Li Xiaobai chopped up the cage and released a group of monks.

"Thank you Mr. Li for your help!"

"I didn't expect that when we met again, I would be even more miserable."

The vicious four-member group was a little embarrassed. It was shameful enough to be suppressed in the Linglong Pagoda when they met last time. Now they are thrown directly into the iron cage. It is really embarrassing. On the other hand, the young man in front of him has not seen his strength for a long time. Strong, even the immortals in the Zhongyuan Realm can be killed at will, and they are no longer at the same level as them.

"Everyone is fine."

Li Xiaobai nodded and broke the shackles of everyone.

"I don't know what's going on in the East Sea Dragon Palace right now?"

"It's a long story. There is a young master from Zhongyuanjie who absorbs the blood power of our sea monks to strengthen his body every day. Nearly a thousand monks have died in his hands these days. There are so many, these Zhongyuanjie monks are his accomplices, the seabed has completely fallen, and all living beings and people are imprisoned, and there is no freedom to speak of."

"Qiang" said that he was in better condition among the four.

Li Xiaobai continued to ask, "How is the old Dragon King?"

"They have all been suppressed and imprisoned. After the blood power of our group of monks is drained, it will be the turn of the royal family!"

"Qiang" shook his head and sighed, facing the Zhongyuan Realm, they had no power to resist.

"I see. Please go to the gate of the city first to meet with the shrimp soldiers and crab generals to recuperate your injuries. After I cook these Zhongyuanjie seafood for everyone to replenish their bodies, don't be surprised!"

Li Xiaobai urged the golden chariot under his feet and drove towards the palace hall.

Along the way, the sword energy swept across, liberating all the monks who were imprisoned by shackles.


At the same time, in the palace, in the Linglong Pagoda.

Horse-drawn carriages transporting prisoners stopped at the first floor of the pagoda. The iron cages filled the entire floor. Numerous men, women, children, and children were randomly packed in the cages like livestock, and each cage was labeled. The cultivation level and blood power of the monk in the cage are marked.

Dozens of Haizu monks are maintaining order and counting the number of iron cages.

"My lord, all the monks in the East Sea Dragon Palace who contain the blood power of our sea clan have been brought here, and I ask you to decide!"

A young monk in blue listened quietly to everyone's report and nodded in satisfaction.

"Very good, old rules, leave half of it for my cultivation, and send the rest to the Sea Clan in the Zhongyuan Realm. Please distribute it to the elders of the clan. Although the blood power of these pigs is thin, it is better than nothing. Refining it for the younger generation Their cultivation and advancement are quite good."

The young man in blue said lightly with his hands behind his back.

In his opinion, the cultivators in the Central Yuan Realm are just pure training materials, which are equivalent to goods.

"Ao Yun!"

"Aren't you afraid of retribution for acting like this!"

"The sea people in the world come from one family. If the same family kills each other, the ancestors under the nine springs will not agree!"

In the iron cage, the old dragon king said with an angry expression, watching his people being sent to the tiger's mouth made him feel like a knife was piercing his heart. He spent most of his life in order to manage this great river and mountain before he took shape, but Being destroyed by the Zhongyuan Realm was only an instant thing, and now he seems to be a hundred years old, and he has gained a lot of silver.

"The weak have no right to choose, they can only be reduced to lambs waiting to be slaughtered. Since you are the king of the East China Sea, you should understand this truth. Within our sea clan, we are well versed in the way of natural selection. It is the so-called survival of the fittest, and the survival of the fittest. This kind of thing has already started when I was born, and this is the fundamental reason why my sea clan can be prosperous and strong for thousands of years."

"It's a blessing that the weak blood in your body can be refined and absorbed by me!"

The blue-clothed youth named Ao Yun said lightly, pointing to the iron cage where the old dragon king was, and said, "I want the people in this cage too. I think the power of the blood of the head of the clan will be much stronger."


The two monks guarding at the side immediately stepped forward and took the iron cage where the old Dragon King and others were imprisoned to the side alone.

"Wait, what's the matter with this cage? Why are there only two old men in it?"

With a glance, Ao Yun's eyes were immediately attracted by an iron cage in the corner. Unlike other cages that were overcrowded, there were only two little old men in the cage in this corner, with ragged clothes and no good appearance.

The label outside the cage had two large characters Mortal!

"Returning to my son, these two people were discovered in the Undersea Dragon Palace in the past two days. The subordinates can't feel the cultivation in their bodies, but they can vaguely detect a trace of unusual power in their bodies. Presumably they also have a little blood. Power."

"To ensure their safety, the subordinates deliberately separated them from the monks."

A middle-aged man said respectfully.

When the two old men were discovered, they looked stupid and had no cultivation base. Mortals and monks were easily injured when they were locked together, so a separate cage was built for detention.

"Are there really no cultivation bases, two mortals with the power of blood?"

Ao Yun walked to the iron cage, staring at the two old men with eyes like torches.

"What's your name?"

"Hey, report back to your lord, old Zhang San!"

"Old Li Si!"

The two old men said with a playful smile, in stark contrast to the lifeless crowd, as if they were not worried about the fate they were about to face at all.

"Why are you here, are you not afraid of being drained of your blood?"

Ao Yun continued to question.

"I heard that I can get some food by following the adults, so I came here."

The two old men still said cheerfully.

"Want to eat? It's your reward, eat!"

Ao Yun casually picked up a handful of soil and threw it into the cage and said calmly.

"Thank you, my lord!"

"Thank you, my lord!"

"Your Excellency is the High Immortal of the Zhongyuan Realm, the soil given by the High Immortal must be immortal soil, so it cannot be wasted!"

The two old men scrambled to snatch the lump of soil, gnawing on it, their old faces showing enjoyment.

"Two idiots, they don't even know they're dying!"

"Let the other brothers in the clan enjoy this kind of stuff!"

Seeing the gestures of the two old men, a trace of disgust flashed in Ao Yun's heart, he waved his hand, and the monk beside him immediately stepped forward to lift up the cage.

"Open the altar and send this batch of pigs up!"


A group of monks waited silently for the opening of the altar. The old Dragon King and others looked sad and angry. They were sent to the waters of the Zhongyuan Realm with life and death. They stayed in the Dragon Palace of the East China Sea and turned into nourishment for others. In any case, they are the last ones today. do not.

The Linglong Pagoda was lifeless, and there was a haze above everyone's head that couldn't be cleared away. No one noticed that there was a glint of light in the eyes of the two old men who were pretending to be crazy and foolish in the invisible corner.

Looking at the huge vortex space channel that gradually manifested in the void, the two people in the cage threw the soil in their hands and looked at each other, seeing the joy in each other's eyes.

"Lord Lan, we can return to the Zhongyuan Realm!"

"Yan Ye, the era that belongs to us is coming again!"

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