Fang Mo merged the entire world of destruction!

Combine all totems!

Combine all equipment!

Because of realm constraints, Fang Mo's information in the game showed that it was still a star class.

According to the game tips, if you want to break through the star level, you must complete the task of the galaxy level.

There are two prerequisites for a galaxy-level mission.

First, it must reach the ninth order of stars;

Second, the level must reach level 5000;

Then only need to go to the ring above the galaxy level of Kreis to win a game to successfully advance to the galaxy level.

The difference between galaxy level and star level is.

The star level can completely control the energy of the birth planet.

From then on, you can continuously get energy from the planet of your birth.

Because just enter the universe suit.

Simple and crude, any energy will be related to cosmic energy.

Whether you are elemental energy, fighting energy, internal energy, qi energy, physical energy, incantation energy, etc., as long as it is energy, it can be transformed with cosmic energy!

Direct conversion!

Therefore, the galaxy level, as the name suggests, can master the energy of a galaxy.

But here you need to occupy other planets to get galaxy energy.

For example, occupy ten planets; then automatically promote to the second tier of the galaxy;

Occupy 20 planets and automatically promote to the third tier of the galaxy;

By analogy, occupying 90 planets is the ninth order of the galaxy; occupying a hundred planets is the great perfection of the galaxy!

There are three ways to occupy the planet.

The first is good luck, wandering in the universe, looking for unmanned, living, and star-level aboriginal planets.

Occupy such a planet, you can get the right to dominate a planet.

The second is to use money to directly buy planets sold on the trading platform. Some star owners know that they are going to be destroyed, but do not want to be destroyed, so they are willing to sell their planets and seek protection;

The third, naturally, is to adopt the server invasion mode of the game.

Each star owner can invade other server planets that are equal or higher than their own server rankings. After the occupation, you can gain the right to rule! !

The specific bonus energy of each planet, the power of the bonus, and each planet are different, as well as the ability of different star cores, are very different.

In short, entering the universe suit is a brand new energy system.

And Fang Mo, even though he only had a mere star level, the energy contained might have surpassed the star level.

And Fang Mo also swallowed a special destruction planet.

Obtained a new skill given by Destroying Star Core-Destroying Storm Fist!

Destruction Storm Fist can make the enemy lose space to transmit energy, life recovery energy, and various special means of escape.

Achieve true destruction! !

Fang Mo was overjoyed, never expected that he would easily get a planet that could be called a star **** level.

Different planets have different energies and abilities.

Generally special planets and powerful planets are controlled by the strong.

But even the highest star gods of the Third Universe, I am afraid it is difficult to control a chaotic planet in the First Universe like Fang Mo!

This is the gift brought by Abaddon after traveling 50 billion years from the First Universe! !

"Hahaha! Abaddon! Thank you for your gift! I will take your destruction planet and complete your dream!!"

Fang Mo's ruined left and right hands have all grown out.

Fang Mo's right fist clenched a ball of destruction, containing all the destruction energy of the land contained.

He also cures his body by his way.

Destroy it! Abaddon!

Destruction Storm Fist!

One punch set off a storm of destruction!

Abaddon tried to use the blade of destruction to slash the storm of destruction.

Clang Clang Clang!

The blade of destruction, as powerful as the first universe, was crushed by the storm of destruction!

The Blade of Destruction contains the chaotic destruction energy of the First Universe, which in turn is absorbed by the destruction storm, Fang Mo's destruction energy is even stronger! !

Abaddon knew too much about the energy of destruction, and he was unwilling to yell: "The universe is not always propagating that man will conquer the sky! Why! Why am I still the chosen person to lose to the earth! Why!!!"

Abaddon is not reconciled!

He originally thought that with his nebula-level strength, he could easily crush Fangmo.

Even if something unexpected happened.

Abaddon still has chaotic energy.

With chaotic energy in hand, even if the most powerful person of the Star God level descends, Abaddon has the power to fight.

However, Abaddon never expected that Abaddon's chaotic energy not only did not kill Fang Mo, but instead helped Fang Mo complete his unification.

In fact, if Abaddon's chaotic energy is a little bit more, even the three-body totem will be crushed into nothingness by chaotic energy.

The origin of the three-body totem was very mysterious, and Fang Mo didn't know it.

But it is vaguely guessed whether the three-body totem is related to the earth, related to the rulers of the first and second universes, after all, the rulers of the first universe and the rulers of the second universe are from the earth.

boom! !

A loud noise! !

Abaddon's body was turned into dust under the devastating storm, and his body and soul were all crushed! !

Fang Mo tried to swallow Abaddon with the three-body totem, but found that he couldn't swallow it.

The energy of destruction was so terrifying that even the soul was destroyed.

Fortunately, Fang Mo did not regret it either.

After all, Fang Mo had already swallowed the Land of Destruction, and Abaddon's Blade of Destruction was also swallowed.

Fang Mo put the crushed blade of destruction into the extraction platform of the three-body totem.

[The quality of the target is too high, and it will take a lot of time to repair, is it repaired?]


Of course Fang Mo repaired it. This was the artifact of the First Universe.

The fusion platform glowed brilliantly, shrouded the fragments of the Blade of Destruction, and then began to piece together and repair it bit by bit.

Repair progress is 0.001%!

Repair progress 0.002%! !


It's really not slow.

Fortunately, Fang Mo was not in a hurry.

The only regret is that the Destruction Storm Fist is powerful, but as soon as it is fired, all the destruction energy of the Destruction Planet will be emptied.

Currently, in Fang Mo's three-body space.

Fang Mo could see two planets suspended in the Trisolaran sky.

After Fang Mo entered the star level, the three-body space became a star space.

The three-body space, which was dark and without anything before, turned into an extremely splendid space as if it had been decorated.

The first planet is naturally Blue Star!

Blue Star Blue is like a peeled egg.

Exudes a blue light.

The second planet is the destruction planet.

A planet full of dust, powder, and gray.

Revolving around the blue star.

Fang Mo passed the test and learned to extract the star energy of the blue star and transform it into various elemental energy.

The star energy of the Blue Star cannot be converted into destruction energy.

Destruction energy can only be drawn from the destruction planet.

In the future, there will be special planets that cannot be converted from ordinary star energy. Although star energy is omnipotent, it can only convert universal energy.

After defeating Abaddon, Fang Mo finally solved the problems of Blue Star.

At this time, Fang Mo could safely go to Virgo Kreis Center.

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