Because I’m So Afraid of Death, I Choose Invincible

Chapter 346: Blood flowed into a river

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Fang Mo shook his head: "That's it???"

Fang Mo hadn't even pulled out the king's sword, these elite warriors were too weak.

Fang Mo took advantage of his strength. It seemed that Fang Mo dealt with twenty warriors alone and was surrounded. In fact, Fang Mo used one person’s strength to transfer to another person, and then layer upon layer, and finally formed a force easily. Transfer and sever all the weapons of the samurai.

Fang Mo was not kind at all.

Facing a single bald warrior, he strikes out with two fists, fireball and fists form the youth version of the flame ball.

Both fists hit the door of the single samurai, causing 1,800 damage.

The damage of one punch is 450, and the damage of two punches is 900. Double punches will trigger the hidden effect and double the damage.

The lone bald warrior stunned, but the killing mode he had activated would be completely dead if he was killed.

He lost his armour, turned around and ran away, but Fang Mo didn't seem to see anyone else in his eyes, only him, chasing him.

The bald warrior couldn't laugh or cry: "So many people, why are you chasing me alone."

"Because you have an emergency syrup!"

Countless bald faces were blinded: "What an urgent syrup!"

Shinano ninjas have to pull out their weapons to rescue the bald samurai. Those who have no weapons should not break branches as weapons.

However, they are not Fang Mo. Their branches are soft and smashed at the touch of a touch, and they have no fighting power.

A tumbling, easily chopped off the hidden weapon of the ninja.

One swept across the army and once again cracked the samurai's Iaizhan.

Then Fang Mo continued to beat the bald warrior.

One punch, two punches, three or four punches, punches to the flesh.

Tokugawa Beverly couldn't bear it anymore. If Fang Mo was allowed to beat all the Tokugawa family samurai to death in this way, then where is the face of his patriarch? How could the Tokugawa samurai be mixed in Ota in the future.

Tokugawa Beverly roared: "The Tokugawa family, all open the killing mode!"

Tokugawa Beverly has almost understood Fang Mo's strength. Even though Fang Mo seems to be able to deal with 20 samurai well, it is actually Fang Mo's limit. As long as there are more than 20 samurai, Fang Mo will definitely not be able to hold it. Tokugawa Beverly opened the killing mode for all samurai all at once.

Dignity and honor are more important than anything else!

"Kill me!!"

Shinano Okayama saw Tokugawa Beverly serious, and hurriedly said: "Tokugawa, be careful not to kill Fangmo. Be sure to catch him first, and then give it to us. Our Shinano family is professionally tortured. We There are tens of thousands of ways to torture him, make him worse than death, let him start the killing mode."

Although Tokugawa Beverly is angry, his reason is still there: "Don't worry, this is a matter of Daejeon's destiny, and I won't mess around!"

Eight-door golden lock sword formation.

Commanded by Tokugawa Beverly, hundreds of samurai formed an ancient battlefield.

The so-called eight gates refer to the Hugh gate, the live gate, the wound gate, the du gate, the king gate, the dead gate, the shock gate, and the open gate.

The strongest part of the Eight Gate Golden Lock Sword Array is that the eight gates can change at any time and move continuously.

Fang Mo did not have a net and was surrounded by eight golden lock swords. He was overwhelmed. It was not easy to use his strength. Fang Mogang borrowed his strength and prepared to transfer. The opponent immediately changed his formation and interrupted Fang Mo from various positions. Letting go.

One accidentally, Fang Mo was cut to Three Swords.




Although the damage was not high, it meant that Fang Mo could no longer defend.

In addition, there are ninjas released from high-altitude hidden weapons, and Fang Mo really seems to be in a death formation for a while.

Looking at Fang Mo in distress, Tokugawa Beverly felt a sense of accomplishment. This is the devil's father that the whole world is afraid of.

This is the father of the Demon King who destroyed the 100,000 army of the Qin Empire Guild?

Now, he is trapped by one hundred samurai of his Tokugawa family, and life and death are all under his control.

Tokugawa Beverly’s three legendary equipment, holding a legendary sword in his hand, pointed directly at Fang Mo: "Fang Mo! Even if your strength is overwhelming, you will die under the sword of my Tokugawa Beverly today. If you want to be happy To die, you'd better turn on the killing mode, otherwise, when you fall into Shinano's hands, their torture methods, but you can't even think of pain."

Fang Mo smiled coldly: "Oh, isn't it? I won't open the killing mode today, just like watching you want to kill me but can't kill it!"

Tokugawa Beverly got angry, he personally took the sword, Iai Zan! The ultimate draw!

Huh huh!

Draw the sword three times in a row, and the three sword lights bite Fang Mo like a poisonous snake.

A golden light flashed in Fang Mo's hand.

Imitate the movements of Iaizhan, draw the sword, stab, cut diagonally, and close the sword!

Ten Swords of King Power!

Pong pong pong!

Three sword lights shattered, Tokugawa Fukang's body suddenly remained motionless, and his two big eyes burst, full of doubts, shock, and unwillingness to look at Fang Mo.





Ten golden sword lights directly penetrated Tokugawa Beverly's body, and Tokugawa Beverly's 10,000 HP was directly killed by a spike!


The patriarch of a dignified generation of Tokugawa samurai clan fell to the ground like this.

"Patriarch!!!" The Tokugawa samurai had blood red eyes and attacked Fang Mo when he went crazy.

Fang Mo's royal power suit is attached to the royal power domain and opened directly.

Hundreds of Tokugawa samurai were directly spread out by the golden domain, and the hidden weapons shot by 20 sneak attack ninjas were blocked by the domain.

Fang Mo Jun is in the world, holding high the sword of kingship, and powerful!

Shinano Okayama couldn’t believe it and looked at the royal sword in Fang Mo’s hand: “Impossible, absolutely impossible! Even if the sword in his hand is of the quality of the king, it is impossible to have such a powerful power, and I have seen this royal power domain. , Is Qin Tian’s royal power suit domain, this Fang Mo Mingming doesn’t have any equipment on his body, just a king power sword, how can it release the royal power suit's suit effect!"

Fang Moke didn't have time to answer the enemy's questions.

In addition to the perverted defensive field of the royal power domain, the royal power suit also comes with its own sword energy!

Fang Mo slashed in the air, and a sword of royal power split a hundred meters away.

More than a dozen Tokugawa samurai were swept past by sword energy, and half of their blood was gone in an instant.

"Isn't the eight-door golden lock formation very powerful! Don't all of you run!"

Fang Mo smashed into the eight-door golden lock formation alone, the golden sword aura was incomparable, the golden light soared, and soon the eight-door golden lock formation more than one hundred Tokugawa samurai who started the killing mode The intestines are all regretful, they have no retreat at all, they opened the killing mode, either by themselves or by the enemy.

"Samurai of the Tokugawa family, we have the blood of the samurai of the Tokugawa family for thousands of years. We are burdened with honor and pride. We will never retreat and fight this demon...Puff!"

As soon as this radical warrior finished shouting his slogan, he was cut in half by Fang Mo.

[Congratulations to the players, trigger a hundred eggs with one enemy and reward the treasure box]

[Congratulations to the player, trigger the blood flow into a river menu, reward treasure chest]


Fang Mo's ear kept ringing system prompts, and there were a dozen treasure chests around him.

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