fu Tiantian said that just when Li Xiaobai entered the tunnel, all the monks in the three sects knelt down and begged for mercy, hoping to spare their lives.

"Lead the way ahead."

Li Xiaobai didn't have any sympathy for these guys who voluntarily surrendered to the Zhongyuan Realm and were willing to be the lackeys of the Blood Demon Sect, but after all, they were considered monks in the Fairy Continent, so they shouldn't be killed indiscriminately.

At the foot of the mountain, Li Xiaobai saw many familiar figures, the suzerains of the three sects, Qishen Xian, Zhen Qiankun, Zhong Daoquan, several ancestors and some younger monks who had met before.

At this moment, many monks below looked at the young man on the top of the mountain with bitterness in their hearts. Once upon a time, the other party was just a boy who was hunted down by them and went into the sea. In just a blink of an eye, he has become a terrifying existence that can control their life and death at will.

"I've met Mr. Li. The three sects have been greatly loved by Mr. Li. It is really a blessing for my three sects to have Mr. Li come to kill the head of the blood demon sect!"

Yan Xiaoqi, the Patriarch of the Qi Sect, cupped his fists and said respectfully.

"As a cultivator in the Fairy Continent, it is my duty to do my part for the birthplace, but what the various ethnic groups in Zhongzhou have done has chilled the hearts of the people all over the world."

"Being wise and protecting one's life is not the same as helping evildoers. Do your three major sects have any repentance now?"

Li Xiaobai asked lightly with his hands behind his back.

"Since the Blood Demon Sect settled in Zhongzhou, my three major sects have been walking on thin ice. I am afraid that the disciples of the sect will be injured in the slightest, and even do many things for the Baozong sect that will harm the world's living beings. I have been suffering every day. Now I am happy The young master is back, and the blood demon sect is gone, my three major sects are willing to change their minds and start a new life!"

"Qizong is willing to spend all his wealth to rebuild the homes of the displaced people in Zhongzhou!"

The ancestor of Qizong said in a deep voice.

"My Zhenzong is also willing to support Zhongzhou to restore its former prosperity!"

"My Dan sect is too!"

The other two ancestors also hurriedly said that they would never dare to neglect this moment of showing loyalty.

"Is this your sincere words? You know, now I have only wiped out the three forces in the Central Yuan Realm in the Northern Territory, Ximo and Zhongzhou. The Nanming and Donghai haven't been swept away yet. The Blood Demon Sect passed through the two continents in the southeast. It is possible that the space channel from the space crosses the boundary, and then will you be able to reform yourself as you are now?"

Li Xiaobai said meaningfully, staring fixedly at the crowd below, scanning the expressions on the faces of the monks.

As long as there is even a trace of hesitation and flicker in the eyes of the disciples of the three sects, he will kill them immediately. There is no need for rebellious boys in the fairy land.

"Of course it's the truth!"

"Mr. Li is a genius in heaven, and I am willing to bet three futures on him!"

"Before we had no choice, now we want to be good people!"

"In the future, please ask Mr. Li to lead me to develop the three sects and regain my freedom!"

The ancestors of the three sects looked very determined. It was obvious that they had made a bet. They bet that the proud son of heaven, born and bred on the Fairy Continent, would be able to clean up all the moths on the continent and protect them.

These patriarchs have lived for many years, and they couldn't be more transparent about the form of this continent. In the past, monks from all parties in the Zhongyuan Realm on the Fairy Spirit Continent were dominant, and they had no chance to stand up except for being suppressed, but now many Without the variable of Li Xiaobai, if the other party can successfully block the intrusion of the Zhongyuan Realm, they will be able to recover their freedom.

Rather than being slaves in the Zhongyuan Realm, they hope to regain their freedom.

"Okay, spread the news. Within a stick of incense, I want to see the Zhongyuan Realm garrison forces from all sides in Zhongzhou come to make a pilgrimage, otherwise I will die!"

Li Xiaobai said slowly, Zhongzhou is a large land, and there are not many Zhongyuanjie monks placed by the major forces. Rather than cleaning them one by one, it is better to let them take the initiative to come to the door.

"Understood, this subordinate will make arrangements now!"

The ancestors of the three sects said respectfully, and left quickly with their respective troops.

"Master, don't we go to Donghai and Nanming to recover the altar first?"

Fu Tiantian asked.

"It's okay, my brother Donghai has already passed, just wait for the good news."

"Furthermore, dispatching troops and generals is not such a simple matter. By the time they pass the news back and dispatch masters, the division has already cleaned up the mainland."

Li Xiaobai said slowly, his record of killing Monk Tianxuan will surely be passed back to Zhongyuan Realm. In theory, it is safest to send semi-saint monks here, but semi-saints are the mainstay of all major sects, and the number of them is small and cannot be easily used However, if the number of monks from the Heavenly Immortal Realm is arranged to come, the number will not be too small, but if too many are sent, the sect will fall into a weak period for a moment, and a discussion will inevitably start.

It is not something that can be dispatched in a few words.

"However, the worries of the good disciples are unreasonable. As for Nanming, let them go!"

Li Xiaobai flipped his wrist, and ten behemoths fell to the ground with a crash.


The roar of the beast resounded through the heaven and earth, as if it wanted to shatter the sky.

Ten Godzillas are in the world, nine heads are in the fairyland, and the head is in the fairyland, standing up to the sky, with scarlet eyes, ferocious fangs that seem to be able to pierce everything in the world, and a suffocating red lotus fire burning on the thick tail, looking up to the sky and screaming. .

"Go to Nanming, kill those Zhongyuanjie monks, and bring back the five-color altar!"

"If you have extra time, go to Donghai to have a look, and tell my senior brother to come back quickly."

Li Xiaobai gave the order and said.


The ten Godzillas roared in unison again, responding to Li Xiaobai's words, and disappeared from sight after a while of shaking.

Godzilla exists for an hour, and after an hour, it will dissipate on its own. The godzilla in the fairyland led by Godzilla has unparalleled defensive power, and it is not a problem to kill a few monks in the mid-element world.

"Master, this monster is..."

Fu Tiantian was horrified. She found that her master could do amazing things every time. There was a pile of such terrifying monsters that could destroy the world.

"This monster is called Godzilla. You can call them Brothers. They are a group of giant beasts with very strong fighting power, but they are limited by some kind of restrictions, and their existence time is only one hour."

Li Xiaobai said with a faint smile.

"I see."

Fu Tiantian nodded thoughtfully.

"Let's go, let's go back to the Zongmen Hall and wait, the result will be finished soon."

When the master and apprentice were talking, Ji Wuqing suddenly jumped over and shouted at the top of his voice, "Boy, go and see, your baby is fighting!"

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