Stimulating carbonated drinks hit the tongue and nose.

It is indeed the taste of Sprite.

But other than that, the body really feels like being massaged by irritating gas, which is very comfortable.

It seems that there are some special ingredients in this drink.

Fang Mo solemnly said: "Okay! Li Shaozhe, don't make a noise! ​​That guide, you continue to say, Zhongce!"

Thurles sold 100 bottles of "Sprite" drink, obviously more enthusiastic, this is 5000 stars!

Hehehe, Thrusth thought to himself, these three buns, I’m afraid I don’t know how precious 5000 star coins are. According to previous experience, a star owner who spends a full day in the dungeon can get 1000 star coins, unless If you are lucky, you can play special star-level equipment, or else, up to 1,000 a day.

Thales was filled with flattering smiles: "Zhongce, naturally, go to the dungeon center to challenge various dungeons."

Thurleston paused, and continued: "By the way, you must remember that you can only choose the Star-level dungeon, because after the death of the Star-level dungeon, it can be resurrected; there are only a few specific dungeons of the galaxy level. The dungeon can only be resurrected when dead; and only your new players can enter the star-level dungeon, so the competitive pressure is not so great. It is recommended that you go to the Santu dungeon; the Sanntu dungeon is the highest reward dungeon in the star-level dungeon, and Sa Entu copy is the main line copy of the Virgo Transcendent star cluster. After completing the Santu copy, there is a very small chance that unless the main story of the Virgo Transcendent star cluster is completed and all the plots are completed, you can get rewards that are no less than StarCraft, such as Pluto, the ten most powerful of the Virgo Supercluster, is an ordinary star owner who completed the main mission and was promoted to Pluto. He currently controls thousands of servers. Even the daughter of the star owner of Kreis has been abducted by Pluto. , Became the Queen of Ming."


It seems that this might be one of Fang Mo's strongest enemies in Virgo in the future.

Judging from his kidnapping of the star master's daughter, he should be an extremely arrogant and crazy person.

Fang Mo decided: "Okay! Then let's go to this copy of Santu first!"


Fang Mo's bracelet glowed pink.

Yana did not wait for Fang Mo to activate, activate herself!

It stands to reason that the bracelet assistant needs to be activated by the player before it can appear;

And Yana is obviously not restricted.

"Fang Mo! Don't go to the dungeon first! You are a new star master. You should go directly to the ring. In the first game, defeat an enemy who exceeds your level, so that you can complete your bold achievements. Special achievements, directly promoted to star level!"

Damn it? ?

Fang Mo excitedly said: "Do you even know this? What achievements do you know, what special things, please tell me."

Yana said proudly: "Hmph, there is obviously someone the most powerful guide, but you found someone else, so I won't tell you!"

If Fang Mo didn't ask for Yana, he really wanted to scold Yana, you said that you are a good intelligent NPC, how come you have become so careful.

Fang Molian coaxed and deceived: "Okay, Yana, I don't know, you still have such a powerful function! I will blast this guide away, and I will listen to you!"

The guide Thales saw that Mo had no response for a long time and couldn't help but said: "Guest? Guest? What's wrong with you?!"

Fang Mo broke out: "You have been fired!"

Thales' face changed drastically: "Guest! Why is this! Is there anything I don't serve well!"

Fang Mo coldly snorted: "You led me to join the big family at first, and you didn’t see me join; you also want me to enter the copy of Santu quickly; do you think I don’t know! You want me to make money earlier, and then you It’s easy to get the money and leave, you didn’t think about it for me at all! I checked the copy of Santu just now, this copy is very special, it is a copy with a plot, it is very slow to complete, bad luck, it may even be out a month No, it is very likely that you will miss the Star Masters Tournament, but this dungeon will give you a lot of stars in the early stage, so you can draw your commission directly, you black-hearted guide, deliberately concealing these important things, do you think you Are you still qualified to be a guide!"

The guide Thales was pale and couldn't believe it, and was shocked every word: "You, you, how did you know! Impossible! Absolutely impossible! I have taken you with you since you just transmitted it, you There is absolutely no chance to learn so much information, how would you know it!!"

Fang Mo said coldly: "If it weren't because you couldn't kill people casually, you are now a corpse, don't you get out!"

Thurles knew he had torn his face, and said ruthlessly: "I can go, you have to prepay for my 100 bottles of drinks!"

"Hahaha!" Fang Mo laughed, "You almost made us enter a closed plot script, and you want to ask us for drinks! Who will give you your face! You'd better give me how far you go now!"

Thurles gritted his teeth. He was the only one who lied and deceived people. This was the first time he was deceived by someone, especially a newly promoted hillbilly who deceived 100 bottles of drinks. He was so angry that he pointed to Fang Mo and said cruelly: "Okay. Very good! I remember the three of you!! Now that you have novice protection, I can't help you, but I have a way to make your life worse than death, wait!"

After speaking, Thales ran away.

Li Shaozhe angrily said: "Fortunately, the boss is wise, we were almost fooled into the copy by him. I just clicked on the copy of Santu's detailed introduction through the bracelet assistant, and it really proved that this is a closed plot. The dungeon can only come out after the story of the dungeon is completed, otherwise it will remain trapped in the dungeon."

Because the detailed description of the dungeon is hidden on the ground in the map, most people will not go to the point.

Many people were deceived into,

It's not that I was tricked into it. The Santu dungeon is indeed the most rewarded in the star-level dungeon, and if you are lucky, you can get special rewards and a super large copy of the main story.

But the problem is, bad luck, will be trapped in it for a few months and miss the StarCraft tournament.

Therefore, they usually choose to enter the copy of Santu after the StarCraft.

Ju Mang said invincible: "Brother, which copy shall we go to now?"

Fang Mo unfolded the map and pointed to a golden icon nearby: "Let's go directly to the ring!"

Ju Mang invincible: "Huh? Brother, shall we not go to the dungeon? Didn't the guide say just now... By the way, the guide is a liar, is it better to fight the ring first?"

Fang Mo nodded: "The guide doesn't have all the lie. There is indeed a reward for victory in the first ring fight. However, if you enter the universe suit and do not upgrade any dungeons, you will directly play the dungeon. Even if you lose, you will get rewards. An encouragement award, if you win, the reward will be richer."

Li Shaozhe was a little ashamed: "But the boss, the people in that ring are probably all star owners, even natives who are stronger than the star owners. Jumang Wudi and I have only reached the first stage of the stars, I am afraid they are not their opponents."

Before interstellar teleportation.

Fang Mo has authorized Jumang Invincible and Li Shaozhe to be promoted to Blue Star's deputy star masters.

Therefore, both of them also obtained part of the energy of the Blue Star and became the first-tier promotion to the star level.

But it is very difficult to go further.

After all, there can only be one star owner on a planet.

Two people want to upgrade the star level, there are only three options, first, to occupy a planet of their own in the future;

Second, find a way to get more star energy, for example, the star coin contains star energy.

The third is to continuously refine the weak stellar energy in the body, so that one portion of the stellar energy can be used as a hundred or even a thousand, and it can also be improved.

Fang Mo believes: "Don't Listen to me right! I just let you fail! Let you feel the power of the strong! The more you fail, the greater the gain!"

Since there is an achievement system in the cosmic suit, Fang Mo judged that Li Shaozhe and Jumang Wudi, with the first order of stars, ran to challenge the galaxy-level powerhouses, and continued to fail and continue to die, absolutely nothing except special achievements.

Yana also agreed with this point.

Although Yana could not determine the specific achievements of the two people awakening, according to big data prediction, as long as the number of failures of the two people accumulate to a certain level, and it must be on the first day, the leapfrog challenge will definitely trigger the achievement.

Can't wait to race against time.

Fang Mo clicked the coordinates of the golden ring on the map.

【Ding! Whether to choose to send, the transfer fee is 100 stars, the current account is a new user, you can overdraw a total of 10000 stars]

[Transfer! 】

Without hesitation, the three of them passed on to a ring point called Dragon and Tiger Hegemony.

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