On the other side, the poisonous scorpion charged with tens of thousands of golden bulls.

Shaking his own poisonous scorpion tail, turning it into hundreds of chains, entwining all tens of thousands of golden bulls together, and then tossed it high in the sky.

"Wow!!" The audience exclaimed, this trick has never been used before.

Energy sting!

I saw a green stinger from the tail of the poisonous scorpion, accumulating his natal poison star energy.

Then plunge into the body of Taurus.

The golden bull turned into a green bull instantly.

Boom boom boom!

All tens of thousands of golden bulls burst.

The energy of Taurus King is polluted and cannot operate normally.

The poisonous scorpion sneered and said, "Taurus! I didn't want to use my stunts, but today there is an important person watching my game. I must win!"

The hands of the poisonous scorpion turned into two huge pliers, directly gripping the King Taurus, trying to forcibly tear the King Taurus' body in half.


Golden light blooms!

The King of Taurus suddenly has a golden body! It even purifies all the toxins, and the body has tripled and become four meters tall! A metallic star ball is condensed between the two golden horns.

The poisonous scorpion's face changed drastically: "Damn it! Star nuclear change! You actually mastered the energy of the star core! Your galaxy has a ninth order?!"

Players can get energy from the planet, but it is the most superficial energy.

That is, the energy of the universe falling on the planet.

The energy of the stellar core is the energy produced by the stellar core inside the planet, which is the strongest energy of a planet.

Generally, only people in the ninth order of the galaxy can master the nucleus.

The gold star core controlled by the King Taurus can instantly purify all negative controls and negative states, turning into an almost invincible form, rampaging, and any imprisonment type, formation type or even space type cannot stop the impact of the Taurus King.


Taurus collision!

The poisonous scorpion was hit directly!

This is no ordinary knock-up! It is like being knocked into the turbulence of stars, and the body loses energy support.

The audience who bought the King of Taurus to win excitedly shouted: "Quick! Kill him! Kill him!!! You won, you won!!!"

Fang Mo secretly glanced at Geniya.

Immediately, Fang Mo regretted it.

I owe myself!

What to look at!

Sure enough, Geniya immediately answered, "Why, you are watching my joke, do you want to see my angry and disappointed expression, hahaha! This saint can't, in fact, I bought the wrong one on purpose. In this way, after this poisonous scorpion game is over, I can blackmail him with my loss of 1 million stars. He will definitely feel sorry for him, and then pay me more things, heck, this is called wisdom! "

Fang Mo: "You won! Really!"

【Taurus King Victory】

Huge subtitles appeared in the arena.

Most people cheered, and many won.

Of course, there are also a small number of people who lost their lives and went bankrupt.

Although Gonia is not going to lose her fortune, but the gloomy expression that flashes occasionally can show that Gonia is still very angry.

The broadcast rang in the ring hall: "Who else dares to challenge the Taurus King who has won ten consecutive victories!"

There was a sigh from the stands: "I still challenge a fart! This Taurus King is obviously already in the ninth order of the galaxy, and even the energy of the star core is used. Even the worst star core energy is not of much quality."

The galaxy class claims to have the energy of dozens of stars.

But that is just too much.

But the energy of the star core is different, and the star core is a qualitative change.

One point of star core energy can completely crush 10,000 star energy, which is so exaggerated!

In addition, the King of Taurus also mastered the star core skills, which can be directly invincible and purify some control. There is nothing to stop him!

Below the Nebula level, it is estimated that he will be hit and broken.

[Does anyone still dare to challenge the King of Taurus! ! 】

In the Arena, the broadcast is reverberating continuously, and no one dares to challenge.

"Substitution! Substitution! The Taurus King is already invincible in the galaxy arena!"

"Taurus, you go to the Nebula Arena! We support you! Destroy those nebula-level prestige!"

That being said.

King Taurus dare not go to the ring in the nebula area.

The King of Taurus has not actually reached the ninth order of the galaxy.

Logically speaking, if you want to obtain the energy of the stellar nucleus, you must rely on quantitative changes to cause qualitative changes. A large amount of stellar energy needs to be accumulated, and then compressed, compressed, compressed, and finally caused the stars to collapse to form a stellar core.

But the King of Taurus is a strange flower. He has only one star, an unowned planet under his rule. The King of Taurus continues to study and explore this planet with a tendon, and he has successfully triggered the nucleus from a planet. Resonate, get the star core energy.

This is a very low probability thing, so most players will not waste their time on this illusory communication with the planet.

They still feel that Daguai upgrades to absorb the energy of the stars and continuously increase the energy limit, which is really becoming stronger.

These are the two simplest upgrade genres.

One genre advocates that some upgrades should be embodied and implemented at each level, each piece of equipment, and each step, so that you can increase your strength step by step, and you will have motivation.

The other genre pursues the unpredictable stream of consciousness, similar to Xiuxian.

Five minutes have passed.

Seeing that no one dared to challenge, the person in charge of the Arena Hall announced: "Since no one is challenging, then declare the Taurus King a truce and change to a new ringmaster..."

Fang Mo suddenly stood up and said loudly: "Wait! Someone here wants to challenge!"

Swish Swish! !

Tens of thousands of people all looked at Fang Mo.

Because Fang Mo was sitting on the second floor of the VIP seat, everyone felt that there was a real challenge, not a joke.

But soon everyone discovered that Fang Mo had a green leaf sign on his head.

Many people complained: "Cut! A new player, what is making trouble here, go to the Star Arena, you are in the wrong place!"

"Maybe others are really capable~www.ltnovel.com~ Look at the woman next to him, she seems to be the saint of the Pallas family!"

After watching the battle, Ju Mang Wudi was indeed very strong. He lowered his voice and said, "Big brother, are you really going to go?"

Fang Mo calmly said: "Who said I'm going to be on."

Ju Mang Wudi was speechless: "Didn't you just say that someone wants to challenge."

Fang Mo smiled and said: "Yeah, I said someone wants to challenge, but I didn't say I challenged. I'm talking about you, Jumang is invincible! Go!"

Jumang invincible:? ? ? ?

Li Shaozhe couldn't hold back anymore: "Hahaha! Yes! Jumang is invincible, don't you usually pull in front of me, say you are so awesome, why are you now counseling, hahaha, you are counseling!"

Ju Mang Wudi knew that Li Shaozhe was deliberately stimulating himself, but he couldn't help but furiously said: "I go! I go! You think I'm you!"

After finishing speaking, Jumang invincible shouted at the entire arena arena: "I go!!"

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