In Longyan Mecha Academy, more than 500 students participated in the graduation task.

The graduation task is very simple, that is, go to the mecha center to register as an official mecha division, and then complete the basic tasks, you can’t form a team, you must take the task personally!

Of course, it is said that it is not possible to form a team, but after receiving a personal mission, there are still many people who will form a team. As long as the number of personal missions is full, the mech bracelet will help record the number of missions.

Fang Mo and Li Zhe went to the mecha center together.

Every city has a mecha center. The mecha center includes task release, mecha research, mecha registration, etc. It is the most important place in a city.

On the way to the Mecha Center, Li Zhe and Fang Mo said something very important: "Fang Mo, do you know that Qu Ziyan has applied for the battle."

"Who is Qu Ziyan?"

Li Zhe was speechless: "Fang Mo! Stop kidding! I didn't lie to you, Qu Ziyan really joined Suzaku's regular mecha regiment, and actively applied for the second wave of invasion war."

Fang Mo didn't make a joke. The time he spent training in the three-body space added up to almost three months. He really forgot about Qu Ziyan.

But after a little recollection, I remembered that it was my "ex-girlfriend" in this world.

"Isn't Qu Ziyan a student? How can she directly participate in the war? Doesn't she need to do graduation tasks?"

"Qu Ziyan's family is a royal family, no graduation task is required, and even because of Qu Zixin's reasons, she can directly join the Vermilion Mech Corps without any examination!"

Fang Mo lightly said, "Go, it has nothing to do with me."

"Fang Mo, I know you're sad, don't be stubborn, you have been together for two years."

Fang Mo shrugged, helplessly: "I...well, even if I'm sad, it's useless, I've already broken up, and I can't stop Qu Ziyan!"

Li Zhe firmly said: "You just have to call Qu Ziyan, tell Qu Ziyan about your ancestor mecha and ranking record, let Qu Ziyan know that you are not a waste, you have great potential, then maybe Qu Ziyan can change his mind. At that time you promise Qu Ziyan again and help her brother get revenge, then Qu Ziyan might not go to die."

Fang Mo looked at Li Zhe's excitement and asked, "Li Zhe, don't you like Qu Ziyan?"

Li Zhe stammered: "I, I, I, I don't, I am because you are my brother, and Qu Ziyan used to be your girlfriend anyway, I only care about it."

Fuck, Fang Mo could see that this Li Zhe actually liked his ex-girlfriend, real Nima blood!

Fang Mo smiled faintly: "Just don't like it, this kind of woman is not worthy of liking. When I don't have the strength, I will break up with me. Now that I have the strength, I will find someone else. I am not cheap. Don't worry. Even if Qu Ziyan does not go to the second wave, he will be the third or fourth wave, and sooner or later he will die...cough cough, sooner or later, we will go too. We can't stop it. It is better to cheer for ourselves and try to join the fourth wave sooner. The big beast mecha group, and then fight for the bluest star, strive to defeat the water blue star as soon as possible, this is Qu Ziyan's wish!

Li Zhe thinks about it, I heard that in the second wave of one million, Qu Ziyan might not die.

"Mecha Center is here!"

The aerial tramway announces the site.

Fang Mo and Li Zhe got off the cable car and came to the magnificent mecha center.

The entire mecha center is actually built out of discarded mecha shells. From a distance, the entire mecha center is a huge mecha with a height of 100 meters.

There is even a mecha head at the top of the mecha center.

I heard that this is the battle between Longyan Mecha, the strongest ever in Longyan City, and the 500-level beast boss outside of Longyan City. Although he killed the BOSS, he also died. In order to commemorate him, he put his mecha The head stays at the top of the mecha center, symbolizing the contribution made by the dragon flame mecha.

Coming to the center of the home, there are lots of people.

But the graduate students of Mecha Academy come here for registration level.

Some people who have awakened totems but did not go to the Mecha Academy will also come here to register.

Because most of the game maps have been stationed by official mechas, base areas, bases, safety stations, and supply stations have been built. Except for some more dangerous areas, a game map, almost the entire map, will have the shadow of official mechas.

Therefore, only an official mecha division can enter the game map to kill monsters and upgrade equipment.

There are also levels in the most blue star totem.

And totem level is closely related to mecha level. The higher the totem level, the better the accessories that mecha can install.

Fang Mo and Li Zhe lined up for two hours and finally registered successfully.

Registered as the official mecha division of Yu Guo.

In this way, Fang Mo's identity as a mecha division was worthy of the name, and Fang Mo was more convenient to climb up.

Received the graduation mission of Mecha Academy.

This is a very, very simple F-level task.

In the mecha center, various tasks will be released immediately.

From the lowest level of F, then D, C, B, A, S, SS, SSS!

There are very few SS-level missions now, because all the strong have joined the four big beast mecha groups.

And the most important thing for the four mythical beast mecha regiments at present is to deal with Aqua Blue Star, where there is still time to participate in what mission.

The most senior leaders of the Blue Star, as well as most of the mecha divisions, know that the Aqua Star cannot be captured in a year, and it will be the Aqua Star to attack them.

Under this tremendous pressure, most of the mecha divisions are eager to fight for the bluest star.

Of course, there are also unpredictable people who take advantage of the chaos and deceive people to make money.

For example, there is a secret channel leading to Aquastar.

One year later, if the bluest star fails, you can escape to the water blue star ahead of time. The people of the water blue star will look no different from the people of the bluest star, and you can live under the guise of the water blue star.

There are also lawbreakers and organizations that take advantage of most of their troops to go to the front line and make trouble and petty theft behind.

Even on the day of the end, there will be bad people and bad people.

Fang Mo received the graduation mission to go to the Bayonet Plain to kill ten mechanical wolves.

Mechanical wolf is one of the weakest mechanical monsters, level ten! Their wolf claws will have a bayonet. Just be careful not to be surrounded by mechanical wolves, because hundreds of mechanical wolves wield bayonets are still very strong.

Li Zhe's task is also ten mechanical wolves.

After receiving the task, go to the teleportation point in the mecha center.

As a graduate, you can send it three times a day for free.

Yes, every mecha center has a teleportation point, which can be teleported directly to the game map.

The bluest star is somewhat different from the water blue star.

The endless tower of Aqua Star is in the game city.

The Bluestar does not have a dedicated game city. Because of the special existence of mecha, the game defaults to everyone's city as a game city.

So the Tower of Infinity is in the game map, and each game map has a teleportation array, which can be directly teleported to.

Register registration queue.

The transfer point also queues up.

Only ten people can be sent at a time.

Halfway through the line, Li Zhe answered a call, saying that his mother was sick and hospitalized.

Li Zhe hurriedly said goodbye to Fang Mo and hurried to the hospital.

Fang Mo frowned, and suddenly remembered his third year in high school. One time at noon, Fang Mo and Li Shaozhe secretly took out their mobile phones and were about to be lazy to play games. Li Shaozhe suddenly received a call. His mother was hospitalized with a stroke. Li Shaozhe hurried to the hospital. Later, although her mother's illness recovered, her body was half paralyzed. This made Li Shaozhe become autistic for a while, and Fang Mo accompanies Li Shaozhe to survive.

Unexpectedly, Li Zhe in this world, his mother was also seriously ill.

Parallel time and space, an inexplicable coincidence.

It was Fang Mo's turn, and Fang Mo walked into the teleportation formation.

The blue light covered Fang Mo.

In the next second, Fang Mo directly teleported to the Bayonet Plain thousands of miles away.

The characteristic of Bayonet Plain is that many of these monsters are related to bayonet.

There are monsters such as mechanical wolf, poisonous tooth, saber-toothed tiger, mammoth and so on.

Fang Mo teleported to the teleportation point in the Bayonet Plain. He originally thought it was like a blood wasteland, and he could immediately see monsters everywhere.

Who knows, I see people everywhere.

Good guys!

A game map is more lively than the market.

To be precise, it is indeed like a bazaar.

The general transfer point is the safe point.

There are regular mech regiments stationed, and the monsters are very smart and dare not approach.

The equipment that players play will be sold here.

At the same time, they will form teams and recruit teammates.

Bayonet Plain is a novice game map, with a great chance of refreshing monsters below level 100;

However, there are still several dangerous areas.

There is a very small chance of spawning monsters above level 100, and once spawning a level 500 BOSS, that is, the other end broke through the game map barrier and killed Dragon Flame City.

Finally, the Dragon Flame City Lord opened the Dragon Flame Mecha and died with the 500-level BOSS.

So, don't underestimate any maps.

"Academy graduating mission, mechanical wolf! Ten people set off! Two people are still short, come here!"

"The college graduation task, the royal family's thighs are waiting to be retired, and ten people will start! There are still three people short of them, as long as the girls are!

"A-level mammoth mission, platinum level 1 thigh led the team, there are already four people, just one blood repair assistant, some speed!"

Mecha also needs to increase blood, but the so-called blood increase refers to the repair of damaged mecha materials, with special assistance, which can quickly repair damaged mecha materials, and can also release additional armor value.

At the same time, the manicurist was injured and needed treatment.

An assistant who knows how to repair mecha materials is extremely valuable and very important.

Fang Mo is very strange. For a simple graduation task, he still needs to form a team and form a team of ten!

As far as Fang Mo knows, in the most blue star, the five-man team also has the highest experience and luck points; more than five people will experience less!

In fact, Fang did not know that in the Bayonet Plains, especially novices, if there are more than ten people in a team, there is a very small chance that the mechanical wolf king can be refreshed.

The opportunity is rare, only the player who enters the Bayonet Plain for the first time has a chance to come out.

Therefore, many freshmen who graduated enter the Bayonet Plain for the first time. Some old players will form a team to deceive these new players. Many new players don't know, thinking that the more people are safer, they will form a team.

Fang Mo didn't bother to inquire so clearly.

What mechanical wolf king, a level 100 monster to break through the sky, and Fang Mo’s equipment exploded from a level 500 monster, Fang Mo may not necessarily appreciate it.

The pattern! The pattern!

Fang Molai's most blue star is here to mess up the whole world, not to make equipment.

After passing through the safe area, Fang Mo headed to the game map outside.

Start looking for mechanical wolf.

Then there is something wrong with walking.

A green grassland.

A group of people, without moving, just guarded the first place, refreshed a mechanical wolf, and killed it immediately.

Kill as soon as it refreshes.

Fang Mo almost finished the map around the safe point, and everything was like this. It turned out that these mechanical wolves had fixed refresh points.

Fang Mo still has a bit of game literacy. Since the refresh point is occupied by the opponent, it won't be appropriate to grab it again.

Fang Mo probably understood why someone had to form a team at the safety point, and the feelings were for fighting for the refresh point.

Fang Mo opened the game map.

It was found that the Bayonet Plains map was very large, and Fang Mo hadn't detected it yet. Most of the maps were lit, and even teleportation points, safety points, lines of defense, etc. could be seen.

Good guy, probably because Fang Mo is registered as a mecha division, so the map data is shared with all mecha divisions.

The map is divided into areas of various colors, from the safest green area, to a little gray outside, then blue, dark blue, and finally red, dark red, and a small number of unknown areas.

The Immediately Unknown Area refers to the area where the terrain will be random, which cannot be determined, and is generally the most dangerous place on a map.

Almost understand the whole map.

Fang Mo went to the red dangerous areas to see, there should not be as crowded as this green area, it should not be difficult to find a few mechanical wolves by then.

At this moment, the captain of a ten-person team saw Fang Mo’s ancestor’s old mecha and recognized it at a glance: "Isn’t this the boxing champion who made a sensation in the forum last night! Are you going to graduate mission? Come on, I'll give you one from the prime location, and I'm going to farm the mechanical wolf soon!"

The others in the team looked at Fang Mo curiously.

Look at the mecha on Fang Mo.

Whispering: "That's the ancestor mecha!"

"It's really different. Look at that fist, the whole mecha is one-third bigger, and the design is too exaggerated."

"And the material on the body seems to be an unstable alloy that was eliminated 200 years ago."

"Unexpectedly, it is such a mecha that defeated many masters!"

"It's really a mecha that's not good looking, come here, brother, come here, let us touch it!"

Fang Mo thought that he was doing the task. Since the other party was so enthusiastic, it would be difficult to refuse, and he nodded and said, "Well, let's go, but I will leave after playing ten mechanical wolfs."

Captain Cheng Yan is a lava mecha, which is also considered precious. His totem level is 150, and his rank is platinum 2. He has a small reputation. Although he is not a royal family, he is also a new noble family.

Except for Cheng Yan, the ten people in the team are all graduates of other colleges and come to complete the task.

Cheng Yan naturally wants to refresh a mechanical wolf king. The mechanical wolf king will explode a very rare wolf tooth. It is a material for many top accessories. There is no market in the market. It is said that it is worth hundreds of millions. So many people will make money. Come here to try your luck.

Seeing Fang Mo came over, everyone was very polite and gave Fang Mo the spawning points.

Just in time, a mechanical wolf was refreshed.

Everyone is more qualified, so they didn't fight, so let Fang Mo.

Fang Mo was also polite, and smashed the mechanical wolf into hundreds of fragments.

The people around looked silly and gave a thumbs up.

Worthy of being a fist the size of a five-door refrigerator in the legend, awesome!

Fang Mo couldn't help but laugh, this adjective is good, five-door refrigerator! The five fingers of Fang Mo's fist are really as big as a refrigerator.

One can imagine how abnormal Fang Mo's fist is.

Just when the teammates were admiring Fang Mo's mech and complimenting Fang Mo up close.



A loud and loud selling.

A mechanical wolf king with golden hair and ten meters in height was refreshed.

Everyone's eyes shifted from Fang Mo to the Wolf King.

"Fuck! Wolf King!!"

"Quick! Kill! Don't be robbed by other teams!"

Sure enough, he heard the roar of the wolf king.

There are many teams around, no matter what comes first, they all rushed up, trying to grab the wolf king!

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